Chapter 5- Adventure Time

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I opened the chest and took a paper, and went over to Rainbow and Gold. We all had the same resources and whoever could find it first, wins. "The paper has a riddle on it." Rainbow said. "Well, let's read it." Gold said.

The treasure you seek,
Is no where bleak,
But the exact opposite,
Is your next site.

"Is that suppose to mean something?" Gold asked, sounding a tad confused. "Well...its a riddle alright." I said reading it over. Is no where bleak. "Wait! I know. Bleak means somewhere that lacks vegetation or growth of food. And or a wintery misery. But its no where near winter so it probably stands for vegetation. The exact opposite is the farm and or supply room." I said. Maybe me binge reading some detective books got me smarter? I was really bored. I only read mystery books for adventure. I sometime read riddle solving books. They are alright. Just something I use to pass boring castle time.

"Let's head to the supply room then. The farm is also in that way so if it's not at the supply room, we won't waste time by traveling to the Farm next." Rainbow said. "Wow Funneh. I didn't know you were a literal detective." Gold said. "Nah. Just the riddle makes sense." I said. Honestly it did. Lady Jane didn't make things ideally too hard.

We headed towards the supply room. On the way, we passed Brittney and Felicia who was sitting in a cafe. Felicia said, "Brittney, did you look at the paper yet?" "Nope, it's not like it'll do anything. I'd rather drink my PSL rather than look at it." Brittney said.

We also passed many shops and villagers in Brightania. Aly, Ayano, and Evelyn seemed to be in a team. They were around the fountain. I'm surprised that Evelyn hasn't got the answer yet. We reached the supply room, a wooden hut with many, many chests and barrels.In one specific chest, there was a note. I read it aloud.

Accessories and jewels,
Where do they go?
X marks the spot,
Of where you'll go.

"Accessories and jewels?" Gold said. "There is so many jewelry stores though." I said a little frustrated. "Wait, Evelyn said that the village center has a map thing. Let's head there, and mark down all the possible jewelry store." Rainbow stated. "Good thinking Rainbow!" I said.

We rushed toward the map. It was in the center of the town. I studied the map. There was five accessory stores in this place. But one specific stood out to. "X marks the spot." Rainbow mumbled. "Wait I know! X's Accessory Stop! It must be there." Rainbow said. We headed off to this jewelry store. It was near the outskirts of the village. The shop had a clean look towards it. I pushed open the door. "Hi, we are wondering if Lady Jane wanted you to give us anything?" Rainbow asked. The girl, who seemingly around 20, gave us a warm smile and handed us a piece of paper. "Good luck on your adventure." She said. "Thank you." Gold replied. We went out of the store and I read the piece of paper out loud.

Your almost there, just one last clue,

It seems like you need are no fool,
Try the neighborhood 'pool',

"Neighborhood pool?" I pondered. "Brightania doesn't have a neighborhood pool. I don't think at least." Rainbow said. "No they don't." I said. "There are quotations around the pool. It probably doesn't mean pool. But...oh wait!" Gold said. "What?" I asked. "The pool! A pool table!" Gold said. "Oh right!" I said. "Let's head to the pool store thing." Gold said. "Roger that." Rainbow said. "Yes, but, where exactly is a pool store?" I asked. "Well, maybe we can check at the map!" Gold said. "Fine." I said. We traveled towards the map. It showed that the pool store was located near the center market next to a barbers shop.

It took us a few minutes to get to the store. When we got there, it was around noon. The sun was at it's highest peak.

There was a chest placed in front of the store. Inside the chest was a box. The box has a paper taped onto it. "Well, this is our last stop." Rainbow said. The paper said:

Congrats! You're at your last stop. Come see me with this box. I'll be in the classroom. You did well! ~Lady Jane

"Let's head back." Gold said.

We had to travel back to the classroom where we started. It was around a 10 minute walk. When we got there, it was 12:25. I knocked on the wooden door. "Come in." Lady Jane said. We walked in. "Good job girls, you were faster than I thought." Lady Jane said. "Thank you." I simply replied. "What does this box do?" Rainbow asked as she handed it to Lady Jane. Lady Jane opened it to reveal 3 gem stones. They were kind of like medals. "I had a feeling you girls were going to work together, so I made sure there was three prizes. So here you go girls, congrats." Lady Jane said. "Thank you Lady Jane. Is that all for today then?" Gold asked. "Yes, farewell until next time." Lady Jane said. "Bye Lady Jane!" We all said as we left.

It's kind of cool to win. I haven't been on much adventures as I gradually got older, but it's nice to have one once in a while. Well, when I was younger, I had a lot of adventures. Many many to come.

You remember the diary/journal? Yeah, that thing contains a lot of my stories. My side of me growing up. I don't know why. But that book was really special to me. Not because it stored all my secrets, but it also was a gift given to me by the krew.

I turned eight that year, and the krew gave me this book. You could add more pages to it as I run out. The book was a blue color with F printed on the cover. Inside, the first page said, 'Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Adventurous." Under that was "The Krew". And in gold letter was the name of all of us. I really likes that book. It was really special to me.

By the time I snapped out of my own brain, we were at the castle entrance. I can't wait to get late lunch. Come to think of it, I didn't have breakfast either. So i guess late brunch then. I'm famished.

Word Count- 1105

To Be Free and UnafraidNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