Corruption (Ending Part 1)

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"What a pain in the ass.." Anora groaned. 'Mari' is here now?? The Martians immediately opened fire on him. But Mari didn't waste any time either. He charged and choke slammed the first two Martians shooting at him. The other three tried telekinetically pushing Mari back but it only slowed him down a little bit. They all barely managed to avoid Mari charging at them. "Stay back!" Fred yelled to Anora as he ran up to check on the first two that Mari had choke slammed. "Catch!" Fred yelled to her, tossing her a weapon from one of the now dead Martians. She didn't quite understand how they fired these weapons, but before she could ask the ground started shaking from underneath her. Mari had taken out one of those metallic gloves that manipulate the elements some how. Damn alien technology.. Anora thought. It was slowly collecting the sand and ocean all into a ball right in front of Mari's out stretched hand. By the time Mari stopped using the glove, the ball of condensed sand and ocean water had trapped a Martian inside of it. It was about the same size as a car. "NOOOOO!" Fred shouted as his Martian friend was encased into the ball Mari had created. It dropped heavily to the ground, but firmly held its spherical shape. "If you'll excuse me," Mari said casually. Of course they didn't just let Mari go. They battled him as best they could before being defeated. Anora tried to follow them but they disappeared back into their spaceship. She was far beyond frustrated. She checked on Fred and his Martian friends, after verifying that Samuel and Jasmine were just unconscious, and not dead. The flying saucer piloted by the Martians suddenly appeared hovering overhead her. It landed, and a staircase slowly let down from under the ship. A group of smaller sized Martians care running out, carrying their fellow alien brethren back to the saucer. "Thank you for your assistance, human," A lone Martian stayed behind to speak to her. "We will not forget how you have aided us. I am the President of my home planet, so you can be sure that if you need help we will grant it." Anora nodded. "But I have a question," she asked quickly. She struggled to fight back tears of pure frustration at failing to kill Miranda. Not to mention having to see what she did to Nelson made it a million times worse.
         "Can I come with you?" "With us?" The Martian President echoed. "I just.." Anora struggled and failed to hold her tears back. "I hate her so much and she keeps getting away with everything. I need to kill her. I need to make her pay. You saw how useful their hybrids are, and since you're technologically more advanced than them can't you do better?"  "Theoretically," The Martian President said thoughtfully, "But human.. are you sure you want to subject yourself to the experimentation? I assure you, it will not be pleasant. In fact, it will be quite the opposite." If this is what Nelson had to go through.. Anora wondered angrily, I don't give a fuck what I have to do. Miranda WILL pay for this! "Whatever it takes. As long as I get to kill Miranda, the Urzuhg." The President smirked. "Hunting big game I see. Come along. We have allot to discuss, then. And what of your human friends?" "I'll leave them a note." Anora said.

       Samuel woke up to Jasmine shaking him hurriedly. "Sam!! Samuel! Hey!" Samuel sighed before getting up. How does this chick have so much energy? He wondered. "What..?" He asked, rubbing his head. "Anora and Fred are missing! And here's a note." "A note?" "Says they'll be back with the cure to the disease. Anora went with them." "Huh? Why?" Samuel asked, confused. "I dunno. Probably something to do with 'killing that bitch Miranda'." "Damn," Samuel frowned sadly. "Now Nelson, my kids, AND Anora are all gone. And Paul, and..." "Sam," Jasmine said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He had been getting really upset and worked up the more he spoke. "I'm sorry," Samuel muttered. "It's okay Sam," she said, "You win some, you lose some." "We've done nothing but lose." "Well everything's not lost," Jasmine said. She helped him up out of the sand, up to his own two feet. "I mean I'm still here so that's great!" She said with a playful grin. "Woohoo," Samuel said sarcastically. "Come on Sam, what would you do without me?" She continued with a smile. "We still got Fred, maybe Anora's not gone for good. But there's one thing I do know. The Canadian President of the EED in their country will definitely want to hear about this. We're about to have a cure, and we made an alliance with the fucking Martians!" "I guess that doesn't sound so terrible when you put it like that," Samuel slowly admitted. She patted him on the back comfortingly. "Hurry, follow me it's about to rain," she told him, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the beach. They managed to avoid the rain just barely, running into a random hotel. "Damn," Jasmine panted, a bit weary from jogging. "Never thought I'd see the day I'd be running from the fucking rain." Samuel smirked, amused. "I know right," Samuel agreed. They sat down beside each other on a bench. "How long is it supposed to rain?" Samuel asked her. "Rest of the day." "Damn." "If y'all are waitin' out the rain, might as well get yerselves a room," the receptionist told them. "I have a little bit a cash," Jasmine whispered. Samuel shrugged.
           They purchased a room and settled inside it. "Tomorrow we'll go tell everyone at the base what happened and then head to Canada?" Jasmine asked, laying on her side of the bed. Samuel nodded. "Hey.." Samuel started. "You think we can do this?" Jasmine turned to him curiously, her blue eyes studying him. "What?" "Aliens and shit man." Samuel sighed. "Do you think Nelson can be saved? Do you think things will ever get back to.. you know, kinda normal? Do you think Anora's gonna be okay? I'm worried..." Jasmine lay silently, listening to Samuel vent out his worries and frustrations. After a moment, he paused, surprised at himself. "I'm sorry," He muttered. "I didn't mean to.." "It's fine Sam," She said, still eying him closely. "Don't worry so much. You've made it this far right? Let's just stay focused and I'm sure we'll figure something out." Samuel chuckled softly to himself. "What?" Jasmine asked, a curious smile growing on her. "You're just always so optimistic," Samuel said with a shrug. "Oh," Jasmine replied quietly. "But it's good though," Samuel added on. "So. Thanks Jazz." "Jazz?" Jasmine echoed with a grin. "So I've got a nickname now?" "Jasmine's great and all," Samuel said with a small smile, "But Jazz is just like, it sounds cool." Jasmine nodded, smiling at the ceiling now, as she rest her arms behind her head. "I like it," she told him. "Night Sam." "Night Jazz."

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