Chapter 19- Accept or Decline?

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I heard a creek outside of my bedroom. Thinking it is something harmful, I jumped to my instincts and got out of bed. I quietly walked over to my sword, which is resting next to my bag. Grabbing it, I quietly tip toed to my door. Creaking it open a bit. I looked around. No one was in sight. Fully opening the door now, I walk towards the living room. Nothing particularly odd except for a blue note.......floating? There were blue sparkles coming off from it, I grabbed hesitantly.


Hi Funneh. Just wanted to let you know that I went out for some fresh air. It's a really nice day out today. I wanted to enjoy whats left of my time here. I would've woken you up, but you looked like you needed the sleep. I suggest taking a walk too! See you later!


I guess Kat wanted to have a peaceful day out. Feeling a bit more at ease now, I walked into my room. The room was lit up by the little amount of light seeping through the curtains. I clutch the curtain in my hand and slide it to the side. The sunlight glowed in the room. The outdoors today looked really bright and pretty.

Quickly, I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I wouldn't dare miss a beautiful day like this. Even if I was still in the castle, I probably would've snuck out or something. I was going to take this time to research some spells. They could come in handy. While fumbling through stuff in my bag, something pricked my finger and it wasn't delightful. I grabbed whatever it was out and to my surprise, it was my crown. I didn't think I would've grabbed this thing. The last thing I would take in fact. But I guess i did. I slid it on my head. Even though I'm out of the castle, and probably never going back, I still had this weird feeling that it felt wrong to not wear it. I am technically still part of the kingdom so...... yeah. Taking some of the spell books I brought, I walked out into the outside world. I was pure beauty.

I trudged alongside a river. If I'm not wrong, this is suppose to be the Myra River. Rainbow once told me it was named after an urban legend that took place long ago. Though I can't exactly remember what the myth was, it ought to be cool. This river is clearer than any around the 7 kingdoms. It leads to a lake that is named 'Vinculum Fratrem'. But in short, we call it Myrian Lake. After a while of climbing, I was able to get to a nice stop. I am on top of a hill and it overlooks the Myra River. I plopped down on the grass floor. Setting all my stuff on the ground.

For a moment, I just sat there, breathing. This...felt if this is where I'm meant to be. In the nature. I could hear the bird's singing and feel the breeze swept through my hair. My hair picked up in the air as the breeze blew at me. I almost forgot what I was doing in the first place. I opened my eyes agin and this time, actually focusing on the objective.

Should I accept the witch's offer? One on one... with only swords? As if I believe her. She'll probably stir some magic up or something somewhere in the fight. The pros and cons of having this fight. Pros, I have a chance of defeating her, and is the perfect opportunity to getting rid of her relic. It will restore peace into all the kingdoms. Con, I have a chance of losing the fight, and if I do, she will most likely destroy all the kingdoms. As much as I trust in my siblings, they are no match for a relic wielder, is that what you call them? Either ways, I will die, no matter I win or lose. But, me losing my life is the least of my concerns. If I die, Kat will disappear too. If there happened to be anyway of keeping her as a real person-ish. There's ought to be a spell that can make a summoned sprit permanent, right? Into a spirit human type of ordeal. There has to be... gosh. Can't there be spells that teach you spells?! Suddenly, a book pooped up from thin air. It was floating with a glowing light. The book opened and started flipping through. Soon enough, it stopped at a page.


Semper Perpetuum:

Semper Perpetuum, a spell to make created objects permanent. It is used to make objects summoned permanent, meaning, if the summoner of the object or person, parishes, the object or spirit/person will not disappear. This spell is used quite often to keep the objects still usable after summoner's disappearance.

To perform this spell, you have to summon a Durainius Flower. Make this flower into an energy ball, collide it with light magic. To combine, say 'miscere'. To make the object permanent, use this energy wave ball and say 'semper perpetuum', colliding it with the object/spirit you summoned. Therefore, leading the thing permanent. It won't disappear if the summoner dies.

The spell is quite unpredictable. Even though many magic users have used this spell, it is not certain what prices does the summoner have to pay. All that is noted is that the price could have a degree of being traitorous or semi okay. Use at your own risk.


Use at my own risk? What kind of price is there? The worst is probably death, right? I wonder if past users thought about it. Well, this is a way to make sure Kat stays living even after know...die. There is no second chance in this battle. If I lose, then I die. But even if I win, I will have to remove that relic, and still die... Then that means, there is not much of a choice. Everything is on a timeline. It's just a matter of time before the witch attacks all the kingdoms, and conquer all. It doesn't matter if I win the battle. If I don't remove that relic, god knows what she can do. She won't let me kill her easily, and I won't let her kill me easily either. Accepting will mean a battle. Declining will mean the witch will strike an attack the kingdom. So if I accept, and it's a one on one battle, I can have a chance of getting rid of her.... Everything is in my hands, so... should I accept of decline?

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