Chapter 14- What Am I Fighting For?

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I kept running, pushing back branches and bushes out of my way. It was dark, but I didn't dare go back. Who knows what'll happen if I go back? Gold will definitely not allow me to be outside again. As much as I loved the castle, I enjoy the nature a lot too. I kept running, I was going up a hill now. Tears were falling down my cheeks. My blue hair flailed behind me as the cold air blew against my face.

Soon enough, I was at a clearing. I was on the flat top of the hill, and of course, I knew where I was. Why? Because in front of me is a fairly well built log house. No, it isn't anyone else's. It's my very own. Some years back, I had a builder built it for me. The main purpose for this place was a hideout. I fumbled through my backpack. I grabbed out a tiny silver key and inserted it in the door. I was safe here. No one could find this place anyways. I pulled my phone out. It was 10. Gosh, did I really only ran for around 20 minutes? It felt like an endless amount of darkness.

I put my bag down and finally decided to check through my bag to see what I bought. Keep in mind it was a huge bag, somehow I ran with this thing on my back. Inside, I found food, phone charger, my journal, water bottle, some spell books I took from the royal library few weeks back because I was bored, pens, paper, and my sword. I also had some dresses that were the simpler of what I normally wear. I also had my normal clothes. It was a black sleeveless shirt, a blue and white crop top hoodie, white shorts, a belt, blue and white sneakers, and a knife leg strap thing. I got this specially designed. I don't remember for what reason but it was just a thing.

I went around the cabin. It was a little dusty, but it was still intact. You would expect it not to be, but it is. Why? Well, I come here every so often to get away from things. There was a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and dinning room. There was a spacious backyard where I will be practicing my new found power. For what exactly? I'm not sure anymore...

I sat at my table in the bedroom and pulled out my journal.


Today was something new hey? Running away and all. I don't know what to do anymore. Before, when I was younger, I fought for fun, thinking it was really cool. As I got older, around these years, I fought for the people around me. My family, our people...and to protect them. I wanted to do everything I could.

But now... what am I fighting for? I literally ran away because of the people I loved. I ran away because I was too much of a burden and without me...they would have a better life. Eventually, mom and dad will wake up. Gold will be a successful ruler. Draco will be a great leader. Lunar will be an awesome potions creator. Rainbow will be the wisest advisor ever. Mother and Father will be proud to have 4 amazing children...But me? I hiding. Away...from the people I love. They'll have a better life anyways, I'm always a worry in their mind.

But now that I'm out of their way, they'll live happier. I doubt they will care too much either ways. It works out both ways...I get to have freedom and they get to have happiness...right? Is this really what I want? Will I go back? But, something I do know will come back is the witch. I'm not sure if the witch knows about me. But, it's a definite that she'll be starting a war. Every kingdom was attacked by The Dark Army, or at least that's what we abbreviated to.

Even though I am in hiding, it doesn't mean I'll stop fighting. I made a promise and I will keep it. It's obvious the witch is much stronger than me, she was caught off guard when I attacked her. That was probably the only reason I was able to even touch her. I just have to practice harder. Tomorrow marks my start of training. There is no doubt she will start to find it suspicious of where I've gone. And I'm sure Crystalia is her main goal. We are the strongest in the bunch after all.

My phone started to ring and buzz. I looked at the lit up screen. It was a call from Rainbow. I just let it sit there and ring. But eventually, it got annoying. Should I pick up? It was Draco now who was calling me. I decided to answer, not because I wanted to, but because it got annoying. "What." I said coldly. "Funneh! Where the heck did you run off to?" Draco asked frantically. "That's none of your concern Draco." I said. " least let me know, the others don't know that I called you, I'm in a private area." Draco said. I heard a faint sob. "And I'm telling you because?" I said. "Please Funneh. I won't tell them. At least it helps me cope with the guilt that my sister could be in the cold night for all I know!" Draco said. I could hear him crying now. "Fine. I'm perfectly fine and warm. I'm in a cabin that's on a hill and have decent amount of food to survive." I said coldly. It hurts my heart to hear Draco cry. He rarely cries. "O-okay." Draco said faintly. "I will go now." I said. "W-wait!" Draco said stopping me. "I love you sis. If you run into problems, let me know. If you need anything, just ask. I won't tell the others. Please, stay safe. And, come back when you think it's time...I miss you. It's different without you. Why are you running away? I-is it because of me?" Draco said. I felt a tear drop down my cheek after hearing that. "Draco, even if I'm gone, doesn't mean I won't love you. Always did and always will lil bro. Don't forget that, alright?" I said, before hanging up.

I slid down onto the floor. And just stayed there, crying. How did I get myself into this mess... I got up after a while and went to sleep with tears in my eyes.

It's never the same...

Word Count- 1111

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