Chapter 2- Disappointment?

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I went downstairs for dinner. Surprisingly, Draco and Lunar was already there. Rainbow and Gold came after them. "I'm surprised that Draco and Lunar got here before you." I said to Gold. "I'm also surprised." Gold said laughing a little. "I'm hungry okay?" Draco said. "Probably because of everything we did today. At least that's why I'm here so early." Lunar said laughing. "Yeah! what she said." Draco said.

As we talked, the butler brought out many dishes. The main course that night was steak. But we also had salad and some other dishes. "I live for this food!" Draco said with his mouth full. "Draco! EW. Chew your food down before speaking." Gold and I said. "Wow, we're in sync today." Gold said. I just laughed.

After a few minutes of eating, mother said, "Alright, we need to talk about what will happen next week." "Next week?" I asked confused. "We are having a ball next week." Father said. "A ball? What's the occasion?" I questioned. Mother laughed along with Gold, Rainbow, and Lunar. I was so confused. "You really don't remember?" Draco asked also laughing. "Remember what?" I said. "We are having the ball on October 31st, night." Father said. "Wait no. What is it for?" I said, seriously sooo confused by now. "It's your birthday dummy!" Lunar said. "Huh? My birthday? What does it ha-- ohhhhhh." I said as realization hit me. "Took you long enough." Draco said. "How do you forget your birthday? You're literally turning 18! HOW can you forget?" Gold said being dramatic. I just laughed and said, "Woops."

"Anyways, what are we doing then?" I asked out of curiosity. "That's for us to know and you to not know." Gold said laughing. "Hey! You know I hate waiting!" I said. "I thought you don't like balls and wearing dresses!" Lunar said. "Yeah I don't. But it's my birthday and I need to know my gifts now!" I said. I don't like waiting. My siblings and parents always kick me out when they talk about surprises for my birthday. And usually it's always and good surprise. I want to know alright?

The rest of dinner was great. I got ice-cream for dessert. It was delicious. I went up to my room. Welp, I guess I'll be prepared to wear a gown. 'Fun'. I went into my room. Shuffled through my drawer until I managed to find my journal diary thing. It's really where I rant out most of my thoughts. Sometimes good ones and others bad. I opened my book.



Today was hectic eh? I mean. We finally got in some sibling time. I miss those times. That's when I was still granted little freedom when I was able to do certain things such as scream and run around. That's probably because when you are a kid, people will tend to think 'oh she's just a kid'. But now that I'm older, I'm looked up to. I don't want to disappoint my family but at the same time I want to feel like myself. Not just someone else. Not fake smiling and pretending I'm happy and in the right place. I want to be a warrior. A person who is memorable even if I die on a battle field. Someone who isn't just a pretty little princess in a dress and order people around to do things. I would be fine if I died protecting someone. I'll be fine with that.

But today, what Lunar said. Does she also feel out of place? She doesn't hate dresses or being called 'hey princess'. She's pretty chill about it. If anything, she's the calm one out of all of us apart from Rainbow. Rainbow is the oldest and possibly calm, but she does have her moments. Did Lunar hint something when she said she just wanted to be free...and unafraid? Man, that feeling must be great. I want. I want to show the side of me where I'm comfortable doing what I want. The side I only show to myself. The side of me where I can fight. The side of me that no one knows about. Minus Draco. I mean I did win during our little battle we had. But he probably just thinks that it was my luck. How fun would it feel if I could just be unafraid to be who I am. But... I don't want to disappoint the people around me...I can't break the rules...


I stopped there. I was about to write 'I guess that's all for tonight.' or something like that when there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I said after quickly putting my journal in the drawers again. It was Lunar. "Hi Lunar. Anything wrong?" I asked. "No...nothing. It's just. I guess I felt like ranting to someone tonight." Lunar said softly.

I gestured to her that we could talk at the balcony. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked. "Well, you know how today I talked about being free?" she said quietly. "Yeah..."I said remembering just minutes ago I was just writing about it. " you think people dislike me?" Lunar asked out of the blue. I was shocked. "Do you think...that...I don't deserve to be in this family? I'm afraid that people don't accept me." Lunar said hugging her self a little. I thought about it. Why would she think that. If anything, people love her. She's quiet, calm, and respectful. Oh wait. Is it about the potions? "Look Lunar. It doesn't matter what others think of you. Do what makes you happy, and don't care about what others think." I said. I brought her into a tight embrace. "But...I...just sometimes... hear some whispers in the village and some people reject me for liking potions and studying them." Lunar said trying to hold back tears. "It's alright. People have their opinions. Besides, you don't use it to be evil or powerful. Funny thing is that you use your healing potions to help people." "I g-guess." Lunar said. "Things will be better. Don't let the very minimal of people who are jealous get to you. You are perfect just the way you are." I said to Lunar with a soft voice. "Thank you big sis." she said.

After a few minutes, Lunar went back to her room feeling better. I started to think more. Who would say that to Lunar? Everyone at the village is nice. I wonder who. Or maybe it isn't someone. I don't really know anymore. I yawned. Man. Today was an eventful day alright. Let's see what the next awaits. I brushed my teeth, put on my pajamas and tucked myself into bed. I slept like a baby, soundly through the night...


Word Count- 1130

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