Vol. 3 Ch. 22 Her Sister

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Your POV

When we got to the docking bays with Ruby following us, I saw the same airship had just landed. I saw a woman, who looked a lot like an older version of Weiss, being escorted by crimson-colored Atlas Soldiers and Atlesian Knight-200's as she exited her airship. I looked at Weiss and said, "Wait... Your sister?" Weiss cupped her mouth and called out, "Winter!" The three of us then run up to the elder Schnee as she turns to see us and Weiss said, "Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh..." Weiss suddenly curtsied and said, "Your presence honors us." Winter looked around she she approached us and said, "Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different."

Then Weiss asked, "So, what are you doing here?" Winter answered, "Classified." Weiss replied and said, "Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?" Winter answered again, "Classified." Weiss nodded and said, "Of course." Ruby looked pensively around in the silence and said, "Well... this is nice... I think." Weiss said excitedly, "You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I─" Weiss was cut off by Winter saying, "I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came."

Weiss replied, "Right! I'm sorry!" Winter added, "Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears that I have no choice in the matter." Weiss looked puzzled and said, "But, we won!" Winter replied, "Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed." Winter turned to her guards and said, "Leave us." The AK-200s obeyed, walking two steps backwards into formation as she sighed and smiled a little more warmly at Weiss, and asked, "How have you been?" Weiss replied, "Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class! And the rest of my studies are going wonderfully, too! I'm─"

Weiss is cut off by Winter slapping her across the face and saying, "Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?" Weiss replied, "Well, there's Ruby." Ruby giggled and said, "Heh, boob." Winter replied, "I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming." Ruby said, "Uh... Thank you!" Winter replied, "Greetings, Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister." Ruby answered, "Oh! Uh, yes, of course! The honor is in my... court!" I put my arm around Weiss and pulled her close to me.

Winter noticed this, unsheathed her sword, pointed it at me, and said, "I insist that you unhand my sister at once!" I let go of Weiss instantly and put my hands up in surrender. Winter pulled Weiss away from me and asked, "Are you okay, Weiss? Did he do anything to you?" I said, "I didn't do any─" Winter cut me off and said, "Silence!" Weiss placed her hand on Winter's sword and said, "Winter, calm down. This is Y/N. He's one of my teammates." Winter sheathed her sword and said, "My apologies, but he had absolutely no reason to grab you like that." Weiss let out a sigh and replied, "Well, actually I don't mind it when he does." Winter looked at Weiss confused, and said, "Why not?"

Weiss replied, "Because he's my boyfriend." Winter looked shocked, then said, "I see. Well, as long as you two are happy together, I approve. But if you hurt Weiss in any way, I will personally kill you." I gulped and said, "I wouldn't think of it." Winter nodded and said, "Good. Now I have business with the General and your Headmaster. But, seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters?" Weiss asked, "Really?" As Winter and Weiss began walking towards the Academy, followed by the androids, Winter replied, "Yes. I wish to inspect them and make sure that they are up to my personal standards." Weiss said, "Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable." Winter replied, "Bunk beds?" I smiled and said, "I'll see you later, baby." Weiss turned and said, "Alright, Sweetie. See you later."

I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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