Hatred Knows No Bounds 2

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He wasn't sure for how long he was in there. He had no sense of time. He stayed in place and meditated for as long as he could possibly stand to without getting too antsy. He definitely felt as if he had made some sort of progress, as it wasn't nearly as difficult to bring out his inner Urzuhg. (Err - zuhg). He still had to work for anything to really happen though.
        After what seemed like an absurdly long period of time in isolation, he finally began to get restless. He opened his eyes and let out a deep sigh, his vision and strong deep green. He was just about to start walking around when the door opened and Miranda stood there eyeing him curiously. "You're a strange one," Miranda said, raising an eyebrow. "Have you been sitting there just like that the entire time?" "I'd love to do more, but there doesn't seem to be much to do here," he told her. He gestured sarcastically at the empty room. Miranda seemed a bit amused. "I see. Then I imagine you're ready to go then?" Nelson nodded. Standing up, he noticed Miranda staring at his eyes. "How long have you kept your eyes like that?" She finally asked him as the walked out of his room and towards the main floor of the mothership. "I don't know," he said, half lying and half telling the truth. He didn't really know how long he'd been able to maintain it, but he didn't want them to know it was easier to do and for longer periods of time.

       Miranda seemed to stare at him a while longer, but didn't speak on it. "Not a bad look." She said quietly. "Hopefully not," Nelson sighed, "Imma have to get used to looking like this apparently." She seemed to have something else to say, but clearly held her tongue. He didn't press her. When they got outside, they heard a sort of ringing sound - a bit like a high pitched flute. It stopped after a few moments. "What was that?" He asked. Miranda replied, "That's the communication sound. Kinda like a human phone. For some reason the Martians have been trying to call us lately. Which is weird because we don't exactly get along. The captain would never answer their call." They went back into the room where the captain and his two guards resided, this time, however accompanied by a fourth Urzuhg. "This one will give you any information you need about what you're about to be sent to do," the captain immediately said, seemingly not paying attention. "And he'll take you to the ship you're borrowing." It waved its hand dismissively. "Goodbye. Don't take too long." They followed the fourth Urzuhg, who was clearly not a guard, out of the room, and further into the ship.
Nelson noticed this one was dressed differently than any other Urzugh he'd ever seen. Rather than some variation of bulky armor looking attire, this one wore something almost like cloth, clearly not capable of protection. It walked with all four arms behind its back. "I'm assuming you're the other hybrid?" It asked Nelson as they walked towards through the gray hallways. Nelson nodded curtly. "Well I'll be the first to apologize for our species'... rudeness. My name is Frayuz. (Fray - yus). Might I learn yours?" Nelson was taken aback by the politeness Frayuz displayed. He didn't buy into it, though. "My name is Nelson," he replied. "A pleasure," Frayuz said. He also noticed that, unlike all other Urzuhg before who spoke English, his voice wasn't rough and raspy. It was almost normal and human sounding, except a little unnaturally deep. "Your English is really good," Nelson commented. "Yes, I'm somewhat of a human specialist," Frayuz told him. "Are you?" Nelson asked. "I think he's part of that one organization... right?" Miranda asked Frayuz. "Yes the BrizuhjBequizBíughhFrúiLô," He told them. "The What now?" Nelson asked, "The Bri.. British..? Breezy? I can't say it." Miranda seemed to stifle a giggle. "It's Urzuhg. I'm not sure how exactly to translate it... but for short you could call it the BBBFL," she suggested. "Sure," Frayuz said with what seemed to be a smile. He still had trouble understanding their facial expressions. "Anyways, The.. "BBBFL" focus on interspecies relations. We basically keep the Urzuhg from being too aggressive and starting intergalactic war. By nature we're an aggressive species, acts of aggression and danger make us excited. But with proper meditational training, we can become a bit more... easier to get along with if will." "Are you stationed on this ship?" Miranda asked him. He shook his head. "No, well, technically I am, temporarily, but the bulk of my organization is on another ship. Speaking of which, here goes yours."
They found themselves standing in front of a pitch black flying saucer. Miranda seemed to notice something. "Hey, is this..." she started, but before she finished, the ship opened at the bottom, a staircase allowing access into the ship revealing itself. And Mari emerged from the ship, carrying what seemed to be a crate of sorts over his shoulder. "Really dad?" She asked him, seeming unamused by whatever he was carrying. "Well I'm not gonna let you and the human drink it," Mari said, "Especially not the human. Plus, it's mine." "This is Mari's ship?" Nelson asked. "Yes," Frayuz told him. "I already set the coordinates for Artūghzia,"(Are-too-zee-ah) Mari told them, "Which is the where the core is." "I hear that's not the best place for a human to be seen," Miranda commented, eyeing Mari, who shrugged nonchalantly. "You'll probably wanna figure something out then," He said as he walked away. Miranda frowned for a second but eventually asked, "So.. where's this core?" "I would go to a certain city actually, if I were you," Frayuz said, "We have some like minded people in this city of ours called ZuhTanga. There, even if they don't like humans, they have a certain pride in their restraint. I still wouldn't recommend staying in any one place too long. Leave as soon as you possibly can, is my suggestion." Nelson and Miranda nodded.

