Chapter Forty

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Toph looked at me, "It doesn't matter. They were controlling and treated me like I was helpless."

"So, you hated them? I-" I sighed. 

I wish my parents loved me enough to be controlling and overprotective.

"You know what? It doesn't matter. These scams put us all at risk, and we don't need that. We've already got some third-eyed freak after us," Katara yelled.

Ahh yes, the man who blows things up with his mind.

"Speaking of that third-eyed freak... I think I've come up with a name for him. What do you think of..."Sparky-Sparky Boom Man"!" Sokka exclaimed. 

Everyone just stared at him and blinked. 

Sokka sighed, "Just think about it."

"We have enough money. You need to stop this!" Katara yelled at Toph.

"I'll stop when I want to stop, and not when you tell me!" Toph screamed, walking away. 

"Speaking of money, I'm off to spend some. See you guys later," Sokka waved and walked away.



Sokka returned and held up his phone in Toph's face, clearly alarmed, "Toph, when I was in town, I found something that you're not gonna like."

"Well, it sounds like your holding up your phone, but I can't tell you what's on it," Toph rolled her eyes. 

Sometimes I forget she's blind. 

"Oh," Sokka looked embarrassed, "It's a picture of a TV screen. You were on the local news. You're a wanted criminal. They're calling you the Runaway." 

"That's so great. "The Runaway". I love my new nickname. Is there a picture of me? Does it look good?"

"Well, yeah, actually, it does look pretty good. But Toph, you're missing the point. Maybe Katara was right. These scams are drawing too much attention to us," Sokka replied.

I got up and stretched, "Don't let Katara see that, or she's going to kill you guys."

"Don't be such a worrywart, I'm starting to think it runs in the family. Katara, you guys," she gestured towards Sokka and I, "Think of it this way. Now you have plenty of money to help with the invasion plan! "

"For the last time," I said, "I am a multimillionaire! We've had enough money since the beginning!"

Toph started bargaining with Sokka and I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

I wonder what Zuko was doing...

[Zuko's POV]

An idiot. I'm a fucking idiot.

Did I really talk about (Y/N) on live television? 

An idiot! I swear, I wish (Y/N) were here to slap me across the face. 

I had locked myself in a bathroom. I had 43 new messages from Mai and 6 missed calls. 

I really messed up, huh?

I sat down on the floor of the bathroom. I took off (Y/N)'s locket and opened it to see the picture of us. 

"Why are you all I think about, (Y/N)?"

I sighed and closed the locket.

[(Y/N)'s POV]

"I'm going to kill her," I heard Katara mumble. 

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