12- Never Want To Leave

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I woke up next to something warm and an arm wrapped around me. I opened one eye to see Remington sleeping right next to me. He looked so calm and peaceful while he was sleeping. It felt so nice to be wrapped up in his arms. I never wanted to leave but I knew that I had to before he woke up because either this could get really awkward or I would never hear the end of this. So, I savored the last few seconds in his embrace before I lifted his hand from around my waist and sat up. I slid myself off the couch, looking at the time on my phone that was on the coffee table. 1 pm. I decided that I should at least make breakfast so I made my way to the kitchen, taking out all the necessary ingredients to make pancakes. 

I was about halfway through making the pancakes and frying bacon when I felt a presence behind me. 

"Maybe I should stay here more often." Remington said, his voice deeper from sleep. "Good morning." He said, and I turned around smiling at his hair, which was in disarray. 

"Good afternoon." I said, pointing to the time on the microwave. "I would brush a hand through your hair if I were you." I pointed to my hair and Remington moved so that he could see his reflection in the microwave, his eyes going wider slightly before running his hands through his hair to fix it. I chuckled at him as I flipped a pancake. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was probably one of the guys or a package I asked Remington to open the door.

"Oh I'm sorry" A familiar voice said, which made me tense up. "I must have the wrong apartment." I flipped the pancake I was cooking into a plate, turning off the stove and made my way to the door.

"Mom?" I asked in disbelief. "What are you doing here?" I made my way to the door, telling Remington to go to the kitchen. 

"I just wanted to pay you a visit but I see you were preoccupied." She gave me a disapproving look. 

"Mom hes just a friend who stayed over because we were watching movies late." I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I thought that it should come from me in person, the fact that your father and I are getting a divorce." She crossed her arms back at me.

"Wow, I am so shocked." I said in mock sadness. "Seriously you had to come all the way out here just for that? You two were practically divorced already. Enjoy your freedom, now if you'll excuse me, I have a guest." 

"Young lady!" She gasped but the door was already closed. I walked back into the kitchen where Remington was surprisingly cooking the last pancake. 

"Explain?" I said, pointing to the scenario in front of me.

"Well I never said I didn't know how to cook." He said, effortlessly flipping the pancake  into a plate and putting the bacon on a paper towel. "Your mom seems pleasant. And I'm sorry about your parents by the way. Sorry, the walls are thin." He said sheepishly.

"Eh don't be, like I said they were practically divorced already. Plus, pretty much in my family has gotten divorced or is very unhappily married so its no surprise." I said, taking out two forks and knives. "I'm destined to end up the same way, I swear this misfortune is genetic." 

Remington frowned. "Maybe they're just really bad at choosing their partners. It its someone they don't truly love, or who doesn't truly love them and they still got married, of course it would fair." He said, putting the plates on the kitchen counter. I shrugged, pouring maple syrup on top of my pancakes before taking a bite. 

"All I know is that pretty much every family in my family tree had gotten either divorced, hated each others guts, or murdered their spouse."  Remington gave me a horrified look. "Hey, it only happened twice." I put my hands up in defense, holding two fingers up with one hand. 

We finished eating and then flopped back down on the living room couch. 

"Shouldn't Kade and Link already be here by now?" I asked, looking up at the ceiling. Just as I said that, there was another knock at the door and this time I got it. 

"You can relax now, your favorite person is here!" Kade said with a big grin as he entered my apartment. "Why is he shirtless? Oh is this a bad time?" He asked, making my cheeks blush red but I still rolled my eyes anyways. 

"No this is not a bad time, someone just doesn't want to put a shirt on." I looked right at Remington who signed and grabbed the turtleneck he was wearing yesterday, putting it on. 


"Much" Both Kade and I said in unison. 

Link showed up soon after and we all sat down on the couch. 

"So, there's this movie, that is like supposed to be the scariest movie ever, I say we watch it." Link said, looking around the room for a response. I had nothing better to offer to watch so I shrugged and handed him the remote so he could find the movie. The movie was apparently called Antrum. 

"I won't sleep tonight." Kade said, hugging what little life there could have been in my pillow.

"Oh relax it wasn't that bad." I said, taking a sip of my coke.

"Yeah, it definitely isn't the deadliest film ever made." Kade said, emphasizing the last part. 

"Oh relax, they just put that in there so people watch it." Remington said, rolling his eyes.

"But its scary" Kade said.

"You'll live" Link said, taking a cookie off the tray on the table. 

We spent the next half hour trying to convince Kade that he wasn't going to die or get haunted because of the movie, his only argument for anything being, but its scary. To counteract the deadly movie Remington and I decided to play another Ghibli, settling on My Neighbor Totoro. Kade has never seen Ghibli movies before but after Totoro, he fell in love claiming it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. 

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