With that, they were off. Miranda did all the button pressing. In the main room, there was the control panel, along with a few seats that Nelson sat on. "You know I have to say, this is kinda cool, all this technology and interstellar space," he admitted. "You think so?" Miranda asked, now taking a seat as well. "Hell yeah. Look at all those fucking glowing buttons! Listen to how it sounds and smells. It's all so sci-fi. Minus the asshole aliens." Miranda smiled an amused smile. "Maybe," She merely said. "If I wasn't a prisoner, this would be pretty dope." Miranda crossed her arms, but didn't speak. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He asked her. She shrugged. She definitely gets that nonchalant attitude from her father, Nelson thought amusedly. "I was wondering, you can understand everything, so how do you put up with everyone calling you ugly all the time?" She paused for a second, but eventually replied, "Just don't think about it I guess," she told him. She stared deep into the controls as she spoke.
The rest of the ride they didn't speak too much, although when they did it was pleasant conversation. It seemed like she always had more to say, but held herself back. At least that's the impression he got. "How long until we get there?" He asked her after a while of waiting. "Eh... a few more hours," she said with some thought. "Is there like.. no window?" He asked, looking around and noticing that there wasn't any way to see outside the ship. "Of course not," Miranda replied, "Structural weakness. There is a command I can put in though... where I can selectively make the metal transparent. Would you like that?" Nelson nodded, trying not to seem to excited. He had always been fascinated by interstellar space. Under different circumstances, he would have tried to become an astronaut. When she did, it was like the front half of the ship just disappeared. Nelson's eyes lit up at the sight of space. It was mostly all black and dark nothingness, but they were passing by a large pink nebula. "Damn..." he muttered in amazement. That shit is cool asf!! He thought to himself. Miranda let a small giggle escape her. "It's like you've never seen space before," she commented amusedly. "I haven't," he told her, "Not for realsies." She giggled once more, " 'For realsies'?" She echoed jokingly. He felt himself smile for the first time since being abducted. "You know what I mean," he retorted with a smile. She smiled back at him.
              After another long wait, they finally got into the orbit of Artūghzia. It was a beautiful sight hovering over the planet. The planet had mostly light brown land masses, with large patches of black scattered on it. The oceans looked dark purple. It also had a light brownish-blue hue around it, which he imagined was the atmosphere. The star of this system wasn't very large. It looked like a dwarf star, to the best of his knowledge. He stared in awe. It was his first time seeing another planet. He wondered where in the galaxy they were. "I think ZuhTanga is right next to that Black Forest," Miranda said thoughtfully. "We might could just land next to that and avoid the landing fee. If we're fast enough." Nelson nodded. "Okay, here," Miranda said, tossing him something small that looked like a pill. "Space aspirins?" Nelson asked jokingly. Miranda smiled an amused smile. "Real funny," she said. "There's a red button at the top. Press it and toss it in the air a little bit. Like this." Miranda pressed the button on another pill she also had in her hand, and lightly tossed it just above her head. It made a small popping sound and became enveloped in smoke. Then a glowing green shotgun fell from the smoke and landed in her hands. He gaped. "What the fuck?" He gasped. "Pretty cool right?" She asked proudly. "Hell yea, honestly," Nelson admitted. He tried to do the same. The only difference was that the gun landed and hit him on the head first before clumsily landing in his outstretched hands. Miranda laughed a small laugh. "Have you always been this funny?" She asked. Before he could reply, she said, "Come on, Nelson, we've already landed. Let's get this over with before we attract unwanted attention." He took a second to figure out how to strap his shotgun, then he followed Miranda off the ship down the stairs to the surface of Artūghzia.

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