Close encounters - Luna & Robert

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• Luna •
As I stretch and put on my running gear, I think to myself. "I wonder if I should take my drawing tablet or my water colours and go and sit at the crocodile enclosure?" I think to myself; but I pack both items because I couldn't decide at the time. I walk out of my quarters, quietly walk through the rest of the other quarters and jog off. I start running off to the crocodile enclosures, as I arrive there I go into the girls bathrooms. I also packed an outfit for the rest of the day, so that when Robert comes and feeds them I'll be all set. I finish getting changed and head out of the bathrooms. "Why hello Luna" Sue said as she walked up to me. "Hi Sue! I thought I'd do my morning run, get changed and start early in the crocodile enclosures!" I say to Sue. "Oh, smart thinking! Today is going to be very hot! We might all take a dip. Robert may come and tell you that or I might end up doing it. I hope you brought your swimmers!" Sue said and showed me the weather for today. "Unfortunately I don't own a pair of swimmers. But I'll just buy a pair." I reply back to her. "No need, come with me and you can grab a pair from the shop. And then I'll leave you to your painting." Sue said and took my hand to join her. "Thank you." I said for the offer she gave me. "No need to thank me darling." Sue said as we arrived at the shop. "I'll leave you to it. Just leave the price tag on the counter and right your name on it." Sue said as she walked off and waved goodbye. "Okay thank you!" I shouted out and waved goodbye back. As I walk in there's this really cute bikini in a box, that catches my eye. The employee walks in and says to me, that these bikinis were going to be sold but the shop couldn't because there were a few faulty ones. So they couldn't risk selling the others incase they were faulty. But she gave me the only pair that weren't faulty. And in the right size too. I thanked her and left. I decided to go back into the bathroom and put them on underneath my clothes. Okay now I should really start. I look inside my bag and notice I forgot to take out my foldable canvas stand from yesterday. And thank god I had forgotten about it. I take it out and unfold it. I had decided to use my water colours. I clipped my paper to the stand and started a rough sketch. A few hours have passed by. I take a look at my phone to check the time. Robert should be up by now. And clean up my paint and go back to my quarters quietly and grab my guitar. I start to head back to the crocodile enclosures but decide to change scenery and head to the kola enclosures instead.

• Robert•
My alarm goes off and I check my phone for any messages and to check my calendar for any events. Nothing seems to be happening today and no messages. However I don't turn off my phone. I just stare at my home screen. Luna had previously taken my phone and took a bunch of goofy selfies of herself and set one as my home screen. "She's such a goofball." I say to myself as I push the covers off and turn off my phone. "Robert! It's gonna be hot today! Put on your swimmers and we'll all go swimming later!" Bindi says as she bursts through the door. "Alright well today the zoo is closed down for the new enclosure to be built. So I guess I'll have more time with Luna." I think to myself and then smile after the last sentence. I head to the kitchen and make some breakfast. "Miles she's probably taken her guitar and found a good place to sing by herself. You know she can't sing in front of other people." Shade says as he walks out of his room. "I mean yeah, that would explain why she isn't in her room and her guitar is gone. But did you see her painting? It's so gorgeous. Even though she denies that she sucks at using water colour paint. Oh hi Robert!" Miles says and then noticed my existence. "Good morning Miles and Shade. Luna sings?" I ask the boys. "Oh yeah she does. She's really good. We filmed a music video of her covering the song 'Check it out' by Oh The Larceny. She even did the drums, keyboard and other instruments. She used a loop pedal to do it. Here have a look." Shade says and holds his video out for me to watch the video. My eyes widen. She's really really good at singing. "We are going to the kola enclosure to meet up with her and discuss what she wants for the next performance. You wanna come with us?" Miles asks me, after Shade turns off his phone. "Yeah sure I'll come along." I reply back. "We'll come along too. We over heard you three talking and heard the video. She's amazing!" Bindi says with shock at the end. As we walk to the kola enclosure we start to hear guitar strumming. And then a beautiful singing voice. "Hear it - The voice inside your heart. Telling you what to say. The light guiding your path. Nothing can get in your way..." and then an EDM electronic beat. "Oh My!!!!! She's singing 'Your Way' by Toxic Emotion!" Shade shouts out. 

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