When he accidentally gets drunk~ Chapter 11

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This photo has nothing to do with the chapter, I just thought that it was cute :p


"Katsuki!" I called, searching for my boyfriend in the dorms.

"Hey Y/N!" Kirishima yelled, running through the front door and standing in the doorway with a scared expression on his face.

"Oh hi Kiri!" I greeted, walking up to him. "Wait, are you okay?" I asked, noticing his expression. 

"It's Bakugou!" He yelled, holding open the door and running through it once again. I paled and rushed out after him. "Kiri, what hap-" I stopped. I walked down the steps, my mouth hanging open. Katsuki was standing on the pavement with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Babe!" He yelled happily running up the steps, he then proceeded to trip and fall flat on his face. While Kirishima stood next to the door with his mouth hanging open, I rushed to my boyfriend and bent down beside him. "Katsuki are you o-WAH!" I yelled as Katsuki grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto the ground next to me.

"Katsuki what are you doing?" I groaned as he spooned me from behind.

"I love you Y/N!" He yelled in a high pitched voice. I screwed up my face and released myself from his grip. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He cried, as if I was about to marry Mineta. I turned to Kirishima. "Is he drunk?" I asked as Katsuki wrapped his arms around my leg. Kirishima sighed.

"I'm not sure, I found him in front of the school yelling at some dude, and when I got up to them he started acting like Midoriya on crack." I nodded and looked down at my boyfriend.

"Can you help me bring him to Aizawa and explain the situation?" Kirishima nodded.

"So what exactly happened?" Aizawa asked sleepily, rolling out of his sleeping bag and standing up in front of the trio. "Kiri found him at the front of the school yelling at strange guy and then he started acting weird." I explained while Kirishima nodded franticly. Aizawa sighed and crossed his arms. "That damn kid again." He grumbled, turning his attention to Katsuki who was drawing a picture of Midoriya. "There is a troublemaker with a Quirk that makes people act as though they are drunk. He tried to get into the hero course here at UA but we rejected him after he started pranking older students with his Quirk." 

Our eyes widened in shock. I stepped foward "He will turn back to normal though, right?" I questioned urgently. Aizawa nodded.

"He will turn back to normal tomorrow morning." We sighed in relief. "He can stay in your room until then." Aizawa continued, adjusting his scarf and walking out the door.

"Thankyou Aizawa-Sensei!" I called out to him as he closed the door. "Well that's a relief, I thought he would be stuck like this forever!" Kirishima grinned and turned to Bakugou.

"He will never hear the end of this when he turns back to normal." I laughed at his words and walked up to Katsuki's desk. "C'mon Katsuki, you get to stay in my room tonight!" I said, trying my best not to laugh. 

When we arrived back at the dorms everyone surrounded Bakugou.

"How did it happen?" Todoroki asked plainly.

"Hahahaha Ima make a TikTok of this!" Mina cackled, scrolling through her audio to find a good one. 

"Hey Midoriya, Bakugou drew this for you!" Kirishima grinned, handing Midoriya the picture Bakugou had drawn of him. As soon as Midoriya saw it he started tearing up. "This is the nicest thing he's ever done for me!" He sobbed. Uraraka smiled shyly and worked up the courage to give him a hug, causing him to blush scarlet and stutter uncontrolably. 

"Hey L/N." Kaminari said in his signature flirty tone, draping his arm over my shoulder.

"Yes low budget Pikachu?" I said sassily, removing his arm from my shoulder. Kaminari gasped and put his hand on his chest. "How dare you!" He said in shocked sarcastic tone." I laughed which made him smirk at me. "You know, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you know where to find me." He yawned, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

"No way!" Mineta yelled, pushing Kaminari out of the way. "Come to my room and I can show you my collection of-" Tsu slapped him with her tounge, causing him to shut-up. I mouthed a thankyou to Tsu before dragging Katsuki to my room. 

I sat him down on my bed and he grinned happily at me. "Um, Katsuki, do you mind turning around?" I said shyly, rubbing my arm. Katsuki nodded franticly, causing me to worry about his neck snapping and he turned around and buried his face in my pillow.

Time skip cause I'm lazy :3

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* 

I snapped my eyes open at the sound of my alarm. I reached out to turn it off but realised someone else had already done that for me. I heard a loud groan and sunk down into my bed. 

Oh my god, there is somebody in here. I though to myself, pulling my blanket over my eyes in fear. "Morning dumbass." Somebody muttered, slinking their arm around my waist and pulling me towards them. "Get away from me creep!" I screamed, slapping the strangers arms and falling of my bed. I leapt off the floor and emitted black flames from my right palm.

A shocked Katsuki sat on my bed, staring at me with his mouth open. "What the hell are you doing dumbass?!" He yelled. 

I lowered my hand and put out my flames. "Oh." I muttered jumping back onto my bed. Katsuki stared at me with a raised eyebrow and grumbled. "Why am I even in here?" 

"Oh yea!" I said. "Listen Katsuki-"

I then proceeded to explain what happened to a shocked Katsuki. He pulled out his phone and entered TikTok. He typed Mina's TikTok name and watched her latest videos. His eyes widened in horror as he watched himself tapdancing on the Kitchen table (Iida telling him off in the background) and him hugging a scared Midoriya. "When the hell did this happen?!" He yelled, slamming his phone into my pillow.

"Last night." I said, my voice wavering because I was holding in a laugh. "And you drew a picture of him too which is now hanging up on his wall." Katsuki gasped and jumped up from my bed and ran out of my room, slamming the door when he left. "DEKU!" I heard him scream from behind the door. That is when I allowed myself to release the laugh I had been holding in. I wiped the tears from my eyes and flopped down onto my bed. "I'm so lucky to have him." I sighed happily, falling into a deep sleep despite the screams, crying and explosions that could be heard from Midoriya's room.

1139 Words

~^---Katsuki Bakugou one shots---^~ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz