25- Removal Day

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The ground under my feet suddenly disappeared as I was lifted up into the air by a familiar muscular pair of arms and spun like a merry go round. 

"Happy birthday babe!" Remington said as he set me back down on the ground, and gave me a brief but sweet kiss. 

"Thank you, now we're both 18 and our relationship is finally legal." I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. Remington rolled his eyes. I was constantly joking about our relationship being 'illegal' because he was dating a 'minor'. 

"Yeah yeah whatever." He looked down at me and smiled. "Happy birthday." 

"Technically not birthday since I was never birthed but removed via cesarean." I said batter of factly. 

"Well then happy removal day?" He said in a confused tone. I shook my head and gave him a peck on the cheek which made him once again smile. God his smile was intoxicating, and beautiful. 

"Happy birthday husky!" Kade said from behind me and pulled me out of Remington's arms into a hug. 

"Hey Kade, and thank you. Now you're officially the baby of the group!" I said, reaching up and ruffling his hair. He reached up and swatted my hand away but to no avail because Link was quick to replace my hand with his. True friendship. 

"You guys suck." Kade said. I coughed and said swallow which received a horrified look from both Kade and Link and a blush from Remington. What, I'm not innocent. 

"You scare me." Link said. "But anyways, happy birthday oh little one." He gave me a hug which I returned. 

"I have nothing witty to say to you I haven't come up with anything yet, give me a moment."  

"Thats cuz I am the best." He said with a cheeky smile.

"No." Remington said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I'm the best. Clearly cuz shes dating me." He said proudly. 

"Boys boys, you are all great, don't worry I love you all. Now lets go to class because I don't want to be yelled at for being late on my birthday." I said as I heard the first bell ring. As Remington and I walked to first period he kept his arm around my shoulder while also holding my left hand intertwined with his. 

"You love me more than them though right." He asked, giving me puppy dog eyes once we were out of earshot of Kade and Link. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile at this dork.

"Of course not, I totally hate you and I'm only dating you so that I can get Kade jealous so that he will finally realize his true feelings for me and then we can run away and live in Canada." I said, turning to face Remington who for a second looked horrified. 

"Ha ha, you are absolutely hilarious" He said in a deadpan tone. "But thats what I love you for, your sass." 

"Thats it? Damn I though it would at least also be my absolutely drop dead gorgeous looks." I said sarcastically, whipping my hair over my shoulder. 

"Well that too. And a lot of other things like you being an absolute badass. Its hot." He winked at me as we entered the classroom of our first period class.  

"Hey guys" I said walking into lunch. "Where is Remington?" I asked seeing that he was missing from the table, which was odd since I was late and he is usually here on time." 

"No idea. He hasn't showed up yet." Kade said with a shrug. 

"Yeah no shit" I said sitting down and taking out my lunch. 

"Ooh I almost forgot, I got you this." Link said going into his bag and taking out a container with a muffin in it. "Its chocolate because I know you cannot live without it." He slid the container over to me.

"Aww thank you so much!" I said, grinning at the sweet gesture. 

"And I got this but we gotta be quick before we get caught." Kade said, taking out a candle and a lighter, making me laugh. He opened up the muffin container sticking the candle in the muffin. 

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded, scooting closer to the table. Kade lit up the lighter and brought it up to the candle. The candle caught the fire and lit up easily. "Make a wish!" Kade said cheerfully. I closed my eyes for a second and then blew out the candle. Link and Kade both let out a whoop. 

"So, what did you wish for?" Link asked, looking at his phone. 

"If I tell you, it wont come true. Also were you filming?" I asked.

"Maybe." He said, stretching the a. I groaned and slouched in my seat. "I'll send it so Remington, show him what he's missing." He looked up and then back down to his phone. 

I ate my lunch and decided to share some with the boys since they did such a nice thing for me, and then grabbed a plastic knife from the cafeteria and split the muffin for us to share as well. I was getting worried about Remington thought since he just went M.I.A and wasn't responding to texts. I shook the nagging feeling off and continued to eat the very, very delicious muffin Link brought. 

"You asshole!" I said once I saw Remington casually leaning against his car at the end of the day. I approached his and slapped him on the shoulder, repeating the same thing. 

"Ouch, one. And two what did I do?" He asked, rubbing his shoulder. 

"Oh I don't know. Maybe disappear for half the day and not answer my messages?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"I did respond though." He pointed out.

"Yeah because responding 'around' is a valid answer for me asking where you are and if you are okay, multiple times!" 

Remington looked guilty and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah maybe I should have thought that through. I'm sorry you were worried, I promise I'll tell you where I went. Now lets go I have something to show you." He gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me soften up a little bit, and then opened up the passenger seat door for me. Gentlemany.

We drove to my house. Why my house? I turned to Remington with a questioning look but he just gave me a smile and hopped out of the car, going around and opening up the door for me. I took his hand and he lead me into the building and up to my apartment. 

"Okay, now I am just confused." I said, reaching for my key and unlocking the door. 

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