Chapter 13- Rebel

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Shoot. How do I do this. I can't just exactly walk out and say I'm here right? Or...can I?

I changed into a new dress that didn't smell like dirt and put on my tiara. Okay, here goes nothing. I pushed my door open a little and started to walk towards the downstairs. But I stopped in front of Gold's room. I heard muffled noises and put my ear against the door. I listened in.

"We can't keep having her risk her life for us!"

"What can we do? Draco is the only one that can fight in our group apart from Funneh aparrently!"

"B-but. We can lose our sister if we don't do anything about it!"

"Let me get out of here! I need to organize that search party I was talking about!"

"She'll be back! Geez. You are my older sister and all, but you freak out a lot."

"I trust Funneh and I'm sure she'll be back."

"Where could she have gone?! It's been like 5 hours! You're not suppose to leave a castle unattended! Does she not know the rules?!"

"Remember, she doesn't play by the rules."

"Right. I guess."

I stood still for a bit. I guess the one freaking out was Gold? I'm not so sure. But, it's nice to know that my siblings still trust in me.

I knocked on the golden arched door. "Come in." was said by a voice. I nudged the door open a little and walked in. "Funneh!" Rainbow said running towards me. "You alright?" I asked pretending to be oblivious. "Thank the heavens you're alright! Where'd you run off to?" Lunar asked. "I was just in the forest! Listening to the peace and quiet. Like what I always do?" I said, making a believable story up. "Alright, as long as you're fine. What happened to your phone?" Rainbow asked. "Well, about that. It ran out of battery, and when I came back, I had to wait for it to turn on. That's all." I said with a slight smile. "Gold? You're awfully quiet. You alright?" I asked. Everyone looked at Gold. "Did you know?" she started. "Huh?" I said. "Did you know how worried I was?!" Gold continued. "I thought you were kidnapped!" Gold said.

I've never seen Gold flip out this much. "I'm sorry Gold. I didn't think you would care as much." I said. "Didn't care?" Gold said. "I have to care! You are my sister for goodness sake!" Gold said. I hugged her. Hoping it would calm her down. "I'm fine aren't I?" I said. "Y-yeah." Gold said in a mumble. "I'll be sure to leave a note next time." I said.

With that, it was around 7, or known as dinner time. "C'mon guys! I'm starving!!!" Draco whined. "Let's go." Rainbow said. We head down to dinner, but this time, it was only us five. "It's never the same without mom and dad." Lunar said. "It's not. But it's something we have to get use to." Rainbow said with a sigh. "Hey! At the least of it, they aren't dead. They are just in a coma." Draco said trying to cheer everything up. "But they were in critical condition!" Gold said trying to fight back tears. "The doctors weren't sure if they would wake up or not." Rainbow said. "Let's discuss these matters after we eat." Gold said.

After Eating

We went to the throne room down, discussing matters. "What are we going to do next? The witch is definitely coming back. It has been a few days." I said. "Well, for now, Draco is captain. He'll be commanding the army." Rainbow said. "But I can't allow him on the battlefield!" Gold said. "Why not?!" Draco bursted up. "Because, oh I don't know?! You could die?! If I lost our only brother in the family I would go crazy!" Gold said. "B-but. How's an army going to do anything if they don't have a captain?" Draco asked, calming down. "We'll train the guards. I won't allow you to be in danger." Gold said. "Again, same question. What do I do?" I asked. "You, will stay inside during wars like everyone else and stay far away from the battlefield!" Gold said. "And do nothing while watch others fight and risk their lives?! Who do you think I am? A princess who will be sheltered in all the time?" I said standing up now. I didn't want to stay in. There is no way that while other's are risking their lives and I'm just here doing nothing.

"Funneh! This isn't a joke. The Dark Army is around everywhere! Even Brightania was attacked!" Gold said angered. "I'm not staying in and doing nothing!" I screamed practically. "It's not a choice Funneh!" Gold shouted. "What do I look like to you?!" I shouted. "It's already much for me to be Queen! Can you make it easier at all?! It's an order and you will follow!" Gold said and slapped me. She never did that. When I turned my face and looked at all my siblings, they were all shocked. Gold looked at her hands and looked at me. "F-Funneh I di-" Gold started. "Save it. I know when I'm not needed. I'll just go since I'm such a burden." I hustled out of the room and quickly headed to my room. I locked my room. I started grabbing my backpack. I shoved things into it and my mind was all filled with thoughts that I didn't even know what I was grabbing. I also was able to stash some food into my bag. From where? My secret stash. I made sure to grab my journal and a bottle of water. and I was able to get my sword.

I closed the balcony door. When I was about to jump down, I heard faintly, "Funneh! Open your door!" I jumped quickly. They can't keep me in. If they think they I'm such a burden, then I'll leave. It'll be easier for them anyways. I hiked into the forest. Where no one could possibly find me...right?

Am I making the right choice?

To just run away...


This isn't running away. I'm rebelling.

Word Count- 1036

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