An Unforgivable Mistake

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When Anora, Dylan, and Paul finally returned to the house, Miranda was back, looking much better. She had a video camera in her hand, which she fiddled with as if she didn't know how to use it. It was an older camera, and Anora wondered why she didn't just use her phone to record whatever it was she wanted to record. Everyone else was also in the living room, looking curiously at them as they returned. "I see you're feeling better," Anora said plainly to Miranda. "Yes," Miranda said, eying her closely. "Something like that. But you know what the question we're all wondering is." "What happened mane?" Javen asked. "We got some precious intel," Dylan informed them. "We learned that those two who attacked the Dojo were related to the Err- something in some way, so they're our best lead." "Huh?" Tyler asked, clearly confused as everyone else in the room who didn't go. "It's like this," Anora said, "From what I understand, and what I saw, those two who attacked the Dojo were probably humans infected by Urzuhg genetic mutations. That automatically makes them our best lead to finding Nelson. On top of that, as you saw in the video, and as our intel suggested, they are especially deadly in close combat - just like all of the Urzuhg - so we'll likely want to incapacitate them from a distance before questioning them." "Hot damn," Dylan commented, "Very well said. We should definitely include you on more intelligence missions." "Maybe," Anora said, "I just want to find Nelson so every little detail is important to me." Miranda was very openly surprised. She seemed to have something to say but restrained herself.  "Well that'll be easy," Kelly said to Anora, "Considering you're literally like, the best sniper on the planet." "I am," Anora said, smiling, "I feel like people underestimate me, actually... but there might be a problem though. I'll have to talk to you later." She eyed her tummy briefly, worried about what the aliens had commented about there being a baby inside her altering her hormones. She was also really hungry for pickles and cheese, curiously enough. It sounded really delicious at the moment.
         "There's that too," Dylan muttered, "On that note, this is what we'll do.."
Though before he finished, he got a call. "Yes?"
He answered. "Yeah, did it work...? Oh. You don't say.. well then you know what to do." He hung up. "I need to go meet up with someone real quickly," Dylan said, "Paul, you'll probably also want to come. It'll make sense shortly." Paul nodded and left with Dylan out the door. Anora then walked toward Kelly and asked her to follow her to the room where the babies slept.
           "What's up, girl?" Kelly asked, clearly concerned. "So..." Anora began nervously, "Um.. how did you know you were pregnant?" Kelly gaped. "Are you..?" Before she could answer, Miranda came into the room slowly. "What do you want?" Anora asked, openly annoyed. "Uhm, well," Miranda started, "I wanted to.. sort of.. apologize.." "Huh?" Anora asked surprised. "I get that we haven't gotten along well.. at all.. but if we're going to win this thing against.. against those aliens.. I guess we should work together.." Anora gave her a suspicious stare. "After getting jumped, and being in the hospital," Kelly said, "She came to me and admitted she was a bit shaken up. She doesn't want pride to be our downfall." Anora crossed her arms. "Well.. thanks?" "Of course," Miranda said. "I'm surprised she admitted that to you," Anora said to Kelly. "She didn't cross me as the type of person to get shaken up." "Almost dying in the hospital can do that to you, I guess," Miranda chimed in. "I want to make it up to you. Prove that I'm really sorry. Surely there's some sort of errand or something you need done?" "Maybe," Anora said thoughtfully, "If you want to?" "Whatever you need." Miranda replied. "Do you mind to go and get a um. Pregnancy test?" An odd expression came over Miranda's face, but she only nodded.  "What kinda look was that?" Anora asked. "Sorry, I almost sneezed," Miranda said quietly. "Well bless you if you do," Kelly said with a kind smile. "That's why I like you," Miranda said, "You're such a nice person." "You should have seen me in high school," Kelly said with a small laugh, "I was wild." Anora laughed a bit at that thought. Kelly had really chilled out over the years she'd known her. But that was a story for another time.
       Miranda nodded, a small smile on her face. "I will be right back," she told them before departing. "Do you buy her apology?" Anora asked Kelly. "Well, why not?" Kelly replied. "No matter what she may have been like in the past, how can you not give her at least a chance to show she's a better person now?" "Sure, I guess," Anora replied. She wasn't the forgiving type, but she didn't mind taking Kelly's word for it. While they waited on Miranda's return, they talked of their earlier days, laughing and reminiscing. Anora met Kelly while she was already in the EED, and had just finished her sniper training (youngest to ever complete EED training AND get specialized weapon training at the age of 13, since she and her brother Charles were orphans). Kelly had just started high school at that point. They were instant best friends and have been for now going on eight years.
