3- So, Friends?

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The day has ended at last and now I was free to do whatever, the world is my oyster. I was taking a leisurely walk to the bus stop, enjoying the warm weather and sunlight when a car pulled up beside me with the windows rolled down.  

"Hey, need a ride?" Remington asked as he slowed down to about my pace. 

"I would but you know, stranger danger." I said as I kept walking, feeling a bit flattered that he offered me a ride. 

"Well I would hardly call ourselves strangers since we share like 3 classes together. Plus you've got a tail." He said and pointed behind him with his thumb. I turned around and sure enough, there was Collin walking behind me, keeping a few feet distance. 

"Does this dude not know boundaries?" I said in disbelief. "Screw stranger danger, were officially friends." I said and climber into the passenger seat.  "Thank you for noticing that creep. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if he caught up to me. Well, what would have happened to him." I said, making Remington chuckle. 

"You have a backbone, I like that." He said making me blush a little. Wait, blush? What is this bullshittery, I don't blush. 

I told him my address and we drove in comfortable silence, for the exception of the radio playing quietly. A song came on that I loved but i didn't want to reach out and make it louder because the driver controls the music. Luckily, Remington made it louder himself. 

"God I love this song." He said as he turned it up and hummed the melody. 

"Really? Me too!" I said, lightly tapping the beat of the music with my hands that were resting on my lap. When the chorus came around, both of us couldn't contain ourselves and started singing along to the lyric. I felt weirdly comfortable around him. We soon pulled up to my apartment building and Remington turned down the music. 

"Thank you for dropping me off." I said with a small smile. "Do you want to come in or something, I can make some food if you're hungry." I said, I don't even know why I said it but I was slightly hoping he would say yes because for some reason, I didn't want to leave his company just yet.

"Food you say?" He said just as his stomach growled. "I don't know how your parents will feel about you bringing an extra, very hungry mouth over." He said

"You don't have to worry about that." I said, "Come on, I promise won't poison you." I said, hopping out of the car. 

"Its okay, maybe some other time I promise." He said and then pulled out of the parking lot and drove away. Well, at least I don't have to cook. 

remington_barrett followed you 

remington_barrett sent you a message

I looked down at my phone curiously. I never gave him my username, so how did he find me so quickly. I opened my DMs in Instagram and read the message Remington sent. 

Huh, look who popped up in my suggested people today. Hello there 

Oh. That explain it I guess.

and here I was thinking that you are some kind of stalker. 

nah im not gonna stoop down to collins level. 

sorry for turning down your food offer btw. i promise next time i rescue you from collin and drive you home you can feed your knight in shining armour

oh is that what you are now. modest much :)

i am the epitome of modesty. anyways i gtg, ill  see you tomorrow

I didn't even notice that I was smiling until I saw myself in my phones reflection. Why am I smiling like a dumb idiot. I shook the smile off my face and turned back to the food that I was making. Fried rice with bacon because I was too lazy to make anything else and because I love bacon. Honestly I could probably sell my soul for fried rice. I made enough for myself to eat right now and take to school tomorrow. Luckily I had a special container that can keep my food warm for hours so I don't have to worry about eating cold stale rice and meat. When my food was done I flopped on the couch and turned on Netflix, eating my rice with chopsticks while making fun of the supposedly scary movie playing on screen. 

It was the second day of school and Mr.Callahan was already giving us a project to do . What kind of messed up logic is that. We haven't even gotten used to going back to school after summer break yet and he already wants us to do a project. And we had to do the project in pairs. This man was pure evil

"I am going to let you pick your partners yourselves, but if there is a dispute I will assign you by last name. Understood?" There was a collection of grunts and yups as people chatted with their friends and scattered to find partners. 

"Hello there partner." A familiar voice said as a body placed itself on my table.

"Who said I want to be your partner?" I said teasingly as I looked up at Remington. 

"The fact that so far I am pretty much the only person you talk to. And also that we would be placed together anyways if Callahan decided to go alphabetical because our names are right next to each other on the roster and there is an even amount of people before us." He gave me a cheeky, I won smile and removed his ass from my desk only to sit in the seat beside me. This boy sure was charming. 

"Alright, for this project you will have to come up with a short story with two main characters that are based off of yourselves. Now I know that not everyone can write and that you have other classes that will be giving you a crap load of work soon so I am giving you a lot of time for this project. And I mean a lot. This isn't dude until two months from now so I expect each and every single group to have it done by then. There will be a few small deadlines here and there for ideas, summary and other things but it is all in the project packet I gave you. You can use this class period to start planning out your story, but don't get too loud or we will be doing a vocabulary worksheet." 

"So." Remington said, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand, facing me. "I say that there is a apocalypse and out characters try to go back in time and save the world from nuclear disaster." He said

"Sounds like the plot of American Horror Story Apocalypse." I said, turning in my chair to face him. 

"Dammit. I was hoping you haven't watched it." He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Of course I have" I said with a small eyeroll. "We should try building the characters and character relationship first, then figure out the plot." I said, and Remington agreed, so thats what we did. We each listed attributes of ourselves and wrote them down on a sheet of paper, then taking the ones we thought would make the characters more interesting and highlighted them so remember to make them more prominent. When the class ended Remington wrapped his hand around my shoulder as we walked out of the classroom.

"So, you should come sit at lunch with me and my friends today." He said as he walked with me in the direction of my next class.

"Aww does that make me your friend too?" I said with a tiny smile on my lips, I don't know why but his hand on my shoulder felt nice somehow. 

"Yup." He said, popping the p. "And its not a title I give out ligtly." He said with a wink and then disappeared into the hallway. Okay, so, friends. 

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