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Mike asked me on another date today! But this time, it's different. It's the Blood Moon Ball! [from the author(YES I KNOW THAT IT INLY HAPPENS EVERY 667 YEARS BUT I WANTED IN MY STORY SO PLEASE NO HATE)] It only happens every 667 years! I said yes! We danced all night until the blood moon light selected Emerald and Danny. Mike was furious. He set the whole place one fire. I don't know how I could've forgot my wand, but I did. I got trapped in the fire. Mike didn't notice until I had already been saved by a Johansen. His name was Carter. The next day, I called Emerald at her usual time; 3:64 AM. I was shocked when she didn't answer. I went to her house. All her brothers and sister were gone. Even the creeps Brenda and Grenda. So I did the next best thing. I grabbed my wand (in the picture above). "I summon the all seeing eye, to tear a hole into the sky. Reveal to me that which is hidden. Unreal to me what is forbidden." I saw Emerald. She was sitting. Tied to the chair in the solitary conformant chamber. I immediately grabbed my dimensional scissors and traveled to the solitary conformant chamber at St, Olga's. There she was. Or so I thought. I grabbed her. Correction. I grabbed a teapot. A teapot that was supposed to look like Emerald. It was a trap. As soon as I put my hand there it was stuck. Magic glue. I reached in my pocket with my other hand for my wand. I felt another hand. They got it first. They kicked me into the chair. I was stuck. I could barely move my head. This is what magic glue does to you. The person left the room. Now I was alone. Stuck to a chair of magic glue.

Cara The Determined (Star vs the Forces of Evil fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now