"I uh, actually had our favorite alcohol today," Kelly told Anora. "But guess you can't drink if you're pregnant." "Well... hopefully I'm not.." Anora said slowly, "I mean I want one but.. I want him to be here too.. I hope we find him... or that nothing has happened to him." About an hour later, Miranda finally came back. "I'm sorry it took so long," Miranda apologized. "I had to walk." "It's fine," Anora said. "Thank you, though." "Sure," she replied, handing her the test. As Anora left to do the test, Miranda stayed and chatted with Kelly. She stared anxiously at her belly. Sure, she'd gained a tiny bit of weight, but she didn't want to believe she was pregnant. Pregnancy without the father?? However nervously, she finally did what was necessary and waited.
Moments later, she returned to the room to find Miranda and Kelly fiddling with that older model camera. "What did it say?" Miranda asked. "I'm," Anora sighed, "Not pregnant." She was happy she wasn't , but a small part of her was disappointed. The child could've been a little part of Nelson she could have with her until she actually found him..
It seemed that Anora's slight disappointment showed, as Kelly commented, "Well at least we can drink now," she smiled hopefully. Anora nodded slowly, rubbing her belly. Something still felt off to her, but she decided to wait it out. Maybe she was just not feeling well? Miranda eyed her curiously. "What is it?" Anora asked. "Well I was talking with Kelly and if you two could help me figure this camera out, I could watch the babies for you tonight. Give you two a break so you can actually sleep." "You're okay with that, Kelly?" Anora asked, surprised. "Yeah," Kelly said. "I don't mind trusting her." Anora shrugged, staring to feel a little different. She thought it strange, but ignored it. She still wondered why Miranda didn't just use her phone, but regardless proceeded to show her how to use it. "Thank you," Miranda said, looking at the camera. "Well, a deal's a deal." Anora sat on the bed while Kelly gave Miranda instructions on how she wanted her to care for Arthur and Mary. She noticed an increasingly strange feeling arising inside her. For some reason, she was feeling.. aroused? It wasn't too much of a surprise, since she hadn't been able to satisfy those particular needs since everything happened.
           Her thoughts were interrupted by Kelly sitting next to her, taking a gulp of the whiskey straight from the bottle and chasing it with her favorite juice. She offered Anora a drink. "In celebration of one less worry?" Kelly asked, as Miranda left with the babies carefully in her arms. "Why not," Anora shrugged, "Why not." She took a gulp herself. They continued taking gulps a few times, talking and laughing the more they drank, and Kelly started playing Anora's favorite song. None of this helped with her increasing arousal. In fact, it made it a bit worse. "It just sucks," Kelly commented. "Both of our men are gone.." "It just couldn't have happened at a worse time," Anora agreed. "It's like a bunch of.." She hiccuped involuntarily before continuing. "A bunch of bad stuff happened all at once." "At least.. we still have each other.." Kelly smiled a strange kind of smile, a gleam in her eye. "W-What are you thinking?" Anora asked her, trying not to slur her words. "We should be here for-for each other."
The next thing she knew, Kelly suddenly and unexpectedly leaned in and kissed her. Completely taken off guard, Anora's first instinct was to back up, but rather than backing up, due to her lack of balance, she fell back onto the bed. Kelly must've have taken that as an indication to come down on top of her, kissing down her neck. Anora initially tried to resist, although between being drunk and strangely, unusually aroused (and still increasing), she found herself enjoying it. Fuck it, she thought. She couldn't remember most of the rest of the night.

She woke up a little later that next morning, completely nude. Kelly lay naked beside her, her face laying on her breast. Did I really... just fucking... sleep with.. her thoughts were interrupted by a raging headache and the urge to throw up. She quickly took the trash can next to their bed and vomited in it. "Damn... drunk too much.." Anora muttered. "You okay, Anora?" Kelly asked wearily, clearly also hungover. "You can worry about your hangovers later." Kelly turned to the door, and gaped, wide eyed. Anora covered her breasts before turning to see who it was. "S-s-Samuel....!" Kelly gaped. He stood at the door, his clothes ripped and dirty.
"We got some shit to talk about," Samuel said coldly. Did Samuel just curse? Anora thought in awe. She'd never heard him curse. "H-how are..." "We're all screwed," He said cutting her off. "You missed allot while you were fucking around with each other."

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