Chapter 5: How Lucky I Am...

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My feet seemed planted in the ground as I thought back to what dragged me here, how unsafe this whole transaction actually feels when your life could actually be at risk--when the thought hits that he could actually kill you...His stare was so intense, then again it always is, but this time--...He's as though he scatters the clue's with a purpose, tempts you with his secrets so you delve...Even the allowing of me passing him. It's obvious where it all leads too yet he just accepts it...But, is that because he maneuvered the plot or because he's just so tired of hiding it?...

"Your impossibly fast, inhumanly strong. Your skin is pale white and ice-cold. You're eyes change color and you have a weird diet(?)" I turned to face him with a scoff, the ridiculousness of the speech pulling at the sarcastic cow buried deep inside me--"Your words are as though you're in the wrong time and I've never seen you out in the sun...How old are you?"


"How long have you been Seventeen?" I probed with a raised brow.

"...A while..." he seemed to gulp with the admission.

"And that makes you..."

"Say it. Out loud," he ordered, fear underlining his tone--"Say it..."

"A Vampire."

"Are you afraid?" his stare rose to the point of penetrating.

"No," I shrugged, holding back a laugh from my dream's layout of such a 'dramatic' situation.

"Then ask me the most basic question. What do we eat?"

"You won't hurt me," I made clear, his response instantly being to grip my arm and lead me in a new direction--"Where are we going?"

"Up the mountain. Out of the cloud band. You need to see what I look like in the sunlight--" in an instant I was pulled onto his back, air forcing my hair to flail as I was pushed towards small rays of sunlight peeking through the vast forest we stood in the depth of...I was gently released, allowed a moment's breath as he walked towards the burning ray while unbuttoning his shirt. "This is why we don't show ourselves in sunlight. People would know we're different...This is what I am..."

"It's like diamonds," and though my mind screamed the logical idea of 'body glitter', I couldn't help but believe the texture under direct sunlight would be the same to grazing rhinestones--as though his skin was really that "Sparkly..."

He scoffed at my description, "This is the skin of a killer, Bella," I found myself trailing behind--wanting to know more, even when I already knew enough..."I'm a killer..."

"I trust you," I shared.

"No...You trust the lie," he corrected, "It's camouflage," he turned to me, "I'm the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in--My voice, my face, even my smell...As if I would need any of that..." he vanished from my view, appearing on a cluster of rocks--"As If You Could Outrun Me!" his voice boomed before he appeared behind me, "As if you could fight me off!" a tree root paid the price of his demonstration..."I'm designed to kill," I remained silent, mimicking the hard stare he's forced me through more times than I can count--"I've killed people before...I wanted to kill you...I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life..."

"I trust you," I repeated.


"I trust you..." spilled past my lips again, the 'vampire' blurring from my sights with my truth.

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