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"Useless. If you want something done, I guess you just have to do it yourself." the person said. "Well, I got rid of one. Four more to go."

"Ace! Order the army to prepare. We attack in my command." "Yes ma'am" The person turned around.

The recognizable Crimson hair hanged around her back loosely. The use to be aqua eyes disappeared into a deep piercing red.

A black smoke ball came fluttering through the window, wrapped in it was a pure blue and white glowing ball.

The witch channeled magic into it. Dark magic.

The blue and white ball soon turned a dark blue and black with a hint of purple and red. The ball dilated bigger and bigger.

Into a human shape.

"Ahhh...welcome to life....my dear Funneh." The witch laughed to herself as the girl opened her eyes.

Her ocean blue eyes faded into red.





(A/N)- Hey there readers! Thank you for reading this far! This marks the ending of this book. Don't fret! There will be many chapters to come. If you couldn't already tell, some parts of this book was inspired by the one and only

@TheKrewdom_Tales ! <3

Go check out their beautiful stories if you haven't already!

Otherwise, I'll see you next time in the second book,

"Shattered World"

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