Vol. 5 Ch. 35 The Raven

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Your POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N doing wheelies on Bumblebee without Yang's permission)

Yang and I had made our way to Anima and were looking for our mom's camp. After a few days, Yang stopped at a fuel station called Just Rite to get more gas for Bumblebee. I smiled at her and said, "I'll fill the tank." She smiled and said, "Thanks, Y/N." I nodded and said, "Not a problem, Yang." She went inside to get something to drink.

A few minutes later, a drunk and shady guy came flying out of the bar. I looked at him and asked, "What happened?" He laughed and said, "Some hot blonde punched me after I went to touch her hair. But man, what a woman." I crossed my arms and said, "Yeah, and my twin sister to be exact." Then I kicked him hard in the nuts and asked him if he knew the directions to the Branwen Tribe Camp. Fortunately, he did know and he gave me the directions.

Then Yang came back out and I said, "I kicked the asshole in the nuts for trying to touch my sister." She smiled and looked at me through her aviators. Then we hopped onto Bumblebee and continued on our way to the Branwen Tribe Camp. As we were driving, I kept giving directions to Yang.

Eventually Yang and I finally entered the camp, escorted by a few bruised bandits that we had roughed up earlier. I noticed more bandits lining up along the path, giving angry glares at us. We arrived at the camp's main tent. Raven emerged from it with her mask on. Yang spoke up and said, "Mom." Raven removed her mask, smiled, and said, "Yang. Y/N. So, after all this time, you two finally decided to visit me."

Yang's left hand started shaking once again, but I placed my hand on her shoulder to calm her. Then I said, "You know that we both searched for you. We spent years looking for you." Our mom replied, "And you've both found me. You were patient, determined, and strong enough to make your dream a reality. Well done, you two. But did you have to be so rough with my men?" Yang answered, "We didn't want a fight. They started it." Raven responded, "Well, you both certainly finished it." Then Raven turned to me and said, "By the way, it's nice to speak with you again, Y/N. What's it been, 3 years, since we last spoke?"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

Flirting With Ice: Weiss Schnee X Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें