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It's been about an hour.
Changkyun still hadn't came upstairs nor called for you to go back downstairs.
You were wondering whether you should look for him or not.
You took a deep breath before you slowly opened the door and tiptoed down the hall. You checked every room on the floor before you went down the stairs.
You also looked through every room of that floor as well and then headed to the backyard.
He was nowhere to be found.

"Kyun?" you shouted his name as you walked back inside.
Your voice echoed through the big empty house but no response.
All of a sudden you heard the front door open and you rushed  there but it wasn't Changkyun.
"Wonho...hey" you said breathing heavily from running.
"heyy. Everything okay?" he asked looking at your slightly panicked figure.
"I just...don't know where Changkyun is. I mean, I hurt my lip and when he smelled my blood he almost went crazy. He told me to leave him alone and I did but...he never came to find me? I-I don't know wher-" you said feeling your heartbeat getting faster, along with the words that slipped out of your mouth.
"hey hey hey slow down. He's probably out, getting fed. He'll be back soon" he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder.
You gave him your big worried eyes as you instinctively placed a hand on your tummy, caressing it.
You felt the baby move, probably because you were upset.
"getting fed? On what?" you asked and Wonho looked away from your eyes and sighed.
"Y/Nie, Changkyun should be back any minute, why don't you go watch tv while I make lunch?" Wonho suggested but you ignored him.
"human blood?" you asked.
Wonho bit his bottom lip not wanting to answer to you.
"SAY SOMETHING!" you screamed as you pushed him back.
"YES ON HUMAN BLOOD!" Wonho snapped back at you making you jump.
He let out another sigh before cupping your face in his hands.
"It's what he is. It's what he has been for the past 6 centuries. He's trying to change but it's really hard. Especially since he's a hybrid. Neither of us have any idea how intense and painful his cravings can get" Wonho explained.
You felt yourself tearing up.
"H-he's eating innocent people" you said letting a few tears fall.
"I know this is hard for you to process...but this is his nature. This is my nature. This is Shownu's nature. Now I know you don't want that for my niece but I can assure you my brother is doing his best" he told you and you simply nodded.
"go lay down a bit"
"I don't wanna" you replied.
"okay umm...help me cook then?" he asked and you finally nodded before he dragged you into the kitchen.

You spent about an hour cooking, hoping you could distract your own thoughts from hunting you. You were done when you heard the front door open and close again.
Wonho told you to serve the food for everyone as he went to check who it was.
Shownu and Changkyun walked inside, taking their shoes and jackets off.
"Oh look who remembers having a home" Wonho said playfully at Shownu and he rolled his eyes.
"Is Kihyun that good?"
"Ki is not just good. He's the best" Shownu said all cocky.
Changkyun sniffed before he spoke up.
"I smell something tasty"
"you must be full from blood anyway" Wonho said and Changkyun lifted his eyebrow.
"I didn't d-"
"can we not do this right now? The food is gonna cool off" you said as you leaned by the doorframe of the kitchen with your head hanging low, not wanting to look at Changkyun.
"Yes Y/N and I put lots of effort in this, y'all better hurry up!" Wonho said as he ran cutely to the kitchen, making you chuckle slightly.
Shownu and Changkyun headed to the bathroom to wash their hands before they also came to the kitchen.
You felt yourself shivering as Changkyun took a seat next to you.
"Mmm that's so good!" Wonho said with his mouth full of food.
"jeez stop praising your own cooking" Shownu commented, laughing.

You stayed silent during the whole dinner and so did Changkyun.
Shownu wouldn't shut up about his day with his boyfriend and Wonho would just listen, feeling happy for his brother.
Wonho then talked about meeting Soojin and Shownu started cheering like a teenage girl.

Once you were all done you stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes while the boys went to the playroom.
Except for Changkyun.

You were washing the plates when you felt two arms wrap around you from behind.
Your body felt so warm by his touch but your mind wouldn't let you enjoy it.
You didn't react to his touch, you just continued minding your business.
"let me do it. You shouldn't get tired, you're pregnant" Changkyun whispered as he placed a soft kiss on your jawline.
"It's fine, I'm bored anyway" you said coldly.
Changkyun sighed as he grabbed a towel and started drying the things you had washed, putting them back in their place.
You smiled at his gesture but it didn't last long.
You still felt upset with him.

Once you washed the last plate and Changkyun dried it and placed it in its place, you attempted to walk out of the kitchen but you soon got pulled back by Changkyun.
He used his speed to grab your hand, turn you around and push your body against his, pulling you in a hug.
"I'm so sorry Y/N" he whispered.
"I thought you're Im Changkyun and you do not apologise" you said mimicking his voice.
You didn't react to his hug once again. You were just standing still.
"I also didn't care about anyone before you changed that" he said and lifted your head up by your chin as he attempted to kiss you. To his surprise, you just yanked his hand away and slipped out of his grip, walking to the living room.
"Don't be mad I told you to leave cause I didn't wanna hurt y-"
"yeah and you preferred hurting random people on the streets instead, huh?" you said crossing your arms as you turned around to look at him.
He looked surprised and kinda...disappointed?
"you really think that's what I was doing?" he asked lifting an eyebrow.
"You were having a hunger crisis or something and you were gone for two hours, not picking up your goddamn phone!" you snapped at him.
"Yeah cause I went to find Shownu...so that he could help me get over my cravings...so that I wouldn't kill anyone..." he said shaking his head in disbelief.

It didn't take long for Shownu to walk up to the two of you and jump in the conversation.
"He's telling the truth...he was in a really bad state of mind when he came to find me at Kihyun's and I'm glad he did come to me instead of giving in...Kihyun made him a drink of multiple herbs and that, in addition to my dad talk and a small fight helped Changkyun calm down eventually" he said.
You bit your lower lip not knowing what to say.
The feeling of regret instantly took over you.
"Kyun I'm sorry I thought-" you began as you walked up to him ready to give him a hug but he was the one yanking your hand away now.
"Just don't...I thought you're better than that" Changkyun told you coldly as he walked off to your shared room..

Hard To Love | Monsta X vampire auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें