The Art Centre - Miles part three

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"Shade is thinking that the professor gave him gold as a punishment. But I gave him some wisdom like words and he's suffering through it." Luna walked towards me. It's as if she knew I needed her advice. "It's like you can read my mind Luna." I said smiling and looking over to a frustrated Shade. "Miles honey have you learnt nothing? I can read your mind. But I'm guessing your looking for some wisdom too?" Luna asks me. She looked over my design and my sketch on the wall. You can tell when she's thinking hard about something. He little yellow streaks (that are supposed to be gold) become all glittery. Now Robert didn't know that but I know it.

"Your really thinking hard? What no more wisdom left for me?" I ask with a bit of sarcasm. "No it's not that. I just thought we agreed on cutting out the flowers and adding snowflakes?" Luna brought it up again. I didn't answer last time but I thought I should answer this time. "Luna, I'm Brazilian. There's flowers there it would make sense for me to put flowers in the design instead of snowflakes. I know it would look better but we both know if I did that, professor would say that I should've known better. So maybe instead of snowflakes I could add glitter and a huge pop of colour, plus feathers. It would make more sense then snowflakes." I tried to sound sincere but I feel as if it came out as if I were saying 'your telling me I don't know my own culture.'

"Don't get me wrong I love your feedback but I just felt that I should stick to my knowledge of my own culture." I added on before she could say she was hurt. "I know Miles. What about for the highlights you use the bronze metallic paint instead of white. Give it that real sort of shine to it." Luna suggested. I tried it out on another drawing and she was right. It gave it that flare of excitement to the piece. "Words of wisdom every time we need it." I smile at her. "I know." She flicked her hair and turned around to go back to her area.

A little while later I saw Shade get up to go outside. I think I should follow him just in case. "Getting some air?" I ask him. He turned around and I know for a fact that red paint is brighter then a teared stained face. There was no red paint. "Shade why are you crying?" I gave him a hug. "Our professor said that my parents would be disappointed if they knew I was slacking off. All I did was mess up by a second." Shade explained. Now I know who Shade's parents are but I know for a fact that they knew he plans everything out. He's just under a lot of stress. And for this added on piece he was a little overwhelmed. "Shade your parents are not disappointed at all. I talked to them after the show as soon as I sent the video. They were so proud! Having to do so much and have add ons to our actual assignments, they said they wouldn't be able to do it so quickly. And I'm proud of you." I gave him a kiss which lasted longer than I intended but if Shade wanted it to go for longer then I was okay with that. Plus he's got super soft lips.

"I'm lucky to have you. Luna must be stressed out of her mind. I don't know how she does this." Shade smiles. We head back and see Luna meditating. "That's how." I point out and we both laughed. Shade may have been sad a few minutes ago but it's good to see him happy. I better get a really good one year anniversary gift. I've been one heck of a boyfriend for Shade. We continue on with our art and have some breaks in between. Shade and I kiss for most of them. I love him. I really do.

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