The Silver Bell Ball

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Author's note

Hi guys! I have a TON of fun making this, and I really hope you like it! I will put this: "§§§" at the beginning of a story if it takes place in the book of spells just letting you know!


Everyday when I'm bored, just like my great great great great great great great grandma Skywynne did, I go to dimension 812. (Because Skywynne exploded 811) It's so peaceful there. Today I planted an avocado tree there. And I left to go back to Mewni. I forgot about it for a year. I accidentally grew an avocado GARDEN! Oops!

Anyway, today is the Silver Bell Ball. Emerald of the Ponyheads. Is going to be there! She is my best friend! She's planning on club-snubbing Danny Kelpbottom. Typical Ponyhead thing. Just like Star, I found a cute Lucitor my age. He has fiery orange side floweswept hair. AAAAAA HE ASKED ME FOR CORNSHAKES. Tom Lucitor asked Star for cornshakes in the Underworld and the shakes melted. So I'm prepared. Okay, so I found out his name is Mike Lucitor. Like his dad, anger problems, big time.

We got cornshakes and I took my dimensional scissors, which I earned, and I took Mike to dimension 812. He likes the peace just as I do. I made him a flower bracelet and he made me a flower headband. Mine was originally a headband but I pictured his head WAY smaller. We went to the 812 pink sand beach and we roasted marshmallows. He later took me to the Underworld to watch the soul rise. It was beautiful. I pictured dates to be awful. But I can't say I hated mine.

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