Chapter 3: A Perceptive Guesser...

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I tugged on the only pair of gloves I could find in my luggage that could protect me from Forks' harsh weather--unable to push back all the thoughts running through my head over the last week and how it seemed to fly. Like in the Film, 'Edward' has been a complete no-show--hiding in the shadows of his home while probably going through a mantra of concentrating on only eating bunnies. Yet unlike Bella, I have been quite productive, basking in my time here that I assume to be snatched from me any second. While the protagonist of our tale remains invisible, I have spent almost every day with the small clique of friends I have developed--whether that's going into town, or simply hanging around a van and eating twizzlers--I'm having fun.

'But all that ends today, all the fun and filler must evaporate because our dear Edward returns and the plot must go on'--My thoughts were interrupted by gravity pulling me to the ground, though I guess I do deserve it for not paying attention.

"You all right?" 'Charlie' rushed from 'my' truck, helping my clumsy self stand with a worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm good. Ice doesn't really help a daydreamer," I dusted myself off, fixing my bag on my shoulder and attempting to slow down my erratic heart.

"Yeah. That's why I had some new tires put on the truck. Old ones were getting pretty bald," he kicked the plump rubber, "Well, I'll probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. Security Guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal."

"An animal?" I frowned, playing along with the dream's representation of the villain.

"You're not in Phoenix anymore, Bells...--Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand."

"Well, be careful," I expressed my care.

"Always am," he shrugged off the concern.

"Still." I shrugged, "And thanks, for the tires."

"Yeah," he simply nodded before sliding into his car and driving away.

A puff of smoke escaped my lips, "Oh Charlie..." I muttered at the realistic representation--I guess even my sleep-deprived brain can't alter the structure of his character.


"And how excited you sound(!)" I chuckled while removing my sopping coat.

'Eric's' reasoning soon flowed from his voice box, "Prom Committee is a chick thing, but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway, and they need a guy to help choose the music, so I need your playlist--Hey, listen, umm, I was wondering, did you have a-a-a--a date to--"

"What's up, Arizona? Huh? How you likin' the rain, girl?" I don't think I've been more thankful to see 'Mike' all week.

"It's different..." reminds me of home and all those miserable treks to work as it poured down...

"Better get used to it, girl," he warned, removing his coat as I easily bypassed the pair.

"Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute, man."

"Oh, I know--"

"That was really--that was really awesome(!)..." 'Eric' seemed to fade into nothingness behind me when 'Edward' caught my gaze, his eyes attempting to pierce through my very soul. I pushed my hair over my shoulder, resting my drying bag on the desk as I sifted through to find my notes--merely waiting for a conversation I was excited to be a part of...


"You speak?" I glanced back at him, "I'm in shock(!)"

He chuckled slightly with the greeting, "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week."

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