Watercolour - Luna

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As we walk to the water section of the zoo, I notice Robert trying to figure something out. "Hey. What's bothering you?" I ask him. He just looks at me. "You." He says back. I stay silent. I feel hurt, I've only been here for less than 24 hours. I start walking but before I get to far away, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I yank my hand back and start running away. I get to the water animal area of the zoo and sit all the way up the top of the bleachers. Alone in a corner. I start drawing my idea. Black and white first. As I look up from my drawing, I see Robert standing right in front of me. I get frightened and try to look for an exit. He sits down beside me. "I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry. It's just after what happened in the bathroom, you've stayed silent and non verbal. I was really trying to make you feel better. But I made you feel worse. And I'm so-" I cut him off and kiss him. I wasn't upset with him, when he saw me naked in the bathroom. He did hurt me by saying that before. But he apologised for it. I'm just starting to realise that I'm kissing the host of the water show and tourists could arrive at any moment. So I break it off. I didn't want to. But I knew I needed to. His lips were so soft that I had to force myself off of him. "Just so you know, I wasn't mad with you about the bathroom thing. I did feel hurt about what you said was bothering you. But you apologised and explained to me how you felt about the situation." I said to him after I parted with him. Before I could say another word, he puts his hand on the side of my face, under my hair and pulls me in for another kiss. He didn't hold back either. After a long passionate kiss we pull apart panting. We put our foreheads together and smile. "We should probably stop. I wouldn't want to be caught by tourists kissing the host of the show." I said to Robert. "I wouldn't mind it." He replies back and pulls me in for another one. "Ooo! Luna and Robert sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Miles shouts out to us and we quickly pull apart to see who said it. "MILES!" I shout out in frustration. I get up from my seat put my art piece down, jump off the side onto the ground; and start walking up to Miles. Shade starts shifting away from the scene. "Dude you might want to run." Shade says lowering his voice as I came closer. I grab Miles by the neck of his collar and lift him up off the ground. "What did you say? Miles." I say with an angry tone in my voice. "N-Nothing." Miles says scared and stuttered his word. "Good" I say back and put him back on the ground. "I told him to keep his mouth shut." Shade says and laughs at the end. "I see you've already started drawing. Whatcha gonna do for the first task?" Shade asks me as he helps Miles to his feet. "A watercolour painting. Because it is a water themed area." I say back to Shade and smile. "Where are you guys going?" I ask Shade and Miles. "Miles is going to the Kangaroo enclosure with Bindi and I'm going to the giraffe enclosure with Chandler. Should be fun." Shade says and smiles. "We you two have fun." I say as they walk off and wave goodbye. Alright I have my concept and my medium. Time to start working. As I reach the top of the bleachers, I notice Robert looking at my rough draft. "These are really good ideas." He says in amazement. "They're just rough drafts. Not entirely important. But we have to show out concepts. Black and white first." I respond back to him. "Oh would you look at that, there's already tourists arriving." Roberts says looking down from the bleachers and notices some tourists coming in to see the show. "Oi! Robert. Come down here it'll be show time soon." One of the men say from the water tank. "Okay looks like I gotta go. But you keep checking me out and work away on your art piece. Can I get some good luck by any chance?" Robert asks me and looks into my eyes. "Why would an Australian Wildlife Warrior need good luck from me?" I say knowing exactly what he means. "Please? Is it that? You think of me as a Warrior?" Robert asks multiple questions. "Your my warrior." I say back and kiss him for good luck. "Good to know that I have a good luck charm." He says and winks at me before he leaves.

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