The Conspiracy

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Miranda led them to the Dojo. She pointed out where she was attacked, just around the corner from the actual Dojo, but they were more concerned with the police surrounding the Dojo. It looked like a murder had taken place. Dylan immediately approached the police with a badge out. Anora followed with hers, while the others waited behind them. "FBI," Dylan said, looking around the crime scene. Blood was everywhere, including all over the walls and splattered on the glass. It looked like a glowing green residue was in the blood. Anora felt uneasy. She had a bad feeling. What the fuck happened here? She thought. The growing green residue made her uncomfortable. "I'm sure they told you most of this sir," The police officer began. "But there was a triple homicide here. It looks like someone ninja sliced them up." "Are there any witnesses you could find?" Anora asked, "Any leads?" "None," The officer told them. "Everyone that was in this Dojo was decapitated, slashed up, and oddly enough.. their heads were cut in half.. after decapitation." "Huh?" Anora asked, "Why? That's so unnecessary." "Someone sick I guess," The officer shrugged, though he was clearly disturbed. "We didn't even know anything happened until someone walked by and saw it and called us this morning.. it seems like it was a few days ago." Maybe it was the same people who jumped Miranda, Anora thought.

"That's disturbing," Dylan said. "And no one noticed it?" "No one," The officer repeated. "My mind is boggled. How could you not see all this blood..?" "We're going to have a look," Dylan said with a frown. When they stepped inside, things seemed more confusing. The blue mats on the floor were covered in blood. One of the walls had an impact crater in it, with debris and dust from the wall still underneath it. Clearly no one has been in here since whatever happened, happened. The blood was dried up, but the bodies smelled terrible. Anora felt the urge to throw up but held it in with a bit of difficulty. "What do you... think happened here?" Anora managed to ask through her sickness. Dylan seemed disgusted as well, but he held it in better. "It looks like an animal or something. But to decapitate and cut the heads in half like this... it doesn't seem like something an animal would do... but most confusingly, nobody saw anything or reported anything for at least a couple of days, according to how dried up this blood is. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't add up." "It doesn't add up at all," Anora agreed. "Something's going on."
With that, they left and returned to their temporary home in Hawaii. "It had to be the same people who jumped me," Miranda said as they all sat in the living room brainstorming. Anora noticed she seemed to be out of breath. "Why would they kill the Dojo master, but leave you alive though?" Paul wondered out loud. "I bumped into them.. on accident.." she told them with a bit of difficulty. "I started to apologize but they weren't having it and I was... half.. half distracted by my phone." Anora began to eye her curiously, as had everyone else started to. "You alright?" Estavon asked. But Miranda didn't answer. She merely fell to the floor.
    A little while passed as they waited in the hospital waiting room for the doctors to come back out and tell them what happened. Eventually a nurse came out to talk to them. She seemed troubled. "Everything okay?" Dylan asked. "Well..." the Doctor started, "She's um... she took some internal damage from where she was attacked before.. whoever her other doctor was didn't do that well of a job... um... she'll need to be admitted here for a while, but she'll be okay.." Anora took note of how the nurse seemed nervous. "How about you?" Anora asked, "Are you okay?" "Long night," The nurse replied quietly. With that, she retreated into the back with the rest of the doctors. "Damn," Dylan sighed. "It's like one thing after another. Let's go back. We need to make some calls." Anora wasn't satisfied with the nurse's reply. Something wasn't right. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she had a feeling. Were the doctors corrupt?
          A few more weeks passed by, the entire time Miranda was in the hospital. As much as she disliked her, she wondered if she had died or not. She needed her help to get Nelson back. She could undoubtedly be a tremendous asset to their efforts at rescuing him. Dylan made some calls to someone - though he didn't say who - and they were currently getting ready to go and finally see this last resort he mentioned. Whatever it was, Anora hoped it would be enough to get Nelson back at least. "Where are we going?" She asked Dylan as they stood outside waiting for everyone else to get ready to leave. "We'll be back here afterwards, especially if we don't find any leads on your husband," Dylan began, "But we're going to the bottom of the Mariana Trench." "Huh?" Anora asked, "Like.. at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean?" Dylan nodded, "Precisely. That's why we came to Hawaii..."
But he was interrupted by Paul busting through the door. "What could it be now?" Dylan asked frowning. "I'm sorry.. sir, but you're going to want to see this. I think we found who jumped Miranda." They followed Paul into the living room, where he lead them to Kelly sitting on her phone. He pointed to her. She looked up and smiled at Anora. "Look at this Facebook video," she said, "Apparently they were tampering with the cameras around the Dojo we were just at and they got caught by the police. But that's not what you need to see. They already deleted it twice, but I screen recorded it."
         It showed two people, surrounded by six police officers. "Stand down!" An officer yelled, "Step away from the camera and put your hands in the air!" The footage was from someone watching across the street, so they got a decent view of the people. One was tall masculine figure, who wore a hood and a black mask that covered his entire face. It had a smiley face on it. He had bright green eyes that seemed to be glowing. The person beside him was more feminine in posture, and wore the exact same clothing as the male. She too had bright glowing green eyes. Anora wondered if they were brother and sister, or at least related. Four of the six policemen approached them, two going for each person. The remaining to police officers stayed put with their guns aimed. "Don't come any further!" The male spoke as a warning. To everyone's surprise, he had a heavy cockney British accent. "Just let us leave." "Don't resist," an officer warned. The officers began to take out their hand cuffs. But before they finished grabbing it from their belt, the male and female had rushed them, choking slamming them down with such force that an audible cracking sound was heard. People in the streets started screaming. The last two officers started firing shots at them, but the male and female duo used the dead officers bodies and shields and sped off out of sight behind another building. The officers were clearly too afraid to pursue.
            "This just keeps getting worse and fucking worse," Dylan complained. "No wonder they were able to beat Miranda up," Javen commented, "Did you see how fast they were?" "Unfortunately," Dylan sighed, "Unfortunately yes. Okay look, this is what we're going to do."

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