I put my hand on my head, and I whined. Argh, it fucking hurts. And I forgot, someone's here. No other than my "fiancé" Zayn Malik. Nice.

I looked like a freaking mess now. He held the collar of my dress tightly, and looked straight into my eyes. Here we go again..

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you being like that?!" He asked, anger evident on his face.

I just stared at him. I can feel his hot breath hitting my face. When I finally build up the courage to talk, I say, "You don't care"

Right after I said that, he pushed me harshly on the bed, making me lay at my back.

"Won't you say the reason?!" He asked crawling on the bed. Now..he's on top of me, our face were only inches apart, and now I'm starting to get frightened. But heck no, I will fight for myself.

I tried to push him away but he's stronger than me so nothing happened. Now, there's only one thing I thought that will break him. I laughed at myself and stare at his eyes, smirking. His expression changed from anger to confusion.

I slid my leg up, and kicked his gems using my knee. He fell on the floor on his back, and now he's holding his gems for dear life. Aww poor Zayn.

I stood up from the bed and looked at him. He's definitely in pain right now. Good job Edwards.

When he build up the courage to stand and talk, he looked at me intensely, I can feel his anger after what I did.

"Fucking tell me, what the hell is your problem?! Why don't you want to answer my question?!" He asked, furiously.

"You don't have to know, you're not going to understand it anyways," I stated, fixing my face.

"How could I understand if you don't want to tell me?!" He asked, shouting at me.

"Even though I explain, you're not going to understand it. I know you, Malik. You can only understand yourself," I stated, trying to be calm.

"You really have a lot of things to say, haven't you? And you're still not answering my question!" He stated, emphasizing the last sentence.

"You.Don't.Have.To.Know," I stated, emphasizing every word in his face.

"So, you can now leave. Go, and tell my mother about this, then I'll expect when I wake up tomorrow, I'll hear her screaming at me asking what happened tonight. That's what you're going to do right?" I stated.

"We are not done yet," he said, pointing at me.

"Don't waste any more time here, Malik. I said, now leave," I stated and pointed my finger at the door. He looked at me once again, opened the door, and slammed it shut. Well, I am right, he's going to tell my mother about this.

I'm alone again. My mind wanted to go out, but my body is against it. It seems like I'm feeling so weak and exhausted for the umpteenth time.



I was about to sleep when I heard a sudden knocks on the door. Who could it be?

"Come in, it's open!" I shouted through the door, and it opened immediately, revealing my soon to be son-in-law.

"Good Evening Madame," He greeted, kissing the back of my hand gently.

"Oh, Malik, Good Evening to you too. Why are you still awake? It's already midnight," I stated, confused as to why is he here when it's already 12:00 in the midnight.

The Unsinkable Ship (Jerrie Fanfiction) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora