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You rubbed your eyes before you opened them and looked next to you.
Changkyun was still asleep.
He looked so peaceful.
You took a strand of hair out of his face, smiling down at him like an idiot.
Taking your phone in your hands you noticed it was 9AM.
You opened the glass door as quietly as possible and took a seat on one of the chairs on the balcony.
The neighbourhood was really quiet.
The only thing you heard was the birds singing and maybe a few cars passing by every now and then.
Suddenly you heard the door of the house on the other side of the road open and you looked to its direction.

"Stay safe!" a woman shouted from the window waving at the man and the little girl who walked out of their front gate, holding a puppy.
"Bye mommyyy!" the little girl shouted and waved back at the woman.
You stood up and leaned against the railings, supporting your head on your hands as you watched the girl play around with her father while walking their pet.

You unconsciously smiled until you felt two hands wrapping around you, causing you to flinch.
"It's just me" you heard Changkyun's deep sleepy voice and felt him bury his face in your neck, placing a few soft kisses on it.
Your body became less tensed and you giggled at the slightly ticklish feeling of his kisses.
"Did I wake you up? I tried to be quiet" you said as you turned around to look at his tired face.
"Vampire hearing sucks" he said and you both laughed before silence took over.

"Is it always going to be like this?" you asked looking down as you placed your hands on your tummy.
"Well yeah I will always have vampire heari-"
"No, Kyun...I mean...what's gonna happen after I give birth...You still will be afraid...I still will be stuck in this house..." you said leaving a small sigh right after.
"I'm Im Changkyun, I'm not afraid of anyo-"
"then why can't we live a normal life? I wanna go out with my friends and I wanna go out with you and our baby and keep our small family happy like them" you said as you turned around and looked at the daughter and father again.
Their figures were fading as they were walking further away.
Changkyun sighed as he looked towards where you were looking at.
He then placed his hands on your tummy while slightly pressing his body against yours from behind.
His hands were caressing your baby bump gently and you could feel the baby responding to his father's touch.
"I'm just scared something will happen to you if I let you out of my sight. You don't deserve a life like this but I'm just making sure you both are safe and sound" he admitted.
"then don't leave me out of your sight. You can come with me and Soojin" you suggested.
"that would be really awkward. And you know I won't hesitate to drain her blood if she annoys me" Changkyun said and you turned around again looking at him in disbelief.
"You will not. She's the only family I have left ever since my parents...passed away...you will not hurt her nor Mia" you said making him roll his eyes.
"I was joking relax" he said trying to pull you in a hug but you yanked his hands away.
"I miss my friends"
He licked his lips as he tried to remain calm.
"What am I supposed to do with you girls-"
"If that's the problem, bring Wonho with you" you said and he looked thoughtful.
You pouted your lips and gave him your biggest puppy eyes while he was just glaring at you, clenching his jaw.
"Fine.." he finally said after a while and you jumped in his embrace giggling happily.
"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" you cheered before kissing his lips quickly and running back inside.
You ran all around the house to find Wonho in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of hospital blood.
"WONHO!" you shouted all excited making him jump.
"YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME!" he yelled and you burst out laughing before you pat his head.
"sorryyy...I'll go out with Soojin and Changkyun wants to keep an eye on me but he doesn't want to be the only guy so would you like joining us?" you asked, speaking pretty fast because of how happy you felt, giving him your puppy eyes as well.
"Yah! You're not giving other men that look!" you heard Changkyun complain from behind you and you just laughed and shook your head.
"umm...someone fill me in?" Wonho asked as he looked at the two of you with a confused face.
"Oh right...Changkyun and I..."
"We're together" Changkyun finished your sentence as he had a proud grin on his face.
"Well finally!" Wonho said with a sigh of relief and you rolled your eyes playfully.
"Please come with us!" you then said and he just nodded in response.

You jumped up and down in excitement before you gave him a short lasting hug.
"Don't drink too much blood we're going out for breakfast!" you announced before you ran upstairs again to call Soojin and then you started getting ready..


"you know you owe me for doing this huh?" Changkyun whispered to you and you slapped his shoulder.
"Just try to have fun for once!" you said as you kept walking past all those stores.
You finally arrived at the place you were supposed to meet Soojin and Mia but when you got inside you saw Soojin waiting for you alone.
Without a second thought you ran up to her and she greeted you with a tight hug.
"Where's the other half?" you asked as she broke the hug.
"Oh Mia dumped me for that friend of hers yesterday so today it was my turn! Mwahaha" Soojin answered, laughing evily, making you laugh too.
"poor baby" you said and she lifted an eyebrow.
"baby? What baby? I'm the baby! She's Satan himself!" she said rolling her eyes.
The sound of Changkyun clearing his throat earned both your attention.
"Oh hi boyyys" she said with a big smile and Changkyun only nodded in response while Wonho sayed hi just as cheerful as her.
You sat down next to Changkyun and Wonho sat opposite to him and next to Soojin.
"you could at least fake enjoying this" you murmured to Changkyun looking disappointed.
"I'm only here because I need to keep you safe" he whispered in an annoyed tone.
You glared at him before you turned your attention back to your friend..

Hard To Love | Monsta X vampire auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora