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Cara's POV

Today I decided I needed a break. Fate thought otherwise. I was on line when I saw a flash of green in the corner of my eye. Werther. He knew that I saw him. I used my wings spell. I flew above Space Mountain. He had one of those guns with nets. You guessed it. Caught. Like a butterfly in a net. I hit the ground with a thud. People were staring. At me, and at Werther. My shoulder had a big bloody gash. He grabbed me and threw me in a Mewni portal. There was everyone we spread. Except one. It was Mike. I don't think Werther noticed. He dragged me to the middle of the room. "Mewmans. Are you noticing, this is your queen?" The people realized. I realized too. Their queen was a weak 14 year old girl. "Well, what do you expect? Her mama's dead!" Mina Loveberry shouted. It was a miracle that Mina was alive. She has been alive since the rein of Solaria. Here we are. The era of the triangle. Suddenly from in front of Werther was a huge scorch. Barely missing the Mewmans and me. It was Mike. Werther was being burnt. But barely. "You can't get rid of me." He said, his face slightly distorted from the fire. Not even his clothes were burnt. He did the next best thing. Mike tried to free us. Starting with me. When I was free, I couldn't use magic. I could barely move. The gash on my shoulder was stopping me big time. I handed him my wand. It transformed into a red wand with an eye, a star as the pupil with wings and horns. "What are you doing?" I pointed to my shoulder. He winced. He didn't know what to do with the wand so he yelled, "Face melting fire bomb!" While his wand was pointed at Werther. Then quickly put a shield on us. His face did melt. But only his face. It wasn't going well. But I wasn't the only royal in the crowd. My grandma, Moon, snatched the wand from Mike.

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