Let the show begin - Robert

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As I walk down from the bleachers, I am swarmed by tourists. "Hello nice to meet you too. Sorry folks but if you want a show, you'll have to let me go. There will be a meet and greet later on though." I say in a loud, clear voice. The tourists back off from me, I turn and jog slowly away. Before I go around the back, I check to make sure my Angel is still there. And she is. She's not looking up from her art, but that's okay. "Hey you two. You see that girl up there? Make sure she doesn't get hurt." I say as I point my finger up to where Luna is. And the security guards do as I say. Okay good she's safe. Now time for the show. "G'day everyone! How are we doing this morning?" I say into my headset. The audience screams. "If you don't know me, I'm one of the Irwins. I'm Robert Irwin!" I say out loud and the rest of the crew introduce themselves to the audience. While this is happening I take a few seconds to glance up to Luna. I notice that a young boy is sitting near her. Trying hard to get her attention. When all she can hear is my voice through her headset. "Okay! Today we have a special guest! This person will be spending the next two years with me. As my own personal artist! Give it up for Luna Eclipse!" I yell out and she stands up from her seat. She gives the audience a little wave and then says a few things. "Hello, I'm Luna. It is a pleasure to meet you. I will be by Roberts side everyday for the next two years. I'm an art student from the international academy of arts. Now on with the show! Take it away Robert!" She yells out in excitement even though she's a little shy. "Thank you Luna! Who wants to see some dolphins?!" I yell out and the crowd screams. After the show was finished, the tourists were directed to the meet and greet area where I will be going after I check in with my Angel. As I come out from back stage, I look up and I can still see that boy sitting next to her. She's trying to move away from him, but he won't leave her alone. "Hey buddy, if you would please go on over to the meet and greet area; that would be greatly appreciated." I said to the boy. He looks up at me and then back at Luna. "I don't want to meet you. I've already met you before. I want to meet her." The young boy says and points at Luna. "I'm sorry but I'm not part of the meet and greet. That's the hour I get off." Luna replies to the boy and gets up from her seat to stand next to me. "Then let's hang out during that time. I'd really like to get to know you." The boy says as he stands up. "I'm sorry but I'll be meeting up with my friends." Luna says and grabs my hand. She's scared that this guy won't leave her alone. "Then I'll come and hangout with you and your friends." He says back. "I'm really sorry. But I can't let you. I'm not a person that's going to join the meet and greet and I'd like to spend the hour with my friends and talk about our assignment." She finally says and starts walking down the bleachers. "Please. Luna. I just want to get to know you. Your really pretty, talented and smart." He says back. At this point he's really getting on my nerves. "How would you know that I'm smart?" Luna replies back. "You don't even know me. So please just let me be with my friends for the  hour off. This assignment I'm talking about goes for two years. So I'm really sorry but I can not let you come with me." Luna snaps back at the boy. As I look down the bleachers I can see Shade and Miles at the bottom of them. "This guy won't leave me alone." Luna says to Miles and Shade. "You two are not to leave her side. Got it?" I say to Shade and Miles. "We got you. This guy won't lay a finger on her." Miles says back to me. Shade and Miles blocked the direction for this boys eyesight. "Do it now." Shade says. "Luna if you need me I'll be right near the quarters. I'll make sure after the meet and greet this boy will not bother you for the rest of the day." I say to Luna hoping I reassured her. "Okay." Is all Luna says back. "Hey your my angel. I'd never let anything bad happen to you." I say back to her, with my hands now cupping her face. We kiss each other passionately and then part ways.

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