Hatred knows no bounds (PT1)

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The interior of the extraterrestrial craft was far beyond different than anything he had ever expected, in every regard. At first it was just completely bland, all light grey walls, and floor until they reached a dead end. It also smelled weird to him. It was strong, sweet, it almost made him nauseous, but he was eventually able to sort of adjust to the smell. Mari put his hand on the wall. "Don't stare at anyone too long," Mari said plainly. "They already don't like you being on the ship, but they don't want to see your ugly face any more than they have to. No offense, of course." "Ouch," Nelson said, "Such a warm welcome." After a thought, he added in, "You know Miranda here looks just as human as me." "Yeah, she's used to it," Mari said dismissively. "Apparently," Miranda murmured, a strange expression on her face. "But I also speak Urzuhg too, where you don't. Did you ever take the rest of those pills? You might want to if you're wanting to keep up with everything up here." Nelson shook his head, but decided against speaking his mind. Miranda eyed him curiously as Mari touched the wall in front of them and it lifted up out of the way. "Are all the doors like that?" He asked them. "Yup. Every single one in this model ship," Miranda replied.

The next room they entered was what appeared to be the main floor of the Mothership. It had an enormous purple lightbulb - looking thing in the exact center, with electricity sparking up into the ceiling in various glowing patches. He didn't quite understand what he was looking at. With that in the center, various doors circled around it, (which he could tell were doors only because they happened to be outlined) leading to other parts of the ship, presumably. There were very few Urzuhg walking around, and they immediately stared at them in disgust. "Don't look back at them," Miranda told Nelson again, "Don't feel like fighting them anymore, do you?" Nelson shook his head to indicate he understood. They walked by them to the other side of the room, where Urzuhg writing indicated something on the door. He noticed the other Urzuhg speaking in their language, albeit quieter than normal, and Miranda seemed to rolled her eyes at whatever they said. I really need to get the fuck off this damn ship, He thought uncomfortably. He hated not knowing anything that was going on. He didn't understand the technology, the language, he could barely even figure out how their doors worked. Mari put his hand on the door, though this one seemed to take a bit longer to open. A voice suddenly spoke to them through some sort of intercom system. It was all in Urzuhg, so Nelson once again didn't understand any of what was going on. "Am I allowed to know what's being said?" He asked Mari, who ignored him. With a sigh, Miranda eventually told him, "They're just asking who's trying to get inside. And asking if he had the ugly human girl with him." Damn, Nelson thought. "Not my fault you got the ugly human genes," Mari shrugged. Miranda remained silent.
When the door opened, the first thing he noticed was that instead all the walls and floors being plain gray, it was gold. Then he noticed an Urzuhg sitting in a  chair with a hologram in front of him, which he fiddled with. Two Urzuhg guard stood in front of the one in the floating chair. "Ew you have another human pet," The Urzuhg in the chair said with what seemed to be a frown. "When are you going to teach it our language? I hate their language." "I'll get to it," Mari said, expression plain. "This is the one we needed." The Urzuhg suddenly jumped down to the ground, a loud bang accompanying it. He walked straight up to Nelson and stared him directly in the eye, looking down because it was taller than him. This particular Urzuhg was taller than any of them. Damn, what is this dude, 7'9?? He thought to himself, trying to guess how tall the Urzuhg was. Nelson was already 6'1, but this alien made him look like a child. Nonetheless, he didn't waver. He tried his best to prepare himself for a fight.
        He had never looked at one so up close and personal. The four glowing green eyes which were shaped like almonds, the four slits it had where a nostril would be on a human, it's fanged multi-rowed teeth.  It growled at him. "You don't look like you're all that strong," it remarked examining his arms and muscular structure. Nelson frowned with irritation. "Are you sure this is the right one?" The Urzuhg asked Mari, "Feels like I could fart and it would die." It seemed to chuckle, with Mari accompanying him. Only Miranda and Nelson didn't laugh. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. He's lucky I'm surrounded by these bastards, he thought irritably. "Is it dead?" The Urzuhg suddenly said, remarking on Nelson's closed eyes. "You know closing your eyes isn't going to make me disappear." When he opened his eyes again, getting a bit more annoyed at his helplessness, he noticed the alien seemed surprised. "What's the matter?" Nelson asked, "I can't blink?" He felt Nightmare crackle with green electricity. It was only then that he realized that his vision had turned green. That means his eyes must have too. The Urzuhg seemed to chuckle again. "I see some of the Urzuhg genes are coming through," he said merely. With that, he backed up a bit, giving Nelson more space. "So I assume you're on board with Joining is?" It asked him. "Well it's kinda hard for me to say no," Nelson told him, "Given the circumstances." "Well, you better start sucking it up, human," The Urzuhg said dismissively, "Because we have something we want done. It took us so long to get you up here" - he glanced briefly at Mari - "That the core we need for our machine is dead. You need to go get a new one. You and the other human." Miranda grimaced but said nothing. "Miranda, I understand you have some other business on 'Earth' to attend to. As soon as you come back I want you two to be on your way." It waved its hand at them dismissively. "You can leave now."
After they left, Nelson asked, "Who was that? What core?" "He is in Charge of this ship," Mari replied, though he didn't answer Nelson's other question. So much secrecy, he thought with a frown. "Miranda, show him to where he can sleep." With that, Mari turned and went into a different door. "Follow me," she told him. She led him through yet a different door (he thought there to be six different doors going to different places on the ship) and down a long plain gray hallway that had one door at the end. Miranda opened it for him. "Thanks," he said lowly. "I'll be back when it's time to go," she said, popping her neck. With that, she left him in the room alone for a while. It was, like most of the ship, all gray and dreary, with a single bed across the room for him to sleep on, and a white light perpetually illuminating the room. It was sort of how he imagined jail to be, with a more comfortable bed. With an irritated sigh, he decided to meditate on the bed. I fucking hate this, he thought angrily, But if I wanna escape... maybe... it's a good idea to try to get better at this hybrid shit.. otherwise I'll never be physically able to escape... He paused in his thoughts, careful not to think aloud in case there were cameras listening.
            He would meditate on the feeling he got whenever his eyes turned green, and his body awakened it's Urzuhg genes, and enhanced his physical prowess. He wanted more than anything to be capable of escaping if he got the chance. He couldn't hesitate, and he couldn't be too slow. Otherwise, it might be the last decision he'd get to make.

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