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~1 month later~

Things have been suspiciously quiet.
No sign of Minhyuk.
No sign of witches.
No attacks.
At least just yet.
The boys have been working non stop on finding a plan to put Minhyuk down, along with everyone else who tries to hurt you. Kihyun was helping them too.

Sunday Morning

You woke up to the space next to you on the bed being empty.
That caused you to start shivering because of how cold you felt.
You sat up straight on the bed and rabbed your eyes before you checked the time on your phone.

"6:34 AM? What the hell?" you murmured quietly before you stood up and made your way downstairs.
You looked around the house for Changkyun but couldn't find him anywhere.
As you passed through the living room to go back to bed you noticed a lying figure on the couch so you headed there.
Once you got closer you saw Changkyun lying there, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open.
His chest was moving up and down in the rhythm of his calm breathing.
You noticed an almost empty bottle of bourbon, a glass and his laptop, on the table.
You debated on whether you should wake him up or not but when you started feeling cold again, you didn't hesitate.
You placed your hand on his cheek and gave it one soft stroke before he grabbed your wrist and opened his eyes. He sigh in relief when he saw you and not someone trying to attack him in his sleep.
"I didn't mean to scare you" you said and he nodded before he sat up straight.
He let go of your hand and ran his own through his hair.
"Bloody hell I fell asleep" he murmured as he looked at the laptop and shook his head in disbelief.
"Changkyun it's okay to sleep. You work on this all day long. Use your nights to rest properly" you said almost scolding him.
"I do not need sleep" he said coldly.
"But I do!" you snapped.
He looked at you confused not understanding what you really mean.
"I...I can't sleep without you...your absence feels cold" you said hesitantly as you lowered your eyes.
There was a long silence before you sighed and started walking towards the stairs, hugging yourself and rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm yourself up.
But the moment you walked on the first two steps you felt someone joining next to you.
You just smiled at yourself, neither of you glancing at each other.
You headed to your shared room and got under the blankets while Changkyun started undressing himself.
He jumped into some more comfortable clothes before he laid down next to you.
"Thanks" you mouthed, earning a "mhm" in response.
You felt the urge to get closer to him.
Don't do it Y/N.
You don't know how he's gonna react.
Aaaaand you did it.
You shifted closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder.
You were desperately looking for a way to warm yourself up.
Changkyun didn't react at first so you distanced yourself again, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.
But the moment you started shivering again you felt his arms wrap around you and pull your body against his.
He made sure the blankets were covering both of you and then he supported his head on top of yours, closing his eyes.
"better?" he asked as you could feel your cheeks burning. You felt so flustered. Why?
"much" you almost whispered.
Changkyun chuckled sending vibrations through your body.
After a while your body wasn't that tensed. You eventually felt yourself relaxing in his arms and you soon started drifting to sleep..

About four hours later, you began shivering again, which ended to both you and Changkyun waking up.
"hmmm go back to sleep" Changkyun murmured in his raspy, sleepy voice as he caressed your back in an attempt to keep you warm.
But it was only getting worst as time passed.
You soon felt your stomach ache because of how cold you were feeling.
You let out a small whine but it was enough to make Changkyun worry.
"Y/N what's wrong?" he asked as he pulled away to sit up and look in your eyes.
"I don't know. I feel so cold...It hurts" you said holding onto his arm as you arched your back from the pain.
"Okay look at me. You're gonna be fine. Take a few deep breaths. Come on count with me" he said as he breathed in and you did too. He then slowly released the air and you repeated after him.
"one" you both said at the same time.
You kept on doing so until 4, when the  pain suddenly started becoming more intense.
You let out a small scream as you grabbed onto Changkyun's arm tightly.
"SHOWNU!" he yelled along with your screams and cries.
Seconds later Shownu rushed through the door of your room and looked at the two of you with a worried expression.
"Tell Kihyun to come over asap! I think someone is practicing magic on Y/N! And we know who that someone is and what he wants!" Changkyun said kinda panicked.
Shownu immediately pulled out his phone and called Kihyun.

"hey, it's me. Could you come over?"
"now...Y/N has been possessed or something" Shownu said looking terrified of how much pain you were in.
"Pass me the goddamn phone!" Changkyun said in a demanding tone and Shownu did as he said.
"hey it's Changkyun. As much as you hate to hear me we really need your help. I think Minhyuk and his pets are doing some kind of distance spell to Y/N. She's feeling cold and sore and it's only getting worst as tim-" one more scream of yours interrupted Changkyun.
"I'll be there as fast as I can" Kihyun said and hung up.
Just then Hyungwon and Wonho walked in the room having zero clues about what was going on.
The moment Wonho saw you pounding and crying out in pain he walked up to you and took your hand in his.
"what happened?" he asked confused.

When you heard his soothing voice you let go of Changkyun's arm and turned towards Wonho.
"W-why does it hurt more and more" you managed to say between tears.
He placed his free hand on your cheek and caressed it in a comforting way.
The moment Changkyun saw you letting go of him and leaning in his brother's touch, he felt like he was punched...in the face...with a fridge.
He stood up and started walking back and forth in the room.
Your voice was full of pain.
He hated that he couldn't do anything to make that pain go away..

5-10 minutes later someone knocked on the front door.
Changkyun ran downstairs and immediately opened the door, leaving a sigh of relief when he saw Kihyun with a bag in his hands.
"Where is she?"

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