When you argue~ Chapter 12

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You limped, whimpering as you made your way back to the dorms, oblivious to the trail of blood you left behind you. After 30 minutes you swung open the front door and limped inside, holding your broken arm as you did so. "Hey Y/N, we were wo-" Ochaco stopped mid sentence and her eyes widened in horror.  "Bakugou get over here!" She yelled, not taking her eyes off you.  The chatter in the room ceased as everyone turned to look at your bloodied form. Katsuki's eyes widened and he jumped up from the couch and ran up to you, knocking Mineta on the floor in the process. "What happened?!" He yelled, pushing past Ochaco, concern and anger in his tone. 

Tears filled your eyes as you fought for consciousness. "W-When I was walking b-back from the s-shop, a villain a-attacked me." You sniffled, your voice getting lower with every word until it was only a whisper. Your vision then went black, the last thing you saw was everyone running up to you and Katsuki catching you before you hit the ground.

Your eyes fluttered open, expecting to be in a coffin and buried in the ground you bolted up but regretted it the second you did so. You hissed in pain and clutched your back, attracting the attention of a small group of people. Recovery girl stood up on her stool and pushed you back into the pillows with her cane. "Please, remain in your bed and don't make any sudden movements." A gentle voice that you didn't recognise said. You looked at your surroundings and realised you were in a hospital bed. "What happened to me?" You groaned, rubbing your head with your least damaged arm. "You passed out in the dorms and was brought to the hospital." Recovery girl said sternly. "But the rest of the story we do not know, so tell us."

Alright "You sighed." Nodding your head as tears glistened in your E/C eyes. 

After you had finished your story Recovery girl gaped at you as the doctor nodded and wrote down what you had said on a note pad. "What happened to the villain?" She questioned calmly. You thought for a second before answering. "I'm not sure, but when she pinned me to the ground I used my Quirk to teleport to the UA Gate, and she was gone." The doctor nodded and smiled. "Alright thank you for that miss L/N, I will need to give this information to the Police and the UA staff. You will remain here for a week." She got up from her chair and walked out the door. I turned to Recovery girl, who was staring at me with narrowed eyes. "I would hit you with my cane right now, but you're to injured." She grumbled, making her way towards the door. She stopped at the door with her hand on the handle. "Your friends are waiting outside for you, I'll let them in." I nodded as she swung open the door and swung it open.

"Y/N!" I heard a group of people scream. Mina, Ochaco, Momo, Jiro, Hagakure and tsu ran into the room and surrounded my bed.  "Omg Y/N!" Mina cried, trying to hug me but being held back by Momo. "What the heck happened?!" Ochaco said, trying her best to sound mad but failing miserably. "Dumb ass." somebody growled from the door. Everybody turned to where the voice had come from and saw a fuming Katsuki. Mina gasped and started to pull everybody from the room. "Bye Y/N!" The girls said in chorus, running out the door. Katsuki remained at the door, staring at me in disbelief. Normally he would have made a comment on my friends, so I knew something was wrong. "Uh, Katsuki are yo-"

"Shut up." He spat angrily, cutting me off. My mouth fell open slightly at his words. 

"Katsuki, I'm so-"

"Why did you take that crazy villain on by yourself!?" He yelled, remaining by the doorway. 

I could feel my vision being blurred by tears, but I thought to keep them back. "I'm sorry, I thought I could-"

"You should have called me dumb ass, I would've came to help you so you wouldn't be here right now!" He screamed.

I continued to fight back tears as I yelled. "If you're just going to yell at me and not give a damn about how I'm feeling just leave!" Katsuki walked out the door and slammed it after his departure.  As soon as he left I started to sob, desperately trying to get rid of the tears before anyone else entered the room. 

772 Words

~^---Katsuki Bakugou one shots---^~ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang