Trench Demons

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It was decided that they would go down to whatever was in the Mariana Trench first - which Anora still did not know what it was - to hopefully gain intel on the duo who jumped Miranda and hopefully info on how to reach Nelson. Then they were going to decide what to do from there. Paul, Anora, and Dylan went, while Kelly stayed with the babies and Estavon and Javen continued their training.
Dylan lead them to shore, where he had a personal boat docked. Rather than sailing on the boat, there was trapdoor that was connected to a submarine. Dylan told them this was how they were traveling. As soon as they were all inside Dylan immediately started driving the submarine. Anora had a hard time feeling sick on the ride, though she held it in. She also had morning sickness for some reason lately. She wondered about it but didn't say anything. She didn't want anything to slow down the process of finding any clues related to Nelson. She hoped she wasn't getting sick. "Okay, So I want you to brace yourselves," Dylan told them, "At our destination.. everyone isn't human." "We're working with aliens??" Paul asked, clearly surprised. "Calm your nerves now," Dylan simply said, "They have helped us in the past, and help us even now, in exchange for living in our oceans. And taking a boat or two." "You let them take people on purpose??" Paul gaped, aghast. "Better that than get taken over," Dylan shrugged.
            It was just then that what sounded like a telephone ringing echoed throughout the submarine. Dylan signaled for them to be quiet, then pressed a button at the front of the ship. A high pitched, whispery voice began to speak right where Dylan pressed the button. "You are the homosapiens, right?" It asked. "Yes," Dylan replied. "We've definitely got more than we can handle going on up here. Perhaps you're interested?" "Yes," it replied to Dylan, "Have the homosapiens caused more trouble?" "Actually no," Dylan replied shortly. "Wait three point five four seconds please." Weird way to phrase it, Anora thought, yet the next couple of seconds passed and they hard a slimey smack on the side of the submarine. "What the fuck??" Paul exclaimed. "That's how they knock or something?" Anora asked sarcastically, annoyed and feeling a bit more nauseous after that gross sounding smacking sound. "Yes," Dylan said. He opened the submarine and exited it from the top, sliding down beside the sub. "Hurry up," Dylan called.
     Anora and Paul climbed on top of the submarine - Anora finding it a bit more difficult than she expected - and hopped down beside Dylan and saw the underwater alien for the first time. It resembled a nine foot dark yellow squid, towering over them and looking down on them with two giant black eyes with gold slits instead of the iris. It had no arms, but carried itself and walked on eight long, yellow scaly, veiny legs. Anora couldn't see if they had a mouth anywhere and she dared not look and closer than she had to. It blinked in what seemed like slow motion. They followed the alien to another room where they were surrounded by five more of these squid-like extraterrestrials. It was there that Dylan explained their current situation to them. One of the aliens made its way to standing in front of them before it replied.
      "Your homosapien was definitely taken by those aggressive Urzuhg," it began, "It is not a surprise that they have disregarded the treaty. I am unaware of their motive. They are a colonial species, meaning they do not have one home planet like you do. So your homosapien could be anywhere in the galaxy. Those two that you described attacking you do not seem to be of your same species. If their iris is green, it is the pigmentation of Urzuhg genetic mutation." Genetic mutation?? Anora thought, "What do you mean genetic mutation??" She said suddenly. "Lawson," Dylan frowned. "We forgive that one's outburst," The Alien said, because the smaller homosapien inside of it is altering its hormones." Paul and Dylan seemed confused, but Anora immediately caught on. I couldn't be.. pregnant..?  "It appears then," the alien said in its almost annoyingly high pitched voice, "That if you want to find this endangered homosapien, that those you claim have attacked you are your best lead." "Damn," Dylan muttered. "You don't know anything about them?" Dylan asked the aliens. "No. We do not even bother conversing with the Urzuhg." "And these Urzuhg are the ones that invaded earlier," Dylan said aloud, though to himself. Duh, Anora though annoyed, wondering why it seemed to take everyone so long to piece everything together. She stared worriedly at her tummy. She decided to get a pregnancy test done, just to make sure. This would be the worst possible time to have a baby, at least in Anora's mind. "Thank you for your time," Dylan said respectfully, "I appreciate it. Do you have any advice for fighting the... 'Errr.. how do you say it?" "Urzuhg," The alien said without emotion, "Err-Zugg. And as for advice, do not try to fight them up close if you can help it. They quite literally are trained to fight from birth. There's no telling what their genetic mutations will do to enhance one of you homosapiens." "I appreciate your help," Dylan said once more, before they departed. The squid-like aliens merely stared blankly at them, blinking in slow motion it seemed.
          These people aren't getting it, Anora thought irritably at Paul and Dylan. It sounds like those fucking Urzuhg want to experiment on my man for some kind of military use.. I can't let them do that to him.. God forbid they already got him..

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