Chapter 23: Playing Human

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-----THE NEXT DAY-----

I didn't realize how truly grateful I was for a private home for Edward and me until we returned to the Cullen's the next morning, Emmetts' smug expression saying it all--and the subject matter feeling painfully awkward in front of Carlisle. "Wooow(!) Done already(?)"

I refused the vampire an answer, turning my attention to Jacob's eyes staring out the window intensely as he ate cereal. He hadn't even turned to our exit, "Where's Renesmee?"

"Blondie stole her..." I smiled with the thought, grateful Rosalie and I could form a friendship now.

"Break a lot of stuff?"

My eyes rolled with Emmett's insistence, "Emmett. No..." He took the hint, chuckling before finally leaving the inquiries. I was grateful the phone rang as a distraction, my heart sinking when I realized who might actually be on the other end of the line..."Is that Charlie?"

Edward answered, "He's been calling twice a day..."

"He's in pretty rough shape..." my heart only ached further with Jake's details.

Carlisle sighed, "Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it."

The concept nearly broke me..."He needs to mourn, Bella..." But Edwards support and Jacobs agreeing nod forced me to release my own shaky nod. I knew this would eventually happen, I guess I just never prepared myself to hurt him like that...

"Okay," I agreed. "We'll do it tomorrow."

"I'm gonna miss this place," Emmett stood with slight sadness.

"We'll come back," Carlisle assured, "We always do..."

"Wait," Jacob stood to attention. "Nobody said anything about leaving."

"Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her," Carlisle detailed the reasoning.

"So you just--...Disappear?"

"Jacob, we don't have another choice."

I hadn't expected Jake to just storm out, nor did I expect him to rush back an hour later out of breath and explaining how he'd revealed his wolf origins to my dad. I was angry, I was scared--I couldn't have my dads life at risk from the Volturi just because Jake decided to be reckless. But after he promised he knew nothing of vampires--just that I was somehow 'different', and sprang my dad's surprise visit on us, I had no choice but to be okay with it. And while I was a little furious at his brash actions, a small part of me agreeing with Edwards reasoning that it was all for selfish reasons, the other part of me was grateful I didn't have to play dead. I was grateful I wasn't gonna lose my now I had to do was play human...

"These will irritate your eyes at first," I blinked for the first time since turning as Alice placed the brown colored contacts over my now red irises.

"The main thing is not to move too fast," Carlisle advised.

"Try taking a seat. Crossing your legs," I nodded to Esme, turning to find a chair and accidentally whooshing into it. I cringed out a smile, crossing my legs as instructed even though the actual journey was a failure. "Maybe a tad slower. Hmm?"

"And blink at least three times a minute," I blinked multiple times--almost as though once I realized it was an issue, I had no choice but to overcompensate..."Good..."

"For a cartoon character(!)" I glared at Jake, it was all his fault that I was even in this mess.

"Hold your breath," Carlisle tried to calm my temper, knowing the heightened everything would be one of the most difficult changes to manage. "It will help with the thirst."

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