When you blush~ Chapter 3

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It was the last Period of the day at Aldera Junior High, which you were pleased about. Reason is you were planning to go to the gym to work out so you'd be ready for the UA Entrance Exam the following year. Yes, you were planning on going to UA to become a great Hero. Despite people calling you a Villain because of your Space Manipulation Quirk it was your dream!

"Y/N!" You heard a stern voice say. You snapped out of your trance and looked up at your teacher, who was frowning at you from the front of the room. You smiled sheepishly. His frown increased. "Y/N what was I saying?" He asked you, his eyes narrowing. Your mouth fell open and you began to think of an excuse to get you out of the detention you were soon going to earn. "Something that was very important that I was listening to!" Your teacher rolled his eyes and began to tap his foot. "And?" He questioned. 

You then felt something land on your lap and you looked down to see a piece of paper with the words- 

He was talking about who should be in the Student Council, idiot.

You smiled knowing who had written the note. "Well?" You heard the voice of your teacher.  You looked up and smirked, swinging back on your chair with your arms stretched behind your head. "You were talking about who should be in the Student Council, sir." Your teacher's mouth dropped, not expecting your answer to be correct. He sighed, knowing full well he had no reason to give you detention. He then proceeded to continue talking about the council. 

You then got the feeling that somebody was watching you. You turned around to see E/B staring at you with drool dripping from his mouth and landing on his chest. You screwed up your face in disgust and turned back around to look at the teacher. You had broken up with E/B at the start of the year after catching him kissing Sakura, an annoying first year girl whom hated you. Once again you were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of the school bell, signaling the end of class. 

You smiled and stood up from your seat, grabbed your bag and made your way to the door.

Time Skip brought to you by Bakugou 

Bakugou- I want to see your cute face *Outstretches hand* 

Author- Sorry but my face ain't cute

Bakugou- .......

Author- ........

Bakugou- If you say so, idiot

After changing your clothes you ran out of your house in the clothes you used for working out in. Yes, I had said I was going to go to the Gym, but I'm allowed to change my mind. You ran into the direction of the beach that you ran along for your daily jog. Just when you started to run on the sand you crashed into a familiar figure. "Ouch." You yelped as you fell onto the sand. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry Y/N, would me taking you back make up for it?" Your eyes snapped open at the voice you knew and you sighed when you saw who it was. 

You got up and tried to run past the E/N, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you back towards him. "Y/N! We're perfect for each other! Please I love you come back to me baby!" He begged in a flirtatious tone. Your eyes widened in horror and you yelled. "Dude, let me go I don't like you anymore!" He smirked at you and leaned forwards to kiss you. You put your hand over his mouth and he licked your palm. "Ew, stop you disgusting dog!" You screamed, attracting the attention of strangers.

"Let her go!" You heard an aggressive voice growl. You turned to see Bakugou standing in front of the two of you, explosions forming in his palms. "O-Oh Bakugou!" E/B squeaked, dropping you on the sand. You yelped as you fell on your arm, hurting it. "You little-" You heard Bakugou start. But he was cut off by E/B screaming like a 5 year old girl and sprinting off the beach. Bakugou's mouth fell open at his reaction and started to frown again when he saw your face screwed up in pain on the ground. 

"Idiot." Bakugou muttered, before bending down and picking you up bridal style. You blushed as he began to walk away with you in his arms. "T-Thanks K-Katsuki." You said, mentally face palming at your stuttering. Bakugou didn't answer so you looked up at his handsome- 

-Wait, did I just say handsome? A blush started to form on your face. "Why are you blushing nerd?" Bakugou growled. Your eyes widened in shock and you covered your face with your hands. Bakugou mouth fell open in surprise. "Cute." He muttered, going unnoticed by you. 

812 Words 

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