Chapter 6- Stargazing

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Our really late brunch was quite the feast. After that whole ordeal, Gold, Rainbow, and I headed to our room. I guess I survived half of day 1. I pushed open the door, it was only Lunar. "Hey Lunar." I said. "Hi Funneh! Where were you?" Lunar asked. "Royalty training you could say." I said. "Yikes. The middle child has to go?" Lunar asked. "Apparently, but it wasn't all bad. We had to solve riddles and stuff." Gold said. "Funneh enjoyed it actually." Rainbow said. "As weird as it sounds, it's true." I said. "That's new." a voice said from behind me. I turned around, it was Draco."Good afternoon sisters." Draco said. "No need to be so modest Draco. Gee." Lunar said with a laugh. "It was a joke!" Draco whined.

"Where'd you go?" I asked. "Captain training. It was alright. Just basically everything I know." Draco replied. "Nice." Rainbow said. "It's almost 7, which means dinner!" Lunar said happily. "What have you been up to today Lunar?" I asked. "Eh...not much really. I went to one princess class and that's all." Lunar said. "That's nice." I said. "Do you guys want to head to the dinning room yet?" Gold asked. "Sure." we all replied to Gold.

After Dinner (Yeet Time)

I grabbed my journal and walked through the night. The outside world was so quiet. Everything was so peaceful. I walked behind the castle and into the forest. I came across a pond covered with sparkling flowers. It was truly a sight to behold. I sat on the ground for a little.

Just in that moment, I appreciated the silence. I took everything around me in. The silence. The nature's song. The crickets' chirps. It was beautiful. The wind breezed through my hair, making it flutter in the breeze. I felt a little free. With not a single care in the world. Was this how being free felt like? It feels great. I don't want this moment to end. It feels....well...I don't think any words can describe it. I opened my journal finally, and started an entry.


Its nice being in the wild. Feeling like there is nothing to worry about. My worries, problems? All behind me. This feeling us amazing. I don't know any words to describe it. If only it would last longer. The breeze tonight was just amazing.

I am probably permanently scared pf carriage rides now. 6 hours? REALLY?! I swear, if it isn't because of the food, I probably would've passed out. Let's talk about food, isn't chips the best thing EVER? I just wish I was still a child when I didn't have certain restrictions from Gold.

Lady Jane seems really nice. She's someone I could probably be okay with as an instructor. She knows that regular class is boring. Today was really nice. I guess it's one of my first adventure since a long time.


I stopped. I decided to head back. I didn't leave a message or anything for my siblings to know I was out. They might get worried. I didn't have my phone on me either. I speed walked to the castle.

10 Minutes Later (Yeet Time x2)

Before I pushed open my door, I could hear people's frantic talking. Not sure of what it is, I pushed open the door slightly, walking in quietly. "Did you find her?!" Gold asked frantically. "No I di-" Draco said before being cut off by Rainbow, "Funneh!" "Hey." I said. "What's up?" I asked. "What's up?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDNAPPED." Gold said holding back tears. "Missing? Why would I be missing?" I asked confused. "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE KIDNAPPED BY THE WITCH AGA-"Rainbow yelled before covering her mouth. "What?" I was really confused by now. A witch? "Rainbow!" Lunar said. I started to think back. But I don't have any memory of a witch or me being kidnapped. Draco said, "Rainbow! None of us is suppose to speak of that."

If Draco knew...that means I was probably a decent age. "What do you guys mean by a witch?" I asked. "Nothing! Rainbow meant to say something else!" Gold said nervously. "But Draco said that no one is suppose to know...that means you guys all know just can't speak about it." I said. There was silence. I knew this silence. The silence where no one knew what to say. When a hidden secret has been dug out of its bag. "What rare you guys hiding from me?" I asked hoping for a genuine answer.

"It's best if you don't know." Gold said coldly. "Why?" I asked. "It's for your safety Funneh." Rainbow said. "Well if its for my safety, then you should tell me so I at least know what to look out for!" I pointed out the obvious.

"Funneh...please." Draco said.

"H-hey! How about we all go stargazing! I heard the skies in Brightania is clearer then any area!" Lunar suggested. "Fine, but only because I enjoy the peace." I said.

Lunar leads us through the night corridors of Brightania. Everyone was fast asleep in their rooms, but us? We were out and about. We eventually ended up in the harden. Seriously, when did Lunar have time to find all of these places? I swear, this girl does some sneaking around.

We all sat down on the grass. I mean there was benches a few steps away, but when you are stargazing, sitting on the floor is great. I breathed in for a moment.

I don't know why, but I started to think again. Going into my daze. I tried really hard about witches and kidnapping. But...nothing? I had to be a decent age, since even Draco knows about this. I just couldn't think of anything. There was no trace of memory. As if, it was...erased...out of existence.

I started to get a little chili. I guess it was a little obvious since Draco placed his jacket on me. "Don't get sick." he said and smiled. "Thanks." I replied.

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