We Meet Again

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This evening, Carter and I went to the middle of Mewni for a carnival at the beach. It's just an annual thing that happens every year called The Tobitt Carnival. Tobitt was a cyclops who just bothered us for years. This carnival celebrated our freedom after my mom destroyed him. They set up fun carnival things, like the Ferris wheel and watching fireworks. We watched the fireworks with two plates of funnel cake and then got on line for the Ferris wheel. We were on line when behind me, Carter bumps into me. Mike had pushed him. "IM SORRY!" Mike yelled. "Before you say anything, I'm sorry." I moved up more in line. I munched in a Snookers I bought at the snack cart. "Mike, I cant deal with you right now. What I need is a break."  The line was gone, so I grabbed Carter's hand and moved to the front of the line, paid for the ride, and we ate the leftover funnel cake. When we reached the top, an arm grabbed me into the portal. "Did you forget about the crisis?" Heckapoo shouted. "I don't even know what it is." I said. She didn't answer when I asked. Classic Heckapoo. "The Septarians are waging a war." (A Septarian is a lizard like Toffee. Don't feel bad if u don't know. It's only in the book of spells.) I looked her in the eye. "Put Mewni on lockdown. I'll ask Werther for a peace treaty." I decided. "You can't go alone. Your only 14 and you know what happened to Comet." "Werther is my age. Toffee was different." "It doesn't matter. They're blood related." I need Heckapoo to trust me. She's like a sister to me. "Trust me on this one." She nodded. I rode my favorite warnicorn, Cheesesauce, to the Septarian village. They stared at me. "Where is Werther?" A lizard man came out of the trees. "Ahh. Queen Cara. Not even close to royal blood." I tried to stay calm. I had met him before. Slightly nicer than Toffee. Slightly. "Do not wage war against Mewni. We have nothing against you. All I am asking of you is to sign this peace treaty." He studied the treaty. He then snatched the treaty and but a huge chunk of it off and spit it out onto the ground. "Just like your father." "Touché." I slapped him across the face and left on Cheesesauce's back.

Cara The Determined (Star vs the Forces of Evil fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang