9- Feelings? What Are They

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The more time I spent around Remington, the more I couldn't stop myself from feeling stupid feelings, thinking stupid thoughts and stop my stupid heart from racing. I've had crushes before, many times, they are inevitable. I even had boyfriends before, none of those ever worked out. I decided that I was going to fake it till I make it, ignore the feelings, shove them deep, deep down. Like a great man of great wisdom once said "I'll gonna keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I'll die." I wasn't going to risk ruining a perfectly good friendship, the best one I've ever had actually, over some silly little feeling. Feelings, what are they anyways. Why are they anyways. 

"Hey Amie" Remington said suddenly, making me jump a little. 

"Hello there Remy" I said. Remington winced at the nickname I decided to give him. The idea came to me suddenly after I decided to watch Ratatouille on a particularly boring day. 

"Do you really have to nickname me after a rat?"

"A rat with big dreams and ambitions. Plus Kade nicknamed me after a dog so hush." I closed my locker and made my way to first period with Remington. The jerk was wearing the biggest tallest boots in his apparently very vast collection, bringing him to a whopping 6'7. He was now a while foot taller and decided to be a pest and lean his elbow on my head. 

"This is getting ridiculous." I said, swatting his hand off. 

"I'm just playing a game. I wan't to see how tall of a platform I can wear before a teacher tells me something about dress code or something like that. I'm down to my tallest platform and they still haven't said anything." He rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Thank god you're down to your last platform. There's too much of you."

"Impossible!" He gasped "There can never be too much of me. Admit it, you loove me." 

"In your dreams." I said as I walked into the classroom. Remington hit his head on the door frame. Ha, serves him right.

"Ow!" He whined, rubbing his head. 

"Wow! You're soo tall!" A girl sighed dreamily. Umm, maybe cuz he is wearing 6 inch platforms? 

"God how are you so hot" Another girl in the back of the class said.

"Mr.Barrett this is getting ridiculous." Mr.Callahan said to Remington who was still rubbing his forehead. 

"Thats what I said." I muttered to myself, taking out my notebook and pen from my bag. 

"I hope the boots don't get any taller than that because it is distracting to a lot of people in this classroom." He said sternly. Remington muttered a yes sir and then made his way to sit beside me.

"I guess the game is over" I said once he sat down.

"Yeah." He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I shouldn't have said anything, I probably jinxed it." I couldn't help but notice how much more defined his muscles looked when his arms were crossed like that. And how cute he looked when he was pouting. Now I was just sounding like one of the other girls in this class, great. 

"I want another tattoo." I said randomly during lunch. It came out of nowhere but hey, I wanted a tattoo.

"Another? You have a tattoo?" Link asked, swallowing his mac n cheese.

"No." I said. "I have fifteen." I said, making his eyes bulge.

"How do you have fifteen tattoos at seventeen?" Kade asked in disbelief.

"My cousin owns a tattoo parlor here, and another one back where I lived. Hes the only member of my family I actually have a good relationship with so he lets me get them there cuz he knows me." I said. "Any of you want to come with me?" I asked. All three of them agreed and said that maybe they would get one as well. 

"Hey cousin, I brought you business!" I said as I walked into the parlor. My cousin was at the front and lit up immediately when he saw me.

"Rie!" He said, nearly hopping over the counter and hugging me. "I haven't seen you since your last tattoo which was like two months ago. Whats up, whats new? Got any friends finally?" He joked, he was like a brother to me and knew everything about me, but I haven't talked to him as much in the past few months. We used to be very close, then he decided to move here, and then my family followed suite. 

"Yeah, those three doofuses over there." I pointed behind me to Link, Kade and Remington who were all looking through the pictures on the walls of the past tattoos. Jonathan, my cousin raised an eyebrow. 

"No I am not having sex with any of them." I said, and a look of relief washed over his face. "Now, I am here for yet another tattoo because they are addicting." I said. "Where shall I sit?" Jonathan pointed at an empty chair and I sat down. "I was thinking on my thigh this time, maybe something that wraps around it, I don't care, my body is your canvas." Jonathan handed me a pair of scissors with a cheeky smile. I took the scissors and cut the pant leg off of the leggings that I was wearing. Jonathan already knew that the clothes I wore to get tattooed are ones I didn't particularly care about and this isn't the first garment that has become victim to my cousin's tattoo scissors. 

"What did you just do that for?" Remington asked

"So he can tattoo me without me having to take my pants off." I shrugged and leaned back in the seat. Jonathan has left to go draw a stencil and I pointed for Remington to sit on the other chair. "Where are the other two?" I asked, noticing an absence of Link and Kade.

"They went to get food, I decided to stay back here, you know in case you need a hand to hold." He winked.

"I've had my rib cage tattooed, so I doubt I'll need a hand to hold, but thank you for the offer." I smiled at him. Why did he have to be so perfect. Jonathan came back a few minutes later with a stencil ready to go. He got his ink and gun ready, turning to me with the familiar glint of loving what he is doing in his eyes.

"You ready Rie?" 

"Always." I said as I listened to the familiar sound of the tattoo gun. 

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