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It was around 3AM.
You were all gathered in the living room working on finding a plan to get Hyungwon, when Changkyun's phone started ringing.
"put it on speaker please" you said biting your bottom lip nervously.
He hesitated a bit before he picked it up and put it on speaker, leaving the phone on the table.
"Who is it?"
"You tell me" a man said through the phone.
Changkyun stood up as soon as he heard his voice and he seemed to get furious.
"Jaebum.." he murmured while clenching his jaw.
"You got it right you won a cookie!" the man named Jaebum said sarcastically.
"Don't waste my time with your bullshit! Where's my son?" Changkyun asked as his hands formed fists.
"Oh he's right here, do you need evidence?" another male said from the other side of the phone and then Hyungwon's small scream was heard as he started crying.
You were ready to scream your lungs out for them to stop whatever they were doing when Mia held you back and Kihyun placed his hand on your mouth.
You couldn't stand hearing him cry like that.
Whatever it was they were doing he sounded like he was hurting.
Mia wrapped her arms around you and you let a bunch of quiet sobs while hugging her back.

"ENOUGH! THAT'S ENOUGH! JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!" Changkyun yelled hitting his fist on the table.
"Jinyoung what do we want exactly?" Jaebum asked the other male.
"ohh is that even a question? We don't kill one of our kind. You're the one who needs to take responsibility for his actions not the poor little wolf" Jinyoung said sarcastically.
"why do you want your eyes ripped out of your face so badly??" Changkyun talked back and then Hyungwon let out another cry.
"Two floors, dark brown walls, last house in the woods" Jaebum said.
"We'll see who's the one to die...oh you may bring your dear brothers for dessert" Jinyoung said, laughing sarcastically before they hang up.
Kihyun let go of you and you finally broke down crying out loud.

"We can't just go. It could be a trap or som-" Shownu began.
"I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT! I'LL SKIN THEM TO BONE RIGHT IN FRONT OF EACHOTHER!" Changkyun yelled as he grabbed his phone and threw it against the wall, making it shatter into hundreds of pieces.
"Brother calm down-"
"I should've killed every last one of them that night" he said before running out of the door.
"Go after him please" you told Wonho and Shownu between your sobs.
Wonho was quick to run after Changkyun but Shownu wanted to talk to Kihyun first..


"this will hurt Hyungwon too but it's the only way...there are too many of them" Shownu said looking at you, his eyes asking for permission.
"It's not gonna last long right?" you asked hesitantly.
"no...just enough to buy Changkyun time to leave...or fight...whatever he decides to do" Kihyun said.
You sighed before you finally nodded in agreement.
Shownu pat your head before he rushed out of the house to find his brothers..


It was dark and silent.
The boys walked through the woods, looking for the house Jaebum told them to go to.
But they stopped when they saw all the warewolves of the bayou walking out of their houses and surrounding the three brothers.
Just then Hyungwon's cries were heard and Changkyun was about to lose his shit.
Out of all the noises and sounds in the world, his son's crying was the one he hated the most.
He saw Jaebum and Jinyoung walking up to them with Hyungwon in Jinyoung's hands.
Changkyun's fangs were already showing and his hands were constantly turning into fists, trying to hold his anger back.
"Hand over the boy and your death will be less painful" Wonho threatened them.
"you're in no position to threaten us. You're three. We're 80" Jaebum said laughing.
"get them" Jinyoung ordered, coldly and they all started attacking them.
Shownu, Wonho and Changkyun fought back, leaving a bunch of victims in the process.
All of a sudden Changkyun let out a loud scream as he fell on his knees.
Someone daggered him from the back but thankfully they missed his heart.
"CHANGKYUN-AAAAHH" Wonho screamed as well as he got put down too.
It only took a few minutes and a few more dead wolves to put Shownu down too.

Jaebum started clapping as he walked up to the three of them.
"how impressively pathetic. Your family...fighting for eachother to death even if you recognise the kind of monsters that you are" he kicked Changkyun in the face before he used his foot to keep him on the ground by his throat.
He was bleeding and aching like hell but he wouldn't give up.
"Let. Go. Of. Him" Shownu warned him as he tried to stand up and attack him but he soon got pushed and hit by Jinyoung.
"You have no idea how much I enjoy this. I've been waiting for this moment for years now" Jaebum said.
"Oh you know what I'm gonna enjoy the most? Killing that bastard right in front of his son's eyes" Jinyoung commented and Changkyun tried to move around but Jaebum only pushed harder on his throat, almost choking him out.
"please Jinyoung, don't disappoint our people. They shall begin" Jaebum said as he signaled for the 20something warewolves that were still alive to go over there.
They walked up to Changkyun and Jaebum removed his foot but pushed the dagger deeper into his chest making sure it would keep him pinned on the ground.
Changkyun groaned not wanting to show his pain once again.
"let's have some fun...for our people who YOU slaughtered because they wouldn't obey you...who's the king now?" Jaebum said, smirking, as he took a few steps back and then the warewolves attacked Changkyun, hitting him all together.
Shownu was ready to drag himself there and jump in when a sudden wind run through the place.
The warewolves suddenly stopped as they all started feeling a slight ache which was only getting worse and worse.
They all dropped to the ground one after another and screamed in pain.
Hyungwon was crying his eyes out while Changkyun was clenching his teeth.
They were warewolves too after all. The spell hurt them too.
"Thank me later" Kihyun said as he walked up to them with a magical object in his hands.
Shownu gave him a weak smile before he gathered his remaining strength to slaughter the rest of the warewolves with the help of Wonho.
Once the bloodshed was over, Kihyun threw the small pyramid shaped object he was holding, on the ground and the wind stopped as soon as it crashed.
"Oh god that doesn't look good" Kihyun said as he looked over at Changkyun's tortured figure.
"Get Hyungwon back home, we'll be right there" Shownu told his lover.
Kihyun nodded before he took Hyungwon in his hands and tried to comfort him from crying, while walking to his car.

Jaebum and Jinyoung, struggling to get up, caught the boys' attention.
Of course they didn't kill them yet.
Wonho told his brother he wanted these two to see the mess they got themselves into, before they'd kill them.

"Look who's up" Shownu said sarcastically as he grabbed a peace of wood from the ground and walked up to the two men.
They looked so pitiful.
They couldn't even get back up on their feet.
Shownu was about to dagger Jaebum when he suddenly felt someone grabing his arm to stop him.
Turning around, his eyes met a mad Changkyun. Like real mad. He was struggling because of the pain he was feeling but he managed to gather his last strength to take revenge for his son.
He was fuming.
He just grabbed the piece of wood out of his brother's hand before he grabbed Jaebum's throat.
"Now that's not a great Alpha...you just got the whole pack slaughtered and now you're begging for your life...Should've thought about that before you touched my boy" Changkyun practically groaned as he pushed the wood through Jaebum's leg, earning a few screams from him.
He took it out again and shoved it through his other leg, getting the same reaction.
"PLEEEASE" Jaebum screamed again and again.
But no mercy.
No mercy from Changkyun.
Once he gets insane...there's no limit to his sadistic self.

"no one that messes with my family...stays alive"

Hard To Love | Monsta X vampire auWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu