Martian ManHunt 1

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Anora drove off, without waiting on anyone. She was in an all black suv, with tinted windows, and black rims. She couldn't afford to waste any time. She needed any possible way to get closer to Miranda. To kill her. She also had a general distaste for aliens in general now. Allot of the city of Spring Hill was damaged from debris from the asteroid, and people were scurrying around, afraid to be outside, but also desperate to cling on to the lives they used to know. There were also people dropping dead on the ground at random, likely from this alien disease, but what were they supposed to do? Stop drinking water? Everyone didn't have access to a large amount of water before the asteroid. But Anora didn't have time to feel bad for anyone. No distractions. She quickly found herself at the Wendy's they'd described. It'd amazed her that people considered fast food so important. There were quite a few people.
        No point in asking anyone and causing them to stir up, she reasoned, According to the way he described it, no one should remember anything anyway. She decided to look around the restaurant to see if anything seemed off. Nothing seemed particularly out of order, outside of a weird smell. "Stinks right there, doesn't it?" The cashier addressed her. Anora shrugged indifferently. "Why is that?" She asked. "That's where that fat guy dropped that salt earlier," The cashier said, "Weird guy. Couldn't have showered in weeks if his smell is still there." Anora ignored the cashier's comment and thought to herself, Hmmm. He mentioned it burned the alien when it touched it. Maybe this is the smell? "Is that a sniper rifle?" The Cashier asked, surprised, not realizing he was being ignored. As unpleasant as it was, she sniffed the stench in, disregarding the strange looks she got from customers. She needed to memorize it, as she hoped perhaps she could try to follow the smell as far as she could smell it. She doubted she would get far, but maybe she could get far enough to find another clue.
         She was only able to follow the smell for tiny bit, as it started getting mixed in the smells of the city. As she suspected it didn't really take her far because she lost track of the smell. She cursed herself silently. Damnit, she thought angrily. She ended up in a large field of dirt behind Goodwill Spring Hill Superstore. She heard footsteps behind her. She immediately whipped around, took the sniper rifle from where it was strapped to her back, and aimed it at whoever was behind her. She sighed disappointedly. It was just Estavon and Javen. "Damn girl we not the alien!" Estavon gaped. "How did you get here?" Javen asked, "This is where I followed it before I lost it. I turned around the corner of this store and it had disappeared." Anora strapped the sniper back to her back, and didn't reply, merely looking around. She couldn't smell that stench anywhere here. Maybe it had gone back to space? "Damn," she cursed again, looking around the field. Samuel and Jasmine eventually caught up to them, and after they knew what was going on they looked around. It slowly began to rain as they looked around. "If the water's contaminated," Samuel mused, "Shouldn't we be careful about the rain?" While they debated, Anora immediately bolted to the store right beside them. She wasn't going to risk anything potentially getting in the way of her revenge. Samuel, Jasmine, Estavon, and Javen decided to follow her.
         Once they were inside, they decided to wait the rain out. Apparently other people had decided to do the same. She got strange looks because of her openly carried sniper rifle, but she didn't care. She wasn't about to miss an opportunity to kill an alien if she had it. Especially Miranda. "Excuse me ma'am," a man walked up to her. "May I ask why you're carrying that sniper? Is that real?" She ignored him, staring out the window. Was he so stupid as to be oblivious to the fact she didn't want to speak? "Are you okay?" He asked. Anora pulled her pocket knife out, and quickly turned around, nearly slicing the man's throat when she held it at his neck. "Leave me the fuck alone already," she told him coldly. "Okay okay damn..." the man stumbled, falling backwards. What a fucking dumbass, she thought irritably, returning to staring out the window. This fucking rain is holding me back. How the fuck am I supposed to figure anything out like this? It's gonna wash away any clues I bet. On the news being broadcast on a man's phone nearby, she heard the death told from the disease was topping 1,000,000 in America, and more worldwide. You would think it would scare people into staying home, but it wasn't that sort of disease. It was only contracted via the consumption of water processed after the asteroid, according to Cherry, so there was no reason for people to stay indoors unless it rained, since an unknown percentage of Earth's total water supply was affected. Luckily they had a few years worth of food and water kept in the average EED base incase of scenarios like this. Most people were not so fortunate. Anora sighed. "Where's the bathroom?" She asked the cashier. He directed her to it, and she was on her way. What the fuck can I do, what the fuck can I do, she contemplated. She picked her brain. Surely she could figure something out.


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