4- Lessons Need To Be Taught

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Lunch rolled around quickly and before I knew it I was making my way over to my locker to grab the thermos with my food in it. 

"Hey, Amerie!" Remington called out from down the hallway and quickly made his way over to me. "The cafeteria is in the other direction. Not running away are you?" He said with a playful tone. 

"Oh yeah totally. Don't want to be around you, get away from me you devil!" I said jokingly, covering my face from him like I was hiding. 

"Funny. But seriously, where are you going?" I said as he followed me down the hallway to my locker. 

"To my locker to grab my lunch. I don't want food poisoning, yet." The yet made Remington raise an eyebrow to which I just shrugged and opened my locker, pulling out the thermos and a couple of snacks along with a redbull. I used my locker as a food storage closet basically. 

"Damn. That's actually really smart. I'm totally not going to steal your locker combination just so I can steal your snacks, nope, totally not." 

"Don't you dare. I know everything thats in there. Something goes missing, you'll be my first suspect and trust me, I don't play the role of good cop." We got to the cafeteria and made our way to the table Remington sat at yesterday. There were two other people at the table. Both attractive but nothing compared to Remington, what the hell am I saying. The cafeteria got quieter as people observed Remington leading me to his table. People started whispering, I listened, picking up bits and pieces. From what I picked up that was some kind of sacred table that nobody but the three of them ever sat at and that I was probably sucking Remington's dick. Gossip. Good old gossip. 

"Guys this is the badass who slammed Matthews against the table yesterday. Amerie the badass, this is Kade and Lincoln aka Link. Link, Kade, this is Amerie." 

"Oh so this is my favorite person ever!" The guy who Remington said was Kade said as he stood up and help up his fist for a fist bump. I obliged and bumped my fist with his. 

"Hows it going" Link said with a small smile. 

"Nice to meet you guys." I said as I sat down at the table.

"I gotta admit, I did not expect that yesterday when I saw Matthews walk up to you." Kade said, bouncing in his seat. "I saw the whole thing though. I was ready to go over there when I saw him grab you but then you went and slammed him into the table! It was the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life!" 

"Hey Kade, you tail is wagging a little too much" Link said with a snicker, seeing how excited Kade was getting at the memory of yesterdays events. "But yes, it was awesome. Totally caught us off guard. Usually the girls just go with him. Its disgusting." Link made a face, probably remembering just how many people probably went with Collin. It was disgusting in fact. 

I shook the thought away and opened my thermos with yesterdays rice. 

"Holy shit that looks delicious." Kade said, eyeing my food. "Did your parents make that for you? Cuz home cooked meals are the best." He said, not taking his eyes off my food. 

"No, I made it myself, but I agree. Home cooked meals are the best. Especially those you make yourself and those that others don't try to steal from you!" I emphasized the last part and slapped Kade's hand away as he was reaching for my food. 

"Damn, here I was hoping that you would fall for my charm and hand me over your food so I don't have to suffer through the food poisoning from the school food." 

"Maybe you can try charming the food into not poisoning you." I said "But i doubt it'll work, the school burgers have more charm than you do." I said with a shrug and Link burst out laughing as Kade pouted at me. 

"I like you already." Link said, wiping a small tear away and giving me a cheeky smile. 

Kade went back to his burger, if you can even call it that, and the steamed vegetables on his plate. He took one bite of the burger, but then proceeded to spit it right out.

"Nope. No way." He said, his face scrunched up in disgust as he chugged some water from a bottle that was resting on the table next to him. I looked at him, feeling kind of bad because both Remington and Link had a slice of pizza that was more tolerable than the burger. I sighed and took the bag of Doritos from beside me and tossed it at Kade. When the bag hit him he picked it up and lit up like a Christmas tree. "Thank you Amy!" He said happily as he tore the bag open.

"Call me that one more time and those Doritos will be coming out of your eyes." I said with a glare. I always hated that nickname. It completely diminished my name. 

"Ok, got it, that nickname is forbidden." Kade said, sounding scared. "We'll find something eventually." He said and went back to eating the chips. 

So far the guys haven't acted how they look like, at all. Kade had a stone cold face when he wasn't grinning, but his eyes has a playful glint in them. He has sandy brown hair that was slightly wavy. Link also looked like he could kill you at the snap of his fingers. He had his black hair tied in a bun behind his head, and a slight stubble. He could probably pass as a 21 year old if he ever went to buy alcohol. And Remington is, Remington. 

I felt strangely comfortable around the guys, like I finally am where I belong. I never felt so comfortable around anyone, not even my closest friends at my old school. This was probably also the most fun lunch I had because Kade is a very strange but entertaining individual. 

"I got it!" He suddenly said after staring intently at me for an uncomfortable amount of time. 

"Got what?" Remington asked, resting his chin on his fist.

"Her nickname!" Kade said, happy like he just solved the enigma. 

"Enlighten us then" Remignton said with an audible eyeroll. 

"Husky. I'm gonna call you husky" Kade said proudly.

"Umm. Why exactly?" I asked, confused. 

"Because of your eyes! I didn't notice it at first but you have two different colored eyes, like a husky. So therefore I shall be calling you husky." I didn't even feel like arguing. The poor soul, went through such troubles, running the gears in that tiny brain of his.

"That is stupid" Link said, shaking his head. "Sometimes I wonder if there is even a brain up there in that pumpkin of yours." He said, knocking on Kade's head.

"Of course there is!" Kade said, swatting away Link's hand. "That is exactly why I was able to come up with such a brilliant nickname for our Amerie right here. Or should I say husky." He grinned. This boy is something else.  

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