Chapter 7: The Truth...

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My entire body was tense, the hotel room we waited in feeling miniature as I imagined the walls growing closer to me--I don't want to go, I don't want the plot to continue because then I'll wake up...I don't want to wake up...'I have to do something--anything. But what?'--A small gasp brought me back to 'reality', my foreknowledge picking up on 'Alice's' vision as she stared into the distance with a blank expression.

"What is it? What do you see?" the curly-haired blonde probed.

"The tracker, he just changed course..."

"Where will it take him, Alice?" She began scribbling on a piece of paper 'Jasper' pushed towards her.

"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors."

"Edward said the visions weren't always certain," I repeated, hoping the action was a fluke.

"She sees the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes," 'Jasper' explained as though I didn't already know.

My eyes scrunched closed, a sigh escaping my lips--"So, the course that the tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a ballet studio?"

"You've been here?" the room froze as I opened my eyes, meeting their inquisitive stares.

"I took lessons as a kid," I squeezed the line past tight teeth, "The school I went to had an arch just like that."

"Was your school here in Phoenix?"

"Yes..." I flinched when my phone burst to life in my pocket, my movements hesitant as I turned my back on the couple to gain a modicum of privacy.


E- We've lost the tracker.

B- Alice said...

E- The Woman's still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect your Father. I'm coming to get you...Then you and I...are gonna go somewhere...alone...And the others will keep hunting. I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again.

B-...Then I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you don't regret that promise...

E- See you soon, Bella.

B- Goodbye, Edward.


I hung up with a small breath, the room growing intensely silent as I merely spun my mobile in my grip--"We'll go downstairs and schedule the room--Are you okay to pack up what you need?"

"Fine," I nodded to 'Alice's' words, their footsteps traveling around me and opening the door--"And thanks," their movements froze as I glanced back, "I'm really grateful for your protection."

"Don't worry about it," 'Alice' smiled, "Like Carlisle said--You're part of this family now, and we protect our family..." She turned to exit, 'Jasper' sharing a struggled smile before following after and leaving me completely alone...

I lay on the sofa, placing my phone of the wooden table beside me and deciding any form of re-packing would be a waste considering what would soon happen...--'Unless it doesn't have to'--I sprang up with the thought, 'I don't have to go...He doesn't really have 'Renée' held captive--it's a ruse, fake, not real...When he calls; threatens me...I don't actually have to do anything he says...'

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