Chapter 6: Ice cream helps

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"Oh, I walked here. I was over at the park when you texted." He says.

I look over at Virgil. He's staring blankly out the window. My brows knit together with concern. We make it to my house and we go inside. Patton gets out a bowl and spoon and scoops some ice cream into a bowl.

"Virgil, can you talk to me, please? It's going to be ok, trust me."

"I don't know who I can trust." He hiccups and more tears start to stream down his face.

"Are you sure it was them? Do either of them have brothers or look-a-likes that could have been kissing?" I ask.

"Well," He mumbles, "Remus has a twin brother but J-Jan- it was definitely Jan." He says.

"Who's his brother?" I ask. I am curious, as I've heard of a boy named Remus from Rockview, but I didn't know he had a brother.

"R-Roman." He says.

Both Patton and I freeze. Roman has a brother? A twin brother?

"Royalaton?" I ask.

He nods. I'm shocked, but not as much as Patton. He excuses himself and leaves. He pulls out his phone and walks out the front door.

Virgil finishes his bowl of ice cream and I get up to get him some more. 

"Are you absolutely positive it was them? Could you check again? It might have been someone else." I say.

"Doubtful," Virgil mumbles but pulls out his computer nonetheless.

*Virgil POV*

I feel empty inside. My boyfriend of almost two years is cheating on me, and with my best friend. Logan suggests I make sure it's them, so I open up my computer. I log in and the home screen makes me cry again. As this is my personal computer and not my school one, my wallpaper is a picture of Remus, Jan and I, Junior year on Halloween. Remus is on the left in a sparkly black suit with a green sash, his hair has the pale streak but he doesn't have a mustache yet. Jan is on the right in a kind of robe thing, with a yellow undershirt and scale make-up on the side of his face. That was his inspiration for his tattoo. I'm in the middle, wearing fake fangs and giant bat wings. I was a literal vampire bat. We were all so happy and laughing. 

Logan rushes back over and takes over handling my computer. He pulls up the tab with the footage and rewinds it to the exact moment. I burst into more tears, seeing them kiss again. He rewinds is again, and I see what led up to it. They were talking, walking around, and making sure Roman didn't show up when Remus says something. Jan looks at him and walks over and kisses him. He then says something. The footage doesn't have audio, so I can't tell. But it shatters me to know Jan intentionally did this. I guess Logan could tell because he pulls up a chair and sits next to me. He pats my back.

"Virgil, I want you to name five things you can see." He instructs.

"Floor, computer, ice cream, you, lack of a happy future," I say.

Logan raises his eyebrow but doesn't object.

"Now four things you can feel."

"Tears, heartbreak, sweatshirt, and pants."

"Three things you can hear?"

"The lawnmower outside, your breathing-" his phone buzzes, "and my phone."

"Great. Now two things you can smell."

"The ice cream and my deodorant."

"And one thing you can taste."

"The leftover mint chocolate chip flavor in my mouth," I say.

My breathing has slowed down and my tears have dried.

"Would you like to walk back to the library so we can drive your car home?" Logan asks.

I nod. The library isn't too far of a walk from here. I don't fully know where 'here' is, just that it's Logan's house. We grab my stuff and I half walk, half get carried by Logan because I can barely stand properly. We eventually make it to the library and I see Remus and Jan turn the corner, holding hands. I suddenly wonder, how long has this been going on? I have no more tears left at this point and just hunch over in defeat. We make it to my car and Logan offers to drive. I hand him my keys because I can barely focus right now, so it's probably not good if I drive. I put my apartment into my GPS and Logan drives. I wouldn't normally trust someone this fast, but he seems genuinely nice, and I trusted Jan and Remus, and look where that led me.

We pull up to my apartment and I tell Logan where to park. I get out, he hands me my keys, and I thank him. Then I walk into the building. I get up to my apartment and open the door. I wave to my mom, who's cleaning and listening to music. She waves back but doesn't notice my runny eyeshadow or red eyes. I look around. Dad isn't home. Thank god. If he was I would be in for a long month of 'I-told-you-so's for trusting Jan and Remus.

I walk into my room and shut the door. I grab my nice headphones and play some music. I think about what I'll do. I'm not dependant on Remus or Jan for anything, but I don't want to sever our friendship just yet. I decide I won't let them know that I know they're cheating. My phone buzzes. I check it. Its a FaceTime call from Jan. I quickly touch up my eyeshadow and answer. I put on my 'happy' face.

"Hey snake, what's up?" I ask.

"Dude where are you? I texted you and you never responded! Are you still at the library?" Jan asks. 

I hear Remus in the background, "If he answered you then I swear I am going to push that baby bird into an airplane!"

I snort.

"Sorry Jan, yeah I'm at home. I forgot to text you, my partner-" I rack my brain for an excuse, "Was being super dorky and I didn't want anyone to see me with him. I had to get out of there fast." I say.

I feel bad for insulting Logan, who had just helped me, but Jan seems to buy it. 

"Ok. I'm just glad you're ok. See ya tomorrow!" He says.

"Wait, tomorr-" I start to say when Jan hangs up. 

I look at my calendar. I see that I have a date night scheduled with him. Great. I'll have to act all not sad for hours tomorrow. I'd rather spend the day listening to Remus after he had a bunch of sugar at the zoo.

Wow, I'm cutting it close to my deadline here. Whoops. Well, I hope you enjoyed reading! It's nice to write a bit more fluff over the emotional rollercoaster that is my other story. As always, feel free to leave any thoughts, tips, criticism, and theory bits in the comments and have a pleasant day you magnificent peep!

Together, Never (Sanders Sides Highschool AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon