Glimmer of hope

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When they actually got to the EED base, Anora found that there was a crowd of people gathered at the entrance waiting for them. Most of them were people she didn't know, but there didn't seem to be more than twenty people. They were in a huge cave with a lot of artificial lights above them so they could see. All around them were pathways that lead to other parts of the cave, presumably. "This is where we're going to regroup for a quick moment," Dylan told them. "Eugene, Henry, could you hurry with his brain? There isn't much time if you want a chance of restoring his consciousness." "Yes sir," they both said before sprinting off with Samuel's limp body. The crowd gave worried noises. "Anora?!"
She heard Kelly call her name from the crowd before bursting out and running over to her with Estavon and Javen running close behind. Kelly gave her a hug before asking, "I'm so glad at least you all are okay.. what happened? Did you beat the aliens?" Anora tensed up a bit, and looked down. "What happened..?" "Hey, where did Nelson go?" Estavon asked, "Wasn't he supposed to be fighting with you or something?" Anora grimaced. "We lost," Anora said shortly, "It was one alien.. I guess it's like the leader or something, it fucked us up. Me and Nelson almost killed it in the end.. but it faked its own death and fucking... it fucking took Nelson with it.." Anora tried her best to hide her tears. "Oh my gosh..." Kelly gasped. "Oh my... I'm so.. so sorry." "Damn mane," Javen muttered sadly, "They really got him.?" Paul nodded. "That damn thing is almost unstoppable. I don't know how to kill it." "We have an idea of what may help," Dylan said. Miranda, who had been silently standing in the back, chimed in, "How is that? He.. it stomped us last time." "It's our last resort," he said, "I never imagined actually having to use it. But it appears as if we're at risk of invasion." "Well they said they'd leave us alone once they got Nelson..." Miranda said slowly, "Do you think they're still here?" "They fucking better be," Anora said angrily. "They're not taking my husband anywhere. When can we go to this last resort you keep talking about?" Dylan seemed to think on something. "As soon as you're ready," he replied, "Most of those people are just civilians Jasmine rescued. Are all of you EED?" "Well, Me, Miranda, and Anora are," Paul said, "Kelly is Samuel's wife, and those two..." "They were good friends of Nelson's," Anora finished. "You.. you know what? I wanna learn and help," Estavon said. "Me too," Javen agreed. "You know these aliens are no joke," Paul cautioned them. "I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into." "After these aliens destroyed our homes, and we got fired, Nelson found a way to get us out Jobs back, which we desperately needed," Estavon told them. "Now he needs our help. It's only right." Dylan contemplated a bit more, than decided, "Well given the circumstances, we won't turn down any help. We can arrange for you two to be trained at our base in Hawaii." "I could be of use too," That was when Tyler managed emerged from the crowd of people, holding Kelly and Samuel's newborn babies in both of his arms. "Not with those babies," Dylan said. "These are Kelly's and Samuel's twins," Tyler informed him. "I see," he said, apparently surveying all the people that stood before him. "Well then... I guess all of you will need to come." "Even me?" Kelly asked, "I can't fight or anything." "Well, If all goes well, you'll want to come along," he said simply. He motioned for them to follow him deeper into the cave. Must be talking about if they are able to... resuscitate? Samuel. I guess it's good not to immediately tell her so she doesn't get her hopes up just for it not to work, Anora thought. She just wanted to bring Nelson back, and end this Nightmarish alien threat and go back to their normal lives.
They arrived in Hawaii by plane in a few hours. It was the capital, Honolulu. "I've been here once before," Anora commented thoughtfully, recalling her early childhood growing up in Hawaii. "Is it somewhere here?" Dylan shook his head. "Sort of, but the actual base is.. well I'll show you all." Kelly sat beside Anora on the plane, right behind Dylan. Anora seemed to be really good around babies, and had been helping Kelly since Samuel had died. The twins Arthur and Mary seemed to enjoy poking Anora's belly, and laughing. It was kind of weird to Anora, but she also thought it a bit amusing. Miranda seemed to eye them thoughtfully, but never spoke. She's a weird one, Anora thought.
         They stayed at a house that had recently been built near the beach, not too far from Diamond Head (Volcanic Cone). It was a spacious house, with a large furnished living room and a couple of guests rooms. There were enough rooms for Anora and Kelly to share a room with the babies - so they could take turns soothing them when they cried - Tyler, Paul, while Paul, Estavon, and Javon would take up the living room couches and reclining chair. Dylan said he was sleeping elsewhere. In the end, only Miranda hadn't settled in somewhere. "What about you," Estavon asked that night, as Miranda stood in a corner while everyone else was lounging. Anora had noticed too, she just didn't care. "I don't know," she said, crossing her arms. "There are hotels that aren't that expensive you could stay at," Anora suggested, not being keen on sharing the house with Miranda. "I see," she said with a frown. "That would be fine, if I had money." "I have some money left over," Javen said quietly, "I was probably gonna go drinking with it, but I guess I don't want you to be on the streets." Miranda seemed a bit surprised. "That would only be enough for one night at best," Paul noted, "What about the rest of the time we're here? Might as well lay out like a sheet or something and make do." "I guess so," Miranda conceded. Damn, Anora thought. She was hoping she would leave.
        The next day, Paul, Tyler, Estavon and Javen went out with Dylan to the base to start their training to get ready for what ever plan the government had in mind to fight back against the aliens. Anora wanted to go as well, but Kelly needed help watching the twins. They were both already rather tired from having to wake up in the middle of the night constantly to soothe them. And they were just started to begin trying to crawl around. Miranda mentioned she was going to go training at some dojo in town. Since they were the only ones that stayed behind, Anora and Kelly got to also work on their friendship quite a bit more. They'd been friends since a little bit after Anora left Hawaii all those years ago. That night however, Miranda didn't return. No one seemed to notice that much except Javen, though he eventually got distracted by something else. She wondered where Miranda went.
         It went on like this for a while. Two days later, she returned with a few bruises. She said she had been jumped and beaten, and sent to the hospital. When they asked why she didn't call for help, she said she didn't have any of their numbers. Which was true. "Damn, I'm sorry to hear that," Paul said frowning. She looked like she had been beaten senseless from all the wounds she had leftover. "Who was tough enough to hurt you like that?" Dylan asked her. "I just wasn't paying attention," Miranda muttered, "But it was on my way back from the Dojo.." "The Irony," Anora murmured. But she didn't know Miranda to be weak at all, as much as she hated to admit it. Someone decently strong had to be behind this.

The question was who.

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