Chapter 21- Half of A Promise

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I turned around. Being met with familiar green eyes. I guess it did work? "Hey Draco." I said with a slight smile. "Where are we? I was in a candy land and" Draco asked. "This is one weird dream huh. My mind probably sensed something was missing all these days and replaced it in this dream." Draco rambled on. "Hey, Draco?" I said. "Hmm?" he answered. "It doesn't matter if this is a dream or not. What I'm about to say is completely true. I know it sounds far fetched and all but please, believe me." I said almost begging. "With all the things going on, witches with spells, armies that arise from dust, yeah, I'd believe my dream in a way." Draco said shrugging.

"Alright. How much patrol is at the left side castle market?" I asked. "Err...maybe 5 guards and 2 patrols a day, morning and night." Draco said. "Oh boy... that is no where near enough." I said mumbling. "Why? Is everything alright?" Draco asked with a worried face plastered all over him. "Alright, this'll hit hard, but you can handle it Draco." I said with a smile. "What is it Funneh?" Draco said. "The witch is launching an attack. As much as I know, she's targeting from the left side." I said. "When is she coming?!" Draco said wide eyed. "Around 3, So, I would say wake up, and get the army to ambush over there. D O N O T go on the front lines. Got it?" I said emphasizing the 'do not' loudly. "Sheesh. Are you even Funneh? You kinda sound like Gold now." Draco said laughing. "Ha ha, very funny. Now's not the time to joke around Draco! We're hours before a battle!" I said raising my voice a bit. "Fine fine." Draco said poutingly. "So, how have things been?" Draco asked with a quiet voice. "Could be better, but it's alright. What I'm most worried about is you and our sisters." I said looking at him. Draco looked at me, lowering his head a bit. He seemed to be studying me.

"When will you be back?" he said in such a tiny voice I almost didn't hear. I didn't answer and stayed that way for a moment. "I mean...nothing's the same anymore. You don't hear Gold yelling for not having the proper attire. Lunar's barely seen at all, to the point I'm starting to get worried at what she is doing being cooped up in her room 24/7. Then you have Rainbow who looks like she needs 72 hours of sleep. We're all a reck. Gold was about to past out when we received a letter from a hooded figure." Draco said. "Hooded figure? What was the letter about?" I asked. "It said, 'Watch your every step children, Don't want to slip now do we?'. That letter, just reading it out gave me shivers down my spine. As if whoever sent this letter have been watching us like preys." Draco said.

I thought about it for a second. It's very possible that the witch sent this message to creep us out. But is all of this just to keep us on our toes? Don't they want a surprise attack to end everything? "FUNNEH!". I looked up quickly and took a step back. "Woah there, scared me, heh." I said. "Geez. You just spaced out like a champ. Did you even hear anything I just said?" Draco asked. "Uhh... tOtAlLy!" I said. "Mhmm...Anyways, yesterday, we received another note. But this one, is sent directly to me." Draco said in a serious voice. Draco handed me a piece of paper.


To Draco:

Who I am, you may ask. That isn't a huge concern. I bring no harm to you, just a little advice. There is bigger problems. I know your sister, Funneh, left. Don't worry, she is most definitely safe. So, I suppose, that's one worry out the window. But, the next problem is much more concerning. We all know about the evil witch, Amber, right? Well, I'm warning you, the witch will be launching an attack in the near few days. I don't know exactly when, but what you should know is to be careful. Know who to trust. The witch has become more powerful through a relic. What is a relic? In short terms, something that ups a person's physical abilities and capabilities. It's not everyday you see one out and about so I don't know exactly how she got hold of one. Just be careful of every step. Make sure the army is ready for anything and that if anything fall through, have a back up plan of escape route. That's all I had to say, stay safe Draco.



Who would send this letter? K? "I don't exactly know who sent this letter, but what I do know is that it had glittery powder falling out of it. It wasn't glitter for sure though." Draco said. "How'd you know?" I asked. "It disappeared right after I touched it. Plus, it had a blue shimmering aura to it." Draco said. Welp... there could be one person who could've sent this. "So, what did you do after receiving the letter?" I asked. "Well...." Draco started, "I kinda listened to it. With everything that was going on, I kinda felt like I trust whoever wrote this. There was just this comforting aura? I don't know. I totally sound crazy now, don't I?" I chuckled a bit. "You would if it weren't for everything that has happened recently you know?" I said while laughing a bit more this time.

"Shut up Funneh!" Draco said pouting. I started to daydream again about what I should do next. I was still in my zone until Draco snapped me out of it. "Huh?" I said while taking an instant step back. "Geez. You still space out like a champ." Draco said. I laughed a little. "Some things just stay the same eh?" I said. "Right." Draco said. I suddenly realized how we are literally hours before battle. "You should probably go get ready...we are hours before battle." I said in a serious tone. "I should... you don't talk in a serious tone a lot. Heh. It's serious deal then." Draco said. The space around us started to fade from black to white.

"This is goodbye then." I said. "Why make it sound so depressing as if I'll never see you again?" Draco said in a worried but playful tone. "Regardless, can you promise me something?" Draco said. "I need to hear what you want me to promise." I said. "Promise me that after all of this, we'll all be together a family. We'll all be safe and happy again. Promise?" Draco said. Those words really stunned me. After a long while of thinking, I said, "Sure. I promise."

I lied. Yes, hopefully, by the end of this, my family will be safe. Hopefully, they'll all somehow magically be together again, happy and safe. Hopefully, mom and dad wakes up. Hopefully, I successfully get rid of the witch. And hopefully.......they learn to know that I'm gone. Hopefully.

The room became more blinding with each second. My eyes met with Draco's one last time. I mumbled, "At least I can promise you guys' safety..." He looked at me with confusing eyes. Draco opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, the room turned white.

When I was eventually conscious again, I wasn't in a white amidst anymore. Shoot. Draco probably heard what I said at the end... I hope he doesn't look too much into it. I can only hope. I looked at the evening sun. Few hours before the first moon sets. Heh.

The future only looks so close, yet so distant to me...

Word Count- 1313

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