Chapter 22- Once A Blue Moon

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(This SUPER Fast Forward is brought to you by potato chips)

Last moon, heh. I sat there, looking at the full moon. A rustle was heard behind me. I turned around, wondering what made that sound. My eyes softened as I saw Kat walking towards me. "Hey Kat." I said. She sat down next to me. "Hey. Couldn't sleep?" she asked. "Kinda. Tonight is a blue moon." I said. "I don't see it being blue." Kat said squinting her eyes. "No dummy. It has the name blue moon because when there is enough dust in the air, it reflects the moon's color as blue. And also because it happens maybe every 2.75 years. That's where the phrase 'Once A Blue Moon' came from!" I said.

"Haha...silly me." Kat said. There was a moment of silence again. Only thing that was heard was the cricket's chirps. "Made your decision yet?" Kat asked out of the blue. "Yeah...I did." I said. "So, what is it?" Kat said. "I'm going to fight her. At all cost." I said. "Easily seen from afar." Kat said while chuckling a bit. "Don't worry, I'll be with you during the fight too." Kat said in a low whisper. "Huh? But it's a one on one battle." I said. "It's not going to be a one on one battle when she summon back up and has a relic literary in her!" Kat said dramatically. "Point taken." I said. "By any chance she decides to do anything out of the rule, I'll join in." Kat said. "Alright." I said.

Kat started in for the cabin. I sat near the edge of the little cliff there was on the hill. This view was perfect. It overlooks the forest. And you could dimly see the castle lights. Draco told me they were able to hold off the army the witch sent. That was a relief. To be honest, he didn't have to tell me we won, I was there. Just invisible. I wanted to make sure Draco didn't go on the front lines. Breathing in the cold air, I felt relaxed. Nothing better than sitting in the night, stargazing, er... and moon-gazing too? Once a blue moon eh? It's also once a blue moon something this hectic happens. The last time something as crazy as magic happened was me being kidnapped. Or, if we are going further, in an urban legend, where a girl saved her family. That was the legend of the Myra River. I read about it earlier today.

The story goes by when a family is targeted because they were royalty. Something about assassins and magic. Then, when the family was all supposedly stuck next to the Myra River, surrounded, a miracle happened. The river apparently use to be dirty and gross. But something happened, and that something happened to the river. It's said that the sacrifice made by one of the family member caused it. A huge sacrifice. The river represents the sacrificer's tear. I think. Whatever happened, sounds unbelievable. But with everything that has happened lately, what can be believed and what can't be?

I looked at the moon. This'll be the last blue moon I will see, I thought. Something hit me in that exact moment. I should probably write goodbye letters to my siblings. At the least of it, them knowing what happened to me makes me feel a little bit better about leaving them. At least they'll know what happened to me...

I walked into the cabin. Being as quiet as I can, I took out a few pieces of paper and started on the first letter. The one to all of the krew. The next, to mom and dad. And then individual ones to Rainbow, Gold, Draco and Lunar. And then one last one to Kat. She has helped me so much. I couldn't thank her enough. When I finished writing, my eyes set sight on my journal. I guess it's about time I made another entry.


It's been a while since I wrote out an entry, hasn't it. Well, a lot of things happened. From being a princess to a magic user. That's a lot. I guess I never really talked too much about how I feel. I guess there just isn't a lot? I mean it is a lot. Just...expressing how I feel won't make the situation any better or go by faster. My plan is to meet the witch at the battle field. Fight her till she is tired. I have no doubt she'll have some trick up her sleeve. Just what it is concerns me. I'll paralyze her. Then, I guess I'll have to paralyze Kat so she doesn't do anything. I'll use the spell so that Kat stays mortal I guess. Then, tell her to find the letters and this journal in the cabin. Then...I'll get rid of the relic. Killing the witch in the process. And also me... but that's fine. I'm fine with this ending. A fairytale end.

I should be careful tomorrow night. Who knows what she'll do. Amber is a witch for who knows how many years. The instant memory of the 'curse' came back to me. Darn. I almost forgot. What possible curse can she even place on me? From my knowledge at least, curses can take place from 5-10 minutes of use. Basically, it means that after 5-10 minutes of casting the curse, it'll start to take place. Meaning, even if whatever curse she places on me, I still have 5-10minutes of time before anything happens.

I'm going to die anyways so meh. Though there is so much in life I haven't seen yet, so much things I haven't experienced, so much adventures I'll miss out on....There is also all those lives that will disappear if I don't do something about this. Besides, I don't think I can bear the awkwardness of me and my siblings after they find out I can possess magic. Heck I would probably get banned from the kingdom because of magic.

Looking out my window now, I stared at the midnight sky. Smiling to myself, I thought, There is no restart. I have no turn backs. I will succeed and everything will be fine. Everything will be fine...the only thing left now is the anticipation of waiting.

Word Count- 1066

Wash your hands ( )

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