Chapter 10: Coping Method Shattered

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"Hey guys," I slipped into my regular seat, picking up on casual conversation before biting into my apple.

"Bella?" Jessica met my eyes with a sharp turn.


"Angela claims to have seen a bear in the woods--"

"Which I did," the amateur photographer confirmed.

"Eric agrees with her--"

"Sarcastically," Mike pointed out.

"Is he only agreeing so he can get laid?" the bubbly brunette finally quizzed.

"Obviously(!)" I chuckled at Eric's mock offense--"Though, my Dad's been getting reports at the station. Five hikers have been said to have been killed by some bear, but they can't find the bear. So, attempt to get laid or not, you are agreeing to something with evidence of being right," I shrugged through another bite.

"Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend," I rolled my eyes, playfully scoffing at his response; the clearing of a throat grabbing my attention.

"Um, you good? You seem more chipper than normal?" Mike frowned, his voice dropping to just above a whisper.

"I hit my head over the weekend--must've knocked the right things about(!)" seemed a better response than 'I remembered my last name from the real world...'

"Yeah..." nervous chuckles escaped him, "Um--So, listen, now that you seem out here--not that you weren't before--. I mean, you were talking and stuff but you seemed out of it--and, I-I guess--"

"I get what you mean Mike," I patted his arm, hoping to silence his rambles.

A tinge of pink lit his cheeks, "Well, yeah, but er--Anyway, I was just--uh--wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with, uh, with--with me."

"Sure," I tried to keep my smile friendly, turning to dig into my dessert--"Did you have anything in mind, orrr?"

"We could, we could--we could check out, um, 'Love Spelled Backwards Is Love'? You know, it's a dumb title, but--um, it-it's a romantic comedy."

"Do you like them?" I played up a frown, "They always seem so predictable--How about 'Face Punch'? Have you heard of that?"

"Uh--I mean, that's a--that's a...--that's an action movie."

"Yeah," I grinned, face dramatically dropping for effect--"You're not freaked out by violence are you?"

"N-n-no," he refused.

"Because if you are we can see something else, I'm sure--"

"No-no!" his head shook vigorously, "I love violence, it's my favorite part in action movies."

"Cool," my smile relaxed again, "Friday night?"

"Yeah, that should be fine," his nod was less convincing than his words.

"Awesome!--So, you guys wanna see 'Face Punch' Friday night?" I know it's harsh, but if Mike didn't understand the friendzone the first time around--tough love is the only way to go from now on.

"'Face Punch', yeah!" I was grateful for Eric to take the lead, it allowed me to concentrate on my food--"Mike, hey, we were supposed to watch that. Remember, the trailer's like--" I giggled at his mimicking of the explosions, "'Punch Faces...'"

Confused Replacement (Twilight FANFIC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora