8- Too Early Don't You Think

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It was October first aka the start of the best month of the year. The only time of the year I can dress like myself without people questioning or judging me. Halloween was in fact the most wonderful time of the year. 

"So, I say we start thinking of costume ideas." Kade said, wrapping an arm around my and Remingon's shoulder. He was slightly shorter than Remington especially because Remington decided to wear docs with a 5 inch platform. I was jealous because I have wanted those boots for ages. 

"Umm, don't you think its a little early?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "It is only the first day of October. I love Halloween too but its early." 

Kade gasped, offended. "It is never too early to start thinking of Halloween costumes young lady." 

"I'm older than you" I pointed out. 

"Yeah by a month, big deal. But you're short." He said.

"I'm not that short, you guys are just tall."

"Nah you are tiny." Remington said, looking down at me. 

"Oh shut up, you're wearing boots that give you a giant height boost so you have no say in my height." Remington then stopped, bent down and took of his shoe, planting his foot on the ground an leaning on the foot with no boot. 

"Yup, still short." He said, looking down at me then putting his shoe back on.

"That floor is disgusting by the way, I hope you know that." I pointed out and Remington just shrugged. 

"So. I say you go as something sexy. Like a nurse, or something involving latex." Kade said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Absolutely not" Remington said. Both Kade and I looked at him making him blush and clear his throat. "I mean, there's creeps and perverts out there who are going to try and get to her so I don't think she should dress provocative." He said, his cheeks still tainted pink. 

"Yeah I am not wearing a sexy costume. Maybe I should dress in a potato sack to spite you" I said

"But will you be naked under the potato sack?" Kade asked which got him a smack on the head from both Remington and I simultaneously. Our hands briefly touched sending a small sock down my arm. What the hell was that. 

"Ouch." Kade said, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Why are we hitting Kade?" Link asked, coming up behind us.

"He wants me to go to Halloween naked under a potato sack." I said, and Link also smacked Kade on the head. 

"Guys I was just kidding!" He whined, holding the back of his head. 

"You know, I don't think a day goes by when I don't 100% regret telling you about this class." I snapped at Kade as he poked me for what seems to be the thousandth time. 

"But I don't understand the question" He whined. This happened nearly every day, especially after our teacher decided to make us partners since we already knew each other and Kade wouldn't stop talking to me anyways. 

"Then you say 'Hey Amerie I don't understand the question because I'm stupid and don't pay attention, please help me'" I said, annoyed.

"Alright. Hey husky please help me with this question because I'm stupid and don't pay attention and desperately need your help." He clasped his hands together and pouted with puppy dog eyes. He hasn't let go of that last name since he first thought of it.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes and started explaining distillation to my airhead partner. 

"Ugh I still don't understand why people do this." He whined, resting his head on the table.

"Alcohol. When making beer or vodka or anything else they do this" I said 

"Wait, why didn't you say that in the first place! I know how alcohol is made, my great grandparents were bootleggers." He said, jumping up in his seat. I rubbed my forehead in frustration. I can't with this person. I looked up at Kade and continued explaining that and other filtration processes to him until he either understood or made a connection to something else that made him understand. Soon, the bell rang and I was free from having to work with Kade. I love Kade, but my god he was frustrating sometimes. Or all the time. 

"Hey" Remington came up behind me and leaned against the locker next to mine. "Want to come rock climbing with me today?" He asked. I've mentioned wanting to go rock climbing before because I haven't been in a very long time. "I can get us in for free because my uncle owns the climbing gym" He offered.

"As long as I can pick up a pair of sneakers from my house. I don't think combat boots are very comfortable to climb in." Remington nodded and we headed to his car, which already had both Kade and Link leaning on it.

"Don't lean on the car, how many times do I have to tell you two boneheads." Remington rolled his eyes and unlocked his car. Link and Kade started arguing for the front seat, so I did what any smart levelheaded person would do to settle their argument. I opened the door to the front seat and climbed in, buckling myself in. Remington chuckled and pressed on the car horn to get the two to stop arguing. 

"Hey no fair!" Link said "You're small" 

"But I have long legs, plus you two were arguing and wouldn't shut up so I settled the argument for you." I said "Now get it"

They both muttered something under their breath as they got in the back seat, both sulking. Once we got to my house I told Remington to guard my seat while I grabbed my shoes. While I was looking for my sneakers I decided to change into a pair of leggings because jeans were too restricting. I was in and out of my house in about 5 minutes and jumped back into the car. 

"You changed your pants. Smart." Remington said as I got in.

"Well lets just say I'm not new to this." I said and buckled in. The climbing gym was a twenty minute ride from my house, majority of which was Link and Kade arguing about the music that should play, even though Remington was the one driving so technically the music was up to him. Link and Kade complained about it until Remington reminded them that they listen to the same exact stuff. 

The gym was pretty impressive. The walls varied by difficulty, some people were doing it freely while others were attached to a belay. There were paths marked off by tape, but people were generally ignoring them and making their own paths. 

"So" Remington said. "I suggest starting with that wall over there." He said pointing to a straight up and down with medium hand holds that were pretty close together. "I can get you a harness for the belay if you want. But the floor is soft, so you shouldn't be afraid of falling." 

"Its okay, thanks. And I think I want to go for something a bit more challenging." I said. I looked over to where Kade and Link were already trying to scale an inclined wall, trying to see who could get the farthest. "Like that." I said, pointing at them.

"Are you sure? That seems a little too advanced for you." He said

"Don't worry. I'll handle it." I gave him a wink and then made my way over to the who guys.  

"Mind if I try?" I said just as Link fell on his ass. 

"You?" Kade said. "You can definitely try, but I don't know how far you'll get." He shrugged and Link moved over. I gave the wall a once over, building a path in my head. You see, the guys' problem was that they were too tall. Sometimes being shorter can play to your advantage. I grabbed the first hand hold and rested my foot against the wall. I pushed off with my other leg and garbed on to another handhold.  I kept my body close to the wall so that my ass wouldn't pull me down to the ground. I got through the wall with minimal steps and then climbed halfway down before jumping off. All three of the guys had their mouths on the floor.

"B-but, how?" Link asked, looking down at his hands and then to the wall. 

"Lets just say I've been around the block once or twice. Also sometimes being short plays to your advantage." I said, I looked over at Remington who's mouth was still opened. I walked over to him and closed his jaw with my hand, giving him a smirk. 

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