Chapter 9- A Promise at Birth

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I got out of my bed. Stumbling a bit. Gosh, my head hurt like hell for a moment. Did it had something to do with the drea- er- memory flashback? I don't know what it was. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, changed clothing, and fixed my hair. I started heading out my room to the dining room. I was just walking in the hallway...but just then, my head felt as if it was struck by a sword or something. My vision started to blur and everything was spinning. I held my head. But it was no use. The hallway began to blur more and more. Last thing I heard was someone screaming my name. Then I blacked out. Into utter darkness.

Next thing I knew was that I was in a dark place. "Is this another dream or memory flashback again?" I mumbled to myself. Soon, the scene shifted, there was a girl. I think it's a girl at least, she had a hood on. Around the age of maybe 15? But it was just pure black surrounding her. I couldn't see the girl's face. "Hello?" I called out, hoping to get an answer but she didn't bother to look back. Not taking notice of me.

Am I invisible again? Then a voice spoke, "You know, you won't remember this after you wake up." "Why?" the little girl replied. "Right now, it doesn't matter, but do you remember your promise?" the voice asked. "What promise?" the girl asked. I think it's a girl, it's a female voice. "Your promise that you made when you were born, when you were chosen." the voice asked. "A promise..."the girl mumbled to herself. "Chosen?" the girl called out. "The promise I made when I was chosen...the promise..." the girl kept mumbling on. "The promise I made to always protect everyone, even if my life depended on it?" the little girl asked. "Good, you remember. Now, I'm asking you, will you keep that promise?" the voice said. "I, Funneh La Crystal, swear to protect my family, my siblings, people around me, and anyone, even if it means putting my life on the line. That's my destiny, forever." the girl said.

I wide eye stared. That girl was me. When the girl finished saying that, she pulled her hood down. She then turned towards me. "At any cost, right?" the girl said to me. I thought about it. All the things the people around me did. All the great things they do to help. Then I thought about my parents. The ones who raised me. Then my siblings. Rainbow, Gold, Lunar, and Draco. They were my everything. I would give up anything. "Yes." I said looking at the girl. She smiled and said, "Let's hold that promise, together." the girl said. "Together." I repeated. Then within seconds, she disappeared. I guess that was my promise. One question that boggled my mind was, what did that voice mean by the 'chosen' one.

I opened my eyes again. It blurred a tad before I had full conscious. "Funneh?" I looked to my left, it was my family, all there. I was in an unfamiliar room. "Funneh! Can you hear us?" the voice said again with a tone of worry. I shook my head. Slightly still dizzy. "Funneh?" a different voice said. For some reason, my throat was dry, and kinda hurt. I didn't reply but I sat up and looked at them. "Funneh?" Mother said. I looked at her but just didn't speak. "Are you alright?" Gold said, she looked like she was crying. I nodded my head, signaling I was fine. "Is your voice okay?" Draco asked, probably because of my lack of response. "Yeah." I managed to say before coughing. Lunar handed me a cup of water. I gulped it down. "Thanks." I said finally having my voice back.

"How are you feeling?" Father asked. "I'm alright." I said with a reassuring smile. "What happened?" I asked. "You were in the hall way and then when I walked out my room, I saw you clutching your head. You then collapsed." Draco said. "How long have I been out for?" I asked. "A day, but happy birthday Funneh." Rainbow said with a smile. "Thanks." I said. I forgot. Heh. "Anyways, it's almost 2 right now. Wanna do some shopping with me Gold?" Rainbow asked Gold. "Sure." Gold said. "I'll be in the library." Mother said. "I need to go back to signing some papers, rest well Funneh, then remember to get Gold for your outfit for tonight." Father said before exiting. "Tonight?" I questioned. "Your birthday ball party thing." Lunar said. "Gosh Funneh, you scared me half to death." Draco whined. "Heh.Sorry lil bro." I said messing up his hair. "Hey!" he said with a pouting face. I laughed.

"Funneh, do you know why you collapsed?" Lunar asked. "No, I don't, I just had a weird dream." I said. "What dream?" Lunar asked. "It's nothing important, it's silly, I'm fine, I mean it." I said. I gave her a reassuring smile. I had to. My siblings all seem to realize how I keep a lot of my thoughts to myself. "Hmm...alright, we'll leave you to rest. C'mon Draco. I'll get someone to fetch you when it's time alright?" Lunar said. "Alright, see you guys later." I said waving at them. They left the room. It was just me now.

I don't know why I didn't want to tell Lunar about my weird encounter with my past self. I also haven't told anyone about my other dream the day before. Something inside me just told me to not say it. I'm not sure why. Maybe because it was an oath, my personal oath I took upon. I know that if any of my sibling knew about it, they would probably not allow me to do so. Well, even regardless of it, I wouldn't obey. Protecting people is what I was born to do. At least that's what it feels like. People around me would never accept me for fighting, but maybe, just maybe they'll understand, eventually, with time.

Doesn't time change all?

Word Count- 1034

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