27- Game Night

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We were holding a game night at my house the day after my birthday so Remington just stayed the night at my place. Not that it was his first time doing so, and not his first time staying the night since we started dating a few weeks ago. 

The games we decided upon for the night were mainly card games. As I was preparing for our tournament as I started calling it Remington came back from the store with the snacks I sent him to buy. 

"Honey I'm home!" He shouted as he shut the door behind him with his shoulder. He took off his shoes and brought the bags into the kitchen, setting them down and then grabbing me by the waist, turning me around and kissing me. 

"This isn't the 50's, but cute." I smirked, taking the snacks out of the bags and taking them into the living room. 

"But I loove kissing you." Remington said following me into the living room like a puppy. I turned around and was met with his puppy dog eyes staring down at me, his lips in a cute little pout. How can I possibly resist when he looked so damn adorable. Remington bent down and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. When my hands snaked into his hair he didn't waste a second lowering me down to the couch. 

His hands snaked under my shirt and brushed against my sides, making me giggle.

"Stop, that tickles!" I said, pushing his hand away from my side. 

"But your laugh is so cute." He said softly and then kissed me again. His hand went up higher up to my breasts, which weren't covered by a bra. I moaned into the kiss but pulled away.

"The others are gonna be here soon." I said as Remington started trailing kisses down my neck. He picked up his head and reached for his phone that was in the back pocket of his jeans. 

"We've got at least 45 minutes, that more than enough." He said, tossing his phone aside and kissing me again. I didn't stop him this time.

Kade gave me a weird look as I opened the door and Link raised an eyebrow looking behind me. 

"Come in." I said, motioning for the two guys who looked like they were trying their best not to laugh to come inside. I looked behind me at Remington who had a hard time trying to find his shirt that was lost somewhere in the couch probably. 

"Your um, your shirt is on backwards." Kade said, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"And your hair is a little crazy." Link said, running a hand through his hair with a knowing glint in his eyes. Well fuck. 

Those 45 minutes turned out not to be 45 minutes at all the the guys showed up just as Remington and I were done doing naughty naughty things on my couch. So much for plenty of time. I'm going to have to remember to scold Remington later on for being so damn persuasive. 

"You know I would sit on the couch but I'm afraid of what might've went down here." Kade said teasingly. 

"The couch is fine." I said and looked at Remington, who had finally found his shirt, a glare. He game me a cheeky little smile in return, his eyes glowing with mischief. I ran a hand through my hair and excused myself so I could go and change my shirt and while I was at it also probably throw myself out of my window because there is no way I was going to live that down. 

After a few rounds of bullshit, we decided to spice things up with some one vs. one games. So we settled on spit. Link didn't know how to play but said that he would gladly watch, saying that he needed a mental break after the last game. 

"I say we play for dares and wishes. The winner gives the loser a dare." Kade said, shuffling the cards. 

"Sounds like a plan." I saidm sitting down on the couch beside Link. "You two go ahead and play first round and I will play the loser because playing the winner is a cliche." I said, pulling my knees up to my chest. "Plus it gives the winner either a chance to redeem themselves or to embarrass themselves twice. Its a win-win situation."

Kade dealt the cards and their match began. I watched in anticipation and Link watched in fascination. The round took them about 20 minutes to complete and in the end Kade came out victorious. 

"Yes!" Kade screamed, throwing his arms up into the air as if he'd just won the lottery. "I get to give you a dare. And oh boy is it gonna be good!" Kade rubbed his hands together as if conjuring some kind of evil plan. 

"I'm scared." Remington said, backing away slightly. 

"Don't be my friends." Kade said, but something in his tone said that Remington should probably run for the hills. "Anyways. You know that spring show next month that the sign ups are happening for right now at school?" Kade asked. Remington swallowed and nodded. Ooh I knew where this was headed. "I dare you to sing up for it with a song." Kade said and Remington looked like he wanted the Earth to swallow his whole right there and then. 

"Why that. Anything but that." Remington groaned, looking up at the ceiling. "Can you tell me the song at least." Remington said, his voice full of pain. 

"Well I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Don't worry we'll come up with something." Kade patted Remington's shoulder and Remington stared daggers up at him. I got up from the couch and went to the spot Kade was previously sitting at. 

"Hi babe." Remington said, his eyes lighting up. "Ready to lose?" He asked reaching for the cards that haven't yet been shuffled. I cut him off and grabbed the deck of cards, shuffling them like a pro. 

"No. But are you?" I said, raising an eyebrow. Remington looked at me mischievously. 

"I win't lose. And I already have a wish in mind, and oh boy am I going to enjoy it." Remington said with a wink. "Kiss good luck?" He asked, puckering his lips and pointing at them.

"Sorry, I don't make out with losers." I said and dealt the cards. 

"How?" Remington shouted staring at my hand that had just slapped the empty pile, and the lack of cards in my spit pile. "How? You just had an entire deck?" He said in disbelief. 

"No, I had a pile two turns ago, you gotta pay attention babe." I said, stretching me hands behind me until I heard a pop in my shoulder. "Now, why don't you sit down so I can tell you my dare." I said, motioning to the spot on the other side of the table. Remington looked at me terrified and hesitantly sat down. 

"I'm your boyfriend remember? And you love me?" He said.

"Of course I remember. Thats also why I am going so easy on you with my dare and saving you from the humiliation of having to sing something embarrassing like milkshake or anything Kade comes up with." 

"Oh thank god." Remington said, resting his head on the table briefly and looking up at me with eyes full of hope. 

"You're gonna sing 'till I hear you sing once more from Love Never Dies the musical." I said with a smirk, crossing my arms over my chest. Remington groaned and dropped his head back on the table. Oh this was going to be great. 

